If you understand the power core, and burst your fire, it can be very effective. Both for FP1 and my indie merc, I use a Kingfisher, with Vampires - and so far, i've been very successful.
Hm, its certainly seems like a feesable option, nice design - and how its handels i guess can only be felt first hand, although its a IMG ship. Only question would be can vigilanti's use IMG ships - I know they tend to be one of the more open factions with regards to their ships.
But yeah can vigilanti's use IMG ships? Probably a dumb question but.. i don't know. :happy:
Heavy fighters and light fighters are nearly useless.
Pick up a VHF and don't bother yourself with that crap. Why, becouse they require time, a lot of manouvering and skill to pull it off to be on par with regular VHF pilot. HF's and LF's aren't that forgiving either. Heh, but if VHF dude knows a little about counter manouvering you're ****ed.
Even if you feel that HF's are balanced against VHF's.. whats the point to use that, then you are so limited to only fight fighter jets effectivly. Transports and bigger will give you a really hard time.
I've used heavy fighters earlier. And that was for lols. In terms of all round preformance pick sabre or titan. While being able to crush all those HF's and LF's they do not give in on potency against heavier and bigger ships if a need arises.
Suggestions to improve situation: give HF's lvl 10 shields. And lvl 9 shields for LF's.