don t get me wrong - i never agreed with the bounty board stuff - BHG was much more fun without all the paperwork - the BHG ( not the core ) actually felt alive then.
i was mostly getting on what montezuma said ( which i don t take as an official opinion from the core ) - its just that montezuma got quite upset about the whole thing at the time ... trying to make it 100% clear that the core would NEVER EVER take such lowly things as bounties.
for all i care - the core can declare someone hostile and fight them - bounty or not.
but what the members ( especially the ones that present the factions image to the outside ) say and how they act may need reflect it a bit better. this is "feedback" - not critizism.
mind you - i stopped playing BHG after 2 years - cause the bounty rules became too rediculous to have "fun".