The question.. do one time use of cardamine causes insta addiction?
Now blood is something which is in time replaced by new blood cells and blood plasma. (cycle is around a month, medics might be more correct)
You do not need constant cardamine supply to make blood functional, and in time all that blood will be replaced. So I can assume is more like one time use of the drug of the persons blood you got into your veis was intoxicated.
Other story with transplanted organs from cardi addicted person. You need cardamine to keep the functional. well that's how my corsair got addicted to it.
' Wrote:The question.. do one time use of cardamine causes insta addiction?
Nah, that's a little far fetched.
I think, biologically, after a few uses in a short span of time, it's addictive, a little longer than that and it begins to alter the DNA and then you literally cannot live without it.
Drinking blood with HIV only gives a fraction of a % of a chance of getting it.
Not sure how Cardi works for it, I mean, Cardi in the blood is already proccessed right? So maybe... I dunno... this is confusing as there is no real solid lore on the addictions and conditions starting off on Cardi.
' Wrote:Drinking blood with HIV only gives a fraction of a % of a chance of getting it.
Not sure how Cardi works for it, I mean, Cardi in the blood is already proccessed right? So maybe... I dunno... this is confusing as there is no real solid lore on the addictions and conditions starting off on Cardi.
Well we know that it's a mutagenic agent that operates by replacing strands of the subject's DNA with parts of the Cardamine grass. We can infer from this and the experience of withdrawal that maybe the the human body is unable to replicate these Cardamine strands and thus needs to constantly intake Cardamine to supply the cells with the extra genetic material as they replicate. Cardamine taken into the bloodstream through insufflation or injection would likely not be "processed" instead remaining active as replicating cells took the necessary strands from it. So perhaps it is feasible that drinking the blood of an addict could in turn lead to addiction.
Also, from the lore it appears that addiction can be induced through ingesting substances laced with Cardamine (the water, food, and air of Malta possessing traces of the material leading to the Maltese all being addicted)... by virtue of that, consuming any organic matter (in this case, human flesh) with Cardamine DNA might have the possibility of leading to addiction.
' Wrote:Also, from the lore it appears that addiction can be induced through ingesting substances laced with Cardamine (the water, food, and air of Malta possessing traces of the material leading to the Maltese all being addicted)... by virtue of that, consuming any organic matter (in this case, human flesh) with Cardamine DNA might have the possibility of leading to addiction.
This is pretty much the truth of the matter.
I quite imagine that plants other than Cardamine grass which grows on Malta would die if they are taken away from the planet... Heh, as if having to water plants wasn't annoying enough as it is.
Right so Cardamine is DNA strands are present in every Outcast that's why they can't survive without it. So it's present in their blood to some extend even if the individual did hit himself/herself recently so drinking sufficient amounts of blood should get your char high.
<strike>[color=#3366FF]Shameless RP advertising: I've long roleplayed that one of my chars has 47% Cardamine DNA drink that and you'll overdose straight up</strike> :crazy::crazy:
Edit: Actually come to think of it. There will be trace amounts of Cardamine in the blood and if you ingest it probably will not be absorbed before you excrete it. However sniffing cardamine is much more potent due to the fact that the inside of the nose (the term escapes me) is blood saturated quite well. An Example: When Chernobyl went pew government ordered regular Geiger counter checks. At first my father showed high levels of radiation emanating from the stomach suggesting he ingested a heavy particle several weeks later the readings were back to normal, some toilet somewhere is now radioactive. I think pretty much will happen to Cardamine as well
In fact you'll die when you drink cardamine since it sparkles sunlight when combined with blood and contrary to common believe you won't start sparkling yourself.
On a serious note: what comrade said, because some rumour/infocard has it written down that cardamine is not just in the air but everywhere else, and it suggest that the addictive effects are much more intense when living on Malta and eating altered food, drinking altered water, etc.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.