Alright, simple question. Do you find the following behavior to be acceptable for an official player faction member:
Here I go, jump on a Hessian into O-7. Kruger Eagle is flying around, doing something. RP started. When he mentions something about him being just from Sigmas and not knowing much about what happens around, I start to tell him, go into propaganda mode and whatnot. In the meantime, he tries to cruise away. I make a simple demand for either donation ' without even stating money sum ' or singing internationale, to allow him an easy way out, but instead he just silently runs. I follow, shooting. He gets to the base and starts hugging it. After a while, he tries to fight, loses all bots, goes back to hugging a base and running around it in circles, and then whines in my pm something along the lines '//This is pointless, leave please', and when told to either fight or dock, informs me of no intention to do either, and starts to run towards Stuttgart. There, he flies into nothingess for quite a some time, tries to use lanes to clear off, fails, tries again, makes it and disappears.
And it's not even the end. After he finally escapes, I see some RM indie, we trade some words and engage in a duel. And then Kruger vessel comes, Wraith this time, but with the same ping&lag and of course with full bots, and crushes a duel with a single line of something like 'Going to assist'. BHG| guy nearby had a decency to just sit and wait, by the way.
Obviously, i have all screens and log.
So yeah. Was it wrong and all or I should , so to say, deal with it?
After some lengthy and controversial arguments on how to counter the continued Kruger|-initiated violence against IMG, I have one question to Kruger| leaders and members also (especially the leader of Kruger that is also the player of Neil Klane).
Why do you try so hard to shoot IMG?
You did so openly (e.g. Kruger|Offenbach, KsV incidents), when you realized that that won't work, you openly used Mercs (Fahrenheit, 1st bounty), when this led to negative consequences, the mercs were used covertly (Fahrenheit, covert 2nd bounty) and when finally this failed, too, you just looked for another way and you came up with the Kruger-IFFed Vigilantes to continue shooting IMG.
I can't find the answer to the question: Why are you trying so hard to keep shooting IMG?
Do you really think that fighting everybody in O7 on your Vigilante chars is the way to make Kruger| thrive irply and oorply survive as a faction?
I ask because in my opinion the way you play Kruger| as an ultra-agressive (not only against IMG) mining faction will doubtlessly damage Kruger| a lot.
Do you really want to hurt the faction you are leading by your almost obsessive lust for shooting up IMG?
as far as I remember - and I was a member of Kruger from the beginning (I left due to lack of time) the IMG were the ones that went rogue and atacked Kruger, it was IMG fighting with Rheinland and it was the IMG who started all the shooting on be honest Kruger was in midle of everything there.. RHA , Corsairs , DHC , RF and so on.... AND the vigiliantes, mercs and all other ways to fight back was kinda like... slaping back the enemy:)
I need help, or alteast some guidance. On Sep 16 I was accepted into Kruger to be a miner, but the link that you posted for me, where I have to give my ship's name doesn't work. So I don't know what to do.
Heres the Quote
The sooner you start work, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found "HERE".
So is RM your secondary ID? Is having an npc faction, already Official-Player-Faction-oned ID as your secondary even allowed? Cos I saw a Kruger| RM GB.
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The kruger ID (which is the Kruger| official faction main ID) does not permit Gunboat usage, thus Kruger ships with the secondary ID (Be it freelancer, RM or RFP) cannot use ships that are not permitted by the main ID. Further more, secondary ID can only be a generic one as far as I am aware. This is a reply to the aforementioned usage of gunboats without an SRP in the Kruger| faction.
Well about those gunboats if you look more closely you will see that they have RM IFF plus RM ID only thing that conects them with Kruger is kruger| tag nothing else so no rules have being broken.
And Vladezda you were saying about behaving i must say that every player or each faction decide about their own behaviour not every faction is the same neither the members of those factions we are all diferent...
If he decide to shot he will shot if he decide to pay you he will pay if not than again it is his decision.
All i see is you are litle upset because you didn't probably ghet the blue mesage there or perhaps Kruger| whon that battle.
Dont be so hateful. :nono:
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' Wrote:Well about those gunboats if you look more closely you will see that they have RM IFF plus RM ID only thing that conects them with Kruger is kruger| tag nothing else so no rules have being broken.
The Kruger| tag means it's a member of the faction. Because it's a member of the faction and you guys hold an official status, you're still bound to follow faction rules.
Those state that secondary IDs have to be generic, and can't allow you to use alternate tech than your primary ID. This of course means the fact that they're RM IFF/ID'd doesn't make any difference.