' Wrote:Incorrect. There were no OC players. It's true that I have a Falcata but that doesn't make me an OC. varok was... I don't recall what he was but he wasn't an OC. It is true that I said I will go and look at that system but I didn't jump there. I was just standing 1k from the hole. I was hoping for a nice RP with Estal, him being part of an official faction.
They are not important. But they already outnumber us when your guys came in.
Like I said, I was expecting a nice role play chat with him but all I got was... "Leave this system in 3...2...1... Fire!". Not to mention that I first asked him what's in O56 so important that he protects... no answer. (I wish I could take some screens but my hands were on they keyboard/mouse, ready to dodge an insta-kill attempt from that player)
What can I say... immature reply? Well... I wasn't camping your base. Like I said, I chased that guy in his prison liner. After he docked I was on my way to leave when this BHG cruiser undocked and I saw RP opportunity. Seems I was wrong. Oh and... 1 cruiser+1 Mjolnir vs 1 bomber is easy kill? Maybe for the cruiser...
By which I mean it was an overkill. Oh and we didn't win... BHG didn't win either. InRP, the cruiser is heavly damaged by only 2 bombers. Not to mention the fuel and all that.
I bet he called for fighters on skype or something and the guys said: "Cool, let's fry those bombers. Easy kills!" Now you tell me, who's looking for easy kills?
But... it's your choice if you want to improve your members behavior and RP. I don't care if you do it or not. I have my RP line and I'll follow it. I will try to go around players like this in the future.
Thanks for reading,
Sandero, over and out...
You sat at the entrance to Omega 56 in a Falcata? Try a Thor or a Praetorian. Having chased a Prison Liner? What did you intend to do to the Liner? What roleplay opportunity were you looking for? You come to a secret system which houses our most important facilities and you get annoyed because you don't get invited for tea? You put yourself in a position where you knew that you would most likely get overpowered by enemy ships. You did that. We didn't. We responded as we respond to Hessian Cruiser outside our base, or Thor bombers. We launch suitable responses. One of our ships sees a Falcata, we launch fighters. It was fighters, right? Not the ludicrous capspam mentioned above.
Here's what I think. You came to Omega 15 looking for a fight and you got one and you're digging for something, anything, to throw at our faction. You don't fly under a faction tag so you don't have a feedback thread so I have to listen to your exaggerated complaints when you pretty clearly are annoyed although you wouldn't have posted this nonsense if you had killed all the ships in Omega 15.
Your complaint is hard to pin down. First it's OOC chat. Then it's using caps and gunboats against bombers. Then it's overkill using fighters. Then it's because the roleplay you got wasn't what you wanted.
Isn't using bombers against caps overkill? No, that's sensible.
This is for informed feedback. This isn't a kind of visible unofficial rules or "fairplay" violation thread. We roleplay a nasty bunch of people. I have as much sympathy for a Falcata at the entrance to Omega 56 as I do for a hunter in Crete orbit. Fair-play standards vary from person to person. I think following the rules as written and what we've done to capital ships as being the kind of steps I can live with to make as level a playing field between players as possible. That's what I call fair - adjusting the mechanics of the game to encourage co operation between players and make battles favour groups of varied ships over individuals or disorganised and smaller groups. I am not going to presume to tell players "Don't fire on him, it's not fair". It's a spaceship game. It's a violent game. But no players get hurt.
I don't see anything in what you've mentioned here that warrants any action against any of our members.