To be fair, that was done pre-dating the majority of faction creation rules. They were put in place shortly after, because hoards and hoards of threads were created each week petitioning for officialdom, regardless of the quality of the group. They got called YANFs, or "Yet Another New Faction". This was the era of official groups like Darkwing, the Bounty Hunter battleships that hunted pirate fighters in California. Because of this, proposals that actually had some merit to them tended to be fast-tracked.
' Wrote:With Del and Dusty in it ? :lol:
You're proving my and teschy's point.
Standards have massively changed compared since then. Trying to compare then (when admins were active regarding to creation requests) to now (when they're not and there are higher standards) is like trying to compare apples and oranges. As a matter of a fact, Del or Dusty didn't have any moderator or admin titles then either. They hadn't even found their niche as the "popular kids" by then - Del had been a member for 2 months, and Dusty for just over a year. So far as I recall, I didn't even know who Del was when he was recruited. Don't jump to the conclusion that just because someone was one thing when you knew them, they were the same thing before too.:P
(Also, my writing style in those old posts appals me. :()