all time I flyed salvager I never had fight with GBs, but well armored Pirate transport can blow you up as well. so dont think salvager is flying fortress. and dont foret that it has no CD, so you will never kill your opprnent, he will just cruise away
You can do if the gb pilot is useless (and preferably unarmored). Did that against a IMG Hydra in 4.85. And I helped a Junker in a Slave Liner take out a Corsair gunboat in 4.86, but that was more of a team effort.
But as others said, those guns mostly come in handy when fighting off snubs (if facing bombers you can make snac-aiming difficult for them if you take their shields down - but that is mostly a question of buying yourself time to get to the nearest safe base), or if you team up with a buddy with a CD the Salvager is quite good for cargo piracy.
So all in all the Salvager (when working alone) is a defensive ship. The guns are fast and can prove annoying to whoever shooting at you, and the somewhat flat profile and high agility (for a vessel with 3000+ cargo) makes it fairly good at dodging. Utilize those things well, and you will be able to make a getaway to the nearest safe base, even when pitted against a minor gankmob. I would recommend not using a cheetah thruster though, as the transport shield on the Salvager drops quite easily, and your components are more often than not open to destruction by nova torpedos.
' Wrote:Sally's have GB turrets, not Transport Turrets.
I've seen a Sally kill Hone's barghest once - and he's supposed to be a badass, so *shrug* who knows.
Really? I dont remember that, was it alone Sure I didnt nova myself? Still, I assure you, I've never been more than average at any pvp! Though I appreciate the compliment.
Ontopic, with no CD a salvager cant really kill anything alone.
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I don't even think the Salvager is supposed to kill GBs, or fight them at all. It's just a heavy transport for dangerous environments or toughh situations.