Only caps get annihilated by the stationary battleships when they enter the system, snubs, if they've half an ounce of skill, should be able to avoid getting destroyed.
But that is besides the point I guess, just move the Edinburgh hole in Leeds to somewhere more accessible? The Leeds hole in Edinburgh is obviously right next to the Gaian base, but not exactly far away, I guess moving it to the Perth ice asteroid field would work. Meanwhile, move the Dublin hole somewhere further away, or remove it entirely, forcing GRN to go through Leeds to get to Dublin (bit extreme of a solution).
I don't mind just moving the stationary battleships back (both sides), but would rather there be some sort of obstacle for capital ships, be it an asteroid field, mines or whatever.
As to the discussion on where the fighting is best done, does it really matter? Anywhere works, although Newcastle is completely useless for combat because it's too big, so forget it.
On Newcastle, honestly, can we forget the system in its current form? It's too big, and needs redoing in both size and content (Belfast needs to go, seriously). The Yamaguchi and Mcduff should be moved to more reasonable locations in different systems. I'm in favour of having both sides have bases in each others respective systems, i.e; Mcduff/Yamaguchi in Edinburgh (Dublin side) and some Gallic BS in Leeds (maybe put it on the Edinburgh gate in Leeds, and move the Derby to planet Leeds).
Or alternatively, accept that the Leeds/Edinburgh situation is what according to lore, it should be: A stalemate. That said the capspawns for gallia are being worked on, it'll take some time to sort that mess out.
[edit] And Newcastle was already resized. Have you even been there since 4.86 was released?
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From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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' Wrote:They seemed disorganized, there were the Valors (all indies) and a couple of GNF snubs. I think we lost one Dunkurk in the whole thing. (Not including the BAF Sherwood Forest who tried to jump through the gate in the middle of the fight and lasted about 3 seconds before blowing up. No losses for the Ronin. (smoke)
Yeah I also jumped through the gate with HMS-Bristol. Three of the valors that were base-hugging their stationary BS turned and tried to chase me down as soon as I appeared but I got away somehow. It seemed to break their formation advance, and after that they were half advancing half hanging back. I don't know if it was because of the gate jumping stupidity or if the secondaries were just timid and didn't want to leave the protection of the base and therefore allowed them to be picked off one at a time.
The jumphole from Leeds to Edinburg is in the asteroids behind LD-14, and it's really hard to get a capship back there. The gate is too heavily guarded to use. Something needs fixed or the battles need to be relocated.
' Wrote:Or alternatively, accept that the Leeds/Edinburgh situation is what according to lore, it should be: A stalemate. That said the capspawns for gallia are being worked on, it'll take some time to sort that mess out.
[edit] And Newcastle was already resized. Have you even been there since 4.86 was released?
I've been there once, didn't feel that much different, how much was it re sized? Regardless, the system is still a bit of a lame duck and isn't getting used as much as it should be, the layout of the system, as well as the still relatively large size make it way too unfriendly. System layouts of non vanilla systems are one of the biggest problems, especially Gallia, you have one or so lane from a gate to a single Battleship (no station to defend or anything), then another lane to a small base, then a planet, a third lane to a single base and yet another lane to a jump gate, it just breaks things up and makes it unfriendly. What you should do, is put the BS either next to the gate, next to a station or 10-20k away from the station in open space, like Suffolk or Myoko in Shikoku. Then link the gate to the station, station to the planet, then planet to the other station AND gate together, cutting it from gate>bs>station>planet>station>gate to gate>station>planet>gate/station.
I don't buy the 'it's supposed to be a stalemate' argument, that's nonsense, how are we supposed to have any enjoyment, like the recent raid on Edinburgh through Dublin, when the mod is attempting to make it difficult for us to do so? RPing stalemates, and putting handicaps on player interaction is not very dynamic or fun. Sometimes, players from some factions have to be the aggressive ones, even if they're the ones that are supposed to be defensive, sometimes that just doesn't work.
Was a time when BAF could only get a fight by flying through Kusari lines to Tau-23, a bit oorp? Sure, but in-game fun bunks in-RP lore.
' Wrote:That is how it should be. That jumpgate is literally the front line. It shouldnt be easy to go through it, in fact people shouldnt.
I agree with that. These two battleships, Derby and Villeneuve, represent the power of the fleets, not just two caps shooting on us. In RP these fleets are "Derby Great Fleet" and probably Villeneuve Assault Fleet. Both of them have + 10 000 ships or even more and are fighting without an end.
Right now there is a pressure for the bretonian players because they can't use the Edinburgh gate, if they do so they get obliterated. That is exactly how it should be. Same goes for GRN ships trying to enter Leeds but considering the position of Derby its not that much of a problem.
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' Wrote:Or alternatively, accept that the Leeds/Edinburgh situation is what according to lore, it should be: A stalemate. That said the capspawns for gallia are being worked on, it'll take some time to sort that mess out.
[edit] And Newcastle was already resized. Have you even been there since 4.86 was released?
Yeah, I use it for one of my primary trade routes. The place still sucks. Resizing should be drastic - and also, what Markham said about Belfast. The place is an abomination.
I thought that lawfuls weren't really supposed to use jumpholes, especially for bigger ships. They're supposed to be for unlawfuls to get around, but risk death and getting lost to do so.
' Wrote:I thought that lawfuls weren't really supposed to use jumpholes, especially for bigger ships. They're supposed to be for unlawfuls to get around, but risk death and getting lost to do so.
Bretonian and Ronin forces are unlawful in Gallia (Edinburgh.) (smoke)
But really, this is war and risks are taken. No under normal situations, the Bretonian Navy might not use jumpholes, but this is not a normal situation, Bretonia is on the brink and they are going to have to make some risky moves to beat the Gallians back, one of those may be the surprising use of Jumpholes to get behind enemy lines.
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' Wrote:But really, this is war and risks are taken. No under normal situations, the Bretonian Navy might not use jumpholes, but this is not a normal situation, Bretonia is on the brink and they are going to have to make some risky moves to beat the Gallians back, one of those may be the surprising use of Jumpholes to get behind enemy lines.
Uhuh. The MacDuff used the JH to Newcastle to escape from Tau 31, as did whatever the Ronin battleship is called.
So we're not supposed to fight in Edinburgh anymore? Can't use the gate because the BS wont be moved, and the hole from Leeds is too difficult to reach in a large cap ship. So... all hands to Dublin! That is fine with me, is it allowed by the lore? I'm catching that we have lots of dictat with no facilitation for it.