(10-24-2023, 06:43 PM)SnakThree Wrote: The showcase of ships, starting at 2:05. 4 ships of those (Starflier, Gull, Albatross, Crane) were from Vanilla and doesn't showcase the beauty that could be relayed with different house ships of different classes.
Can't emphasize this enough. Additionally, the mentions of light fighters/transports/dreadnoughts should be accompanied by shots of those exact ships. Other than that, the trailer is nice, but this is not the kind of trailer that fills the role of, well, a "wow!" type of trailer. It's a features overview rather than an interesting hook.
It also really needs to do more showing and less talking when it comes to features. Show a PoB deployment and use, show mining with proper UI, that kinda stuff. The shots are nice but many are ultimately eye candy unrelated to the AI voiceover, which itself ends up a little grating by the end of the trailer.
I'm going to need others to chip in with their footage. I don't play the game nor know how a POB works, what the mining UI is you speak of etc. DM me your stuff please when you can. End of play tomorrow ideally! Cheers
(10-24-2023, 06:43 PM)SnakThree Wrote: The showcase of ships, starting at 2:05. 4 ships of those (Starflier, Gull, Albatross, Crane) were from Vanilla and doesn't showcase the beauty that could be relayed with different house ships of different classes.
Thanks for the feedback man and yeh, agreed. Was planning to for the next and last published take. Hope you've been well since we last caught up!
(10-24-2023, 06:43 PM)SnakThree Wrote: The showcase of ships, starting at 2:05. 4 ships of those (Starflier, Gull, Albatross, Crane) were from Vanilla and doesn't showcase the beauty that could be relayed with different house ships of different classes.
but this is not the kind of trailer that fills the role of, well, a "wow!" type of trailer. It's a features overview rather than an interesting hook.
I thought long and hard about what kind of trailer to make and decided a feature trailer is best considering the graphics. Star Citizen, Eve, Starfield trailers all rely on their graphics to create a wow factor. With limited resources, this type of feature video is the best angle for Freelancer today