...Indigo logged in 300m from my Bactrian, dropped a setmsg, and started pewpewing in a Sabre with Black Widows.
That was a while back, and made for one hell of a chase.
That said, I support this move of officialness for the ebil mercenary pewpew people.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
I had two interactions with you guys. Once, I was on some old cardi smuggler char of mine, I think, and the two of you epically pushed me into a trap, with some (inRP) lies. It was actually very refreshing. I first ran into a fighter in California I think, who "escorted" me untill Coronado, where we met another guy, in a bomber... where you proceeded to stop my slave runnin' evil no good smuggler dead in it's tracks:D
Another time I just saw one of you guys in Dublin, recently, while on my BHG. No fight ensued, but we watched one of your Mafics at work, taking out some Molly I think.
Also, very nice faction representation. Nice, simple, to the point, logical.
Good luck! (not that you need it really... you seem to be making enough of it on your own;))
I support the officialness.
Not sure that you need your own ID though, but I guess that's fine too.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Nice write up, in all seriousness go for it. You have diversity of your contracts which makes it hard to maintain on your IFF list, so probably different characters for different jobs.
On related note, I've been hunted by reavers and I hunted with reavers. I enjoyed in both situations.
:cool: thumbs up, or at least one of them since I'm currently holding cup of coffe
' Wrote:Oh Hell Yes !
I vote for your officialousness.
About your own ID, what would be the differences with the standard Merc ID (if you do get a new one) ?
Well, an id would be nice. Same with the Mandos...getting the right rep is a real pain...so I guess the only difference from standard merc id, would be a repninja.
To be honest I expected more vitriol, what a pleasant way to wake up! I think it's awfully nice to wake up, roll over, crack open the laptop and see each and every one of you in bed next to me.
@Boss: Eh. In the immortal words of Tuco: "When you've gotta shoot, shoot, don't talk." At least /msg 1 /msg 2 isn't nearly as nasty when the other guy isn't flying a Scorpion amiright?
@Folk wondering on the ID:
The ID request isn't a vanity thing. If/when we get one it'll simply have our name on it and then be a Merc ID following. The issue is with our reputations.
Being a merc requires positive rep with your employers and negative rep with your... Uh... Employerees? When you're playing the field the way we do, by taking bits and pieces out of different bounty boards to hunt single targets, you run into issues such as having Bretonia hostile, Rheinland and Corsairs friendly, Junkers and Xenos hostile, bhg hostile, OC hostile etc etc.
It's a frikkin nightmare, now multiply that by X ships. You end up with a lot of ships which need to lob a lot of CDs at things to make sure that you're not going to end up flagging yourself as sanction bait. To say nothing of the horrific time sink represented.
We've put in our time and the ID requested isn't going to have anything more exotic than rights to fly Nomad ships. As our rp is going to become that we're humans who installed saddled on nomads and we ride them like gallant steeds. But we might be willing to let that one go if it's going to cause too many issues.
If we drop the nomad ship idea it'll be a clone of the standard Merc Id. We're not asking for anything special in that regard. Just a tool by which to manage our rep situation. Dunno why the Mandos don't ask for one. Might become an issue for them if they picked up their activity again.
Edit: Also I might have been the guy nixing your cardi smuggler. It's always a treat to escort your target to the middle of nowhere, then suggest that there might be an element of danger about, then... Well, yes.