Stoat is indeed not stupid enough to not rp. Nor am I , for 'twas I, Wes "Feral" Cutter what done in your friend with my Bretonian companero. Methinks they only told you half the story, hombre.
We did indeed encounter these banditos pirating Kruger miners in a pirate transport near the IMG base. We did pop up because we had been hunting them. In fact there have been many rumours of worthless Corsairs cleaning up by robbing miners of their shipments of ore and selling it on for ludicrous prices. Ay caramba!
They tried the "ah senor, but there is no bounty against us" thing - and how ridiculous that is, the very idea that I would have to sit and let Corsairs shoot me up before I am allowed to defend los innocentos!
But I digress. We explained the Daumann contract and the Guild Core contract. We told them to stay out of Las Omegas, and they attempted to sneak away. I proceeded to shoot up the transport after Stoat announced that I was to fry them. Such is life in the harsh reaches of Las Omegas!
The bomber walked into Stoat's razor. Ole! The pirate transport escaped, barely, shouting vague and unconvincing insults.
The last of the ships did indeed try to limp away after getting trounced by exploding gas clouds. I told him he was a dead man and killed him. (He then complained in system chat about a lack of an "engagement notice", despite the fact that the rule is clearly that there be roleplay beforehand.)
I did feel bad about finishing him but I'm sure the Corsairs would equally not suffer such a craven worm to live. You should be thanking us!
In fact, both I and Stoat came away from the experience feeling that their amateurish piloting skills were only outdone by their lawyering. I have the screenshots in my folder I'm sure, because bounty-hunting has indeed become such a pain that I find I still have to constantly hit the printscreen button despite two forum contracts and mucho in-game roleplay. I look forward to the inevitable revenge that must come soon from the vile den of iniquity that is Omicron Gamma.