' Wrote:what about making from colada the same as is inferno?
not exactly the same little less damage for example
so corsairs will have tizona as shieldbuster and colada for mini/torpedo slot,
and outcasts have debilitators (i know, less damage, but higher speed...)
+ now more deadly inferno....
I would like this to see actually.
Anyhow Krakens > Widows.
Tizona is better vs coloda in almost eferything. DPS oh it isn't that bigger. But energy consumption for such dps.. is just. Well not worth it at all. Tizona is better vs caps (more dmg from same energy, and since coloda isn't shoot and forget like inferno is, it isnt more efficient vs caps). Tizona is better in dogfights (for same nergy reason)
Alright perhaps a minor + in 1 on 1 but agian, no fun if few guns for just few points of shield dmg sucks your powerplant that you can't shoot a thing.
Yeah corsairs asked coloda to be re-made into fighter weapon, but.. its not working. And I doubt we will be able to make everyone happy. So just.. get rid of it or remake it into torp slot gun. (perhaps something similiar to inferno, just with mini razors speed (corsairs has slower projectiles) )