(01-21-2016, 05:13 PM)Jansen Wrote: Money has been taken. Good luck.
Good job Catmin.
@HuggieSunrise Next time do the payment notification in XL-Large with an aggressive color.
Good luck to you. I admire the story of oracles a lot.
Alright guys - We voted on making Oracles official, but failed to notice the activity requirement/tracker. Normally, we would say no as you didn't meet the requirement, but due to our failure in processing this in 2 months, and it's now been 4, we'd like to offer an extension. If the Oracles can get 24 hours by the end of April, we'll re-vote.
Oracles have passed the 24hr mark for April. Since they have shown they can meet the minimum activity, as well as due to forum rollback and forgotten voting since last fall, we don't see the need to make them wait any further. Congrats guys. Will discuss details over PM/Skype.