' Wrote:I see and understand, I know it was more of a question then any feedback but it satisfies my curiosity. Thank you.
On related note of feedback, I have met fair share of BHG| players in my pirate careers and I can't say nothing bad and only give kudos. You lot know your job, and treat the players fair way. Fights stay on equal numbers, hunting is done professional with nice strong RP behind it prior to the shooting, which makes me wanna actually interact and not silently run.
Matter of lacking the players is problem to fair share of factions and I understand it completely. I can see my self in hunter role, and I'll sure try it out when I sort out RL with exams and free time to play.
Anyway, thank you for the answer and do keep up your ways.
Thanks for the compliment. It's nice to see some pirates appriciate the whole 'getting shot at for money' thing.
' Wrote:Forum posting to claim bounties was required before as well, if I recall correctly. And the mercenaries only have the advantage of being able to side with unlawfuls as well, but if they side with them against the lawfuls, they will no longer be able to work for the lawfuls since they require to be red to the factions they hunt. So, since there are basically more unlawfuls then lawfuls nowadays, you have even more people to hunt, so using that as an excuse doesnt really fly by.
Forum posting wasn't mandaory for ingame hiring in the old days. Now it is. Forum posting, or rather forgetting it or having the ss missing is now sanctionable. It wasn't in the old days.
Unlawful bounties generally pay more. And mercs can fly sabres (80% of the mercs do) with krakens, infernos, Tizonas etc. Unlawful mercs aren't bountied 90% of the time so that's not a very good argument. and having people to hunt means they need to be bountied.
A while back you were fairly active in house space, and you were seen regularly. Problem is, everyone just switched to the core and started flying ships like Destroyers and up. In my opinion no one is interested to hunt in house space in a fighter anymore because you all just want to fly around the Omicrons in capital ships. I dont even remember the last time I saw a house BHG| fighter, since even when you are in house space (which nowadays never happens) you are flying gunboats. So its really funny how you say that unlawfuls attack you 3 to 1. You expect to have a 1v1 against a VHF in your Orca or what?
Nonsense. This is just you raging against our faction. We don't all want to fly destroyers. For your information, the Core is now inactive as well. Does that mean we all suddenly switched to house hunting?
Core took the attention, yes. Because there was more fun to be had. Why? because you didnt have to play forumlancer. and a lot of people just dont want that. It takes a certain mentality / passion to want to do the bounty hunting thing. If you dont remember the last time you saw a BHG| fighter, I think you should check Dublin. Or Leeds, or NY, or O3.
and we are all flying gbs? Yes, our gb usage has increased. why? because pirates also use way more gbs than before. Don't give me that nonsense about us being unfair. you try hunting cap 4 and up GBS in a lone bomber or a VHF. let alone the pirate id-ed Ku Ex swarm. (with zoner pewers, of course)
You used to do events in house space, escort official factions with fighters and bombers, you used to fly in packs of 2-3 fighters and just hunt around. Why did you ruin that "Hunter" feeling?
we used to escort ships, yes. Now almost no one hires escorts. (see above) We used to hunt in packs, until forumlancer became that tad too annoying for the less passionate forumlancers to want to carry on with it. We didn't ruin that hunter feeling. circumstances did.
That would be my feedback.
We all know how you feel about the BHG| since our little fallout. Just keep it private please? And don't try to hurl false accusations around and paint us with the 'you mucked it all up' brush.
As for the mentality I mentioned. I remember only a few who had that. In the old S/D days, those were me,
Ath, Carl, Alpha, Tic, Jussi, Prowler and maybe some more I forgot.
Those were the people who would actually read the whole bounty board, write down names and go on hunting trips. But this mentality is quite rare. Especially where the BHG is concerned. Why have restricions on yourself when you can make a merc instead and do whatever ya please? for more money, in general.
edit: darn. we 're straying. Use this topic for BHG| feedback. I might open up a general discussion topic about the whole bounty hunting bit later.