' Wrote:Yeah. CIA goes around threatening people they shouldn't smuggle or use drugs.
Actually, they gather the information. It's not like "Hi I'm CIA please don't buy those drugs we'll arrest you".
And then you expect him to offer you a seat in the bar? You weren't even supposed to be there, he had every right to cancel your docking rights.
I do not deny mistakes might have been made. I do not deny he had the right to do so.
But I do not so any OORP problem. We got RP consequences for RP actions taken. Our actions were not OORPly motivated.
He had every right to cancel the director's docking rights.
Terrible idea to do so though.
Why would the BDM tolerate someone who is going to cause them trouble when that someone has nothing to back himself up with?
Especially on one of the main arteries of trade into Rheinland.
But it wasn't the director who made him suffer for it. Bretonians did, and they don't even consider Blood Diamonds for contraband. It all looks pretty dumb in RP, because Bretonians should be more concerned about the BDM who was breaking the treaty than some Zoner who wanted some jewelry.
I have no idea who Dakun is, and I'm never around Omegas, I'm just stating how it looks from my perspective.
And BDM has no right to tolerate anything outside of Rheinland. They can arrange for consequences to happen in Rheinland territory though, but Zoners rarely even go there.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:He had every right to cancel the director's docking rights.
Terrible idea to do so though.
Why would the BDM tolerate someone who is going to cause them trouble when that someone has nothing to back himself up with?
Especially on one of the main arteries of trade into Rheinland.
Actually BMD should worry about Rheinland not about Freeport in Omega 3, which is much closer to Bretonian then Rheinland space. He can play on IMG base or in Omega 7.
We're in huge space (even if it doesn't seems like it when you're playing a game), and all these "treaties" in independent space are funny enough. You can't control such a huge chunks of space if you can't even control your own in house space.
But yeah, find totally funny reason and go prosecute the man who played by YOUR rules. I don't think so.
' Wrote:I'm sorry Zelot. Next time we revise the law, we'll make sure to add "endangering civilians" to the list of things against the law.
I think that settles this issue.
Actually, it doesn't settle anything. You can't create an ex-post-facto law to make a behavior acceptable unless you are no longer following your actual and original Constitution. And since Bretonia is based upon the United Kingdom, home of the Magna Charta...
If Alvin has turned Bretonia into a military dictatorship, then cool, this actual lawsuit will bring that out so that publicly Bretonia will be found to be that. If not, then he's simply talking out his butt, because even though you have a Queen, you also have a Parliament, with a House of Commons and House of Lords that actually MAKE the laws in Bretonia.
In other words, has Alvin actually overthrown the lawfully constituted government of Bretonia?
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
[font=Comic Sans Ms]Wait. Has Dab and Bretonia been making up laws again? Because last I checked (which was literally 45 seconds ago) Blood Diamonds are fully legal in Bretonia, and always have been.
' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]Wait. Has Dab and Bretonia been making up laws again? Because last I checked (which was literally 45 seconds ago) Blood Diamonds are fully legal in Bretonia, and always have been.
Indeed this is what we are trying to say to them in the last 10 pages. But as it seems they cannot read the laws that they write, or read them differently for different members of the community like Dakun for example.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Dane, I'd urge you not to repay him. He spent the 500 million of his own free choice, merely as a means to move into a position to create an issue. That was his choice and you shouldn't and don't have to pay him back for making his choice. All it will do is help fund his next plan to disrupt game play on the server.
Yes, Dakun, I do think you'd spend 500 million just to create an issue and get back at those you feel have wronged you and Uzed. You spent plenty of credits when you made the NORP group, just to annoy people.
First of all i would say you should dane let decide for himself to pay me back or not.
The fact that he offers it alone already proofs he has more honor left than you will ever have.
Although the stuff he did is unacceptable, but it is between him and me and therefore of no interest in this topic.
edit: i wanted to write more but really dun have any motivation right now as it is good for nothing. maybe later
You should have imported Pineal amulets and not reddish gems - now you got the mess.
On a more serious thought me would like to suggest to make an event out of it.
Hessians there, Corsairs overthere - BAF to the left and RM to the right.
In the middle some bureaucrat trying to receive Mal's shiny thingy.