' Wrote:Isn't the evidence fact you posted on September 4 and it was approved on September 22 ?
Can you point me out on any other faction that was approved in 18 days ?
' Wrote:With Del and Dusty in it ? :lol:
You're proving my and teschy's point.
A faction must exist on the server for three months before it can become official - not all faction proposals are presented on the date of their creation but often officialdom is sought once factions have been up and running for a while.
This is an interesting discussion. I myself am dealing with just such an issue now, as I try to figure out how to implement the new Ronin faction come 4.86, and I really am conflicted on how to do it. Do I make it an open faction, allowing anyone to fly as an indy? Or do I make it tightly controlled with no-one outside the player faction being allowed to use the ID.
For me there is a balance to a thing like this. If I go with an open ID, it will likely be restricted to just snubcraft. If I go with a closed ID, capital ships will be allowed.
Why is this balance necessary? The RP of the group is that it is very small and mainly snubcraft, if it is given an open ID, there is no way to control the number of people playing the role, but it would be very very bad and counter productive to the storyline of the faction were those players to play lots of caps.
What do you all think? How can a faction who's rp is that is is small and tight night cope with no ability to limit numbers?
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' Wrote:Won't that just breed more claims of "Elite" factions?
I personally wont claim anything since I would have the option to participate in the faction as indie player and experience the RP without any ties to the official faction if I just have whatever reasons not to join.
Using non overpowered weapons(KNF weaponary in this case mixed with some BAF or without any BAF?) also should not be a issue like with the rest of the "ellite" factions.
Simply making nerfed open ID able to use max bombers and faction ID you allow both sides to be happy. As remains of the KNF occupation force the Ronins wont be able to have many Capships,since most were steam-rolled by the gallics and the Former Emperor posses only limited force after being overthrown.
If someone do oorp stuff and break the rules it is the same if he do it with Ronin ID or Merc ID or whatever ID. My tip for 4.86 is to make every faction with 2 IDs- the normal and the guard one, since IDs can be rewritten "on-fly" without the need of version update,they could be a powerful tool in the future for the admins and devs to balance things and solve issues like this one.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Said factions are not elitist....they have more rules and limitations then average faction....
But who cares, why not make them all average, open, not different at all....next step is to remove all those unique ships and any memory of them...then unique stations etc....systems...
we can all fly white boxes with same stats and guns in order for all men to be free...because this game is called
"I want, I want, I want" - crying......my one and half year old daughter says it the best
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