What would be wrong with having barges only able to dock on player bases?
Without the jump and with the barge's current stats the ship might as well be deleted.
We have done several great things using our barges to help supply many POB's.
Loads of activity and good times have been had being able to jump barges.
Making the barge only allowed to dock on a player base seems to address the issue and curbs the barge jump trading.
(04-03-2013, 06:13 AM)JunkerTown Wrote: What would be wrong with having barges only able to dock on player bases?
Without the jump and with the barge's current stats the ship might as well be deleted.
We have done several great things using our barges to help supply many POB's.
Loads of activity and good times have been had being able to jump barges.
Making the barge only allowed to dock on a player base seems to address the issue and curbs the barge jump trading.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
There are some problems with jumpdrives indeed. But considering the survey modules are also partial responsible for this inballance i would suggest nerf them too a litle to ballance them both out. Like the MK 1 and MK 2 which make you able to make a survey in some mere seconds. While the MK3 takes almost 15 minutes to create one. (don't meantion the fuel and hoping no NPC comes which has that magical infinite cargohold. (CSV or some other ships which can beam even more in then a barge.)
The problem with removing jumpoptions as well every possible docking option for the Barge would not be reasonable. (4.87 makes it that the barge cannot dock on anything.) As the people seeing someone now Jumping with a barge full of goods they only see the cargo amount and the amount people 'might' earn with it. Not seeing the work behind it to get it in the first place full (mining, buying commodity's from a station). The people who do not own such ship say its abused. Because they do not have on. If you would for example turn the MK4 jumpdrive into a Barge jumpdrive people would complain again as then it can solo jump and doesnt matter if the jumpdrive would take like 5 minutes. The barge could just easy jump away. (seeing pirates only may use till gunboats.) Same problem applies with the cloaks. But thats another story. Barges are RP tools. The few who (ab)used them where mostly people buying it was open. (and some OP id'ed factions) Funny and yet also disappointing due to these complains the game will not improve. Rather more freedom will be taken away. As well the server needs to load additional scripts and it results into a more heavy serverload. But the complaints about jumping, how many times people are using a jumpdrive? Groupwise then with plain transports? As 5k transports are also the problem when doing jumps with the mk4. Its basicly the same as with a Barge, but more safe. Pick the Jumping Zoners as an example in the past. They where also attacked on their jumpspots. But for a pirate to try to pirate a group of like 15 people jumping. With a zoner whale (which has cd) its almost impossible to do.
Also Cannon. Even if you would make it need like the double amount of fuel, it would not solve it. As profit will always exceed the amount of fuel costs. Even with maybe a lone barge to jump. As he asks a mere transport to drop fuel or unload him as he would not be able to dock anyways. You always have a simple workaround..(even jumps based on weight of a ship which would bring you to point X in a system.) Put the time in something more usefull ballance it like with option 2. It brings less problems and give people jumpdrives to use on ships like transports. depending on the class which one they can use. (5k an mk3 maybe? mk4 for bs and barge? as the 30 seconds bs gone is also stupid in my view.) But this sollution also brings another issue.. Pirates who have too few dmg on their guns. because transports use capital armors (which are meant for capital ships) and the cloak, its nerfed. with the cd. Then to add the other issue which makes cloaks worthless is while you are cloaked, cds still track you. But this is something else maybe let cloak people be able to shoot while cloaked? But like i said, the complaining will not improve the game. Rather destroy the fun people have with these toys. And/or let people decide to leave.
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(04-03-2013, 03:12 AM)Cannon Wrote: [...]
I'm posting this to give players some warning so that they can consider the impacts and how they might mitigate them.
Homework done At least with with the only 2 crowded skype channels I'm;
Corsairs & Kusari.
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(04-03-2013, 06:13 AM)JunkerTown Wrote: What would be wrong with having barges only able to dock on player bases?
Without the jump and with the barge's current stats the ship might as well be deleted.
We have done several great things using our barges to help supply many POB's.
Loads of activity and good times have been had being able to jump barges.
Making the barge only allowed to dock on a player base seems to address the issue and curbs the barge jump trading.
I'll sugest what you say or make them uneable to use Jumpdrives, Jumpgates, Jumpholes, make them open, make a thread to request Barge move between systems (with a 1 post per barge and week/month?) and use them propertly as a amazing RP tool that it can be. Please! >.<
most might say option 3 but have you ever thought that it would have to make ALL jump trading economically unfeasable? including 5kers and all that jazz or even a swarm of freighters. only 1 is a feasible option out of the current 3. Unless ALL jump trading is going to be made economically unfeasable. (By design that is)
Also I dont know why people are saying barges are being made useless. They served some kind of purpose before jump drives were made.
(04-03-2013, 11:07 AM)Trail Wrote: Also I dont know why people are saying barges are being made useless. They served some kind of purpose before jump drives were made.
Before the movement nerf, yes they were a high risk high reward convoy vessel. Once they lost their engines, they became useless.
I was not really into jump trading however... couldn't be there be low-fuel consumption jump drive (so CAU-7/8 battlecruiser/battleship could get all of its equipment) countered by greatly extended (nullifies capability of escaping mid-battle) charging?
(04-03-2013, 03:12 AM)Cannon Wrote: 3) The amount of jump fuel required to jump nearby ships will be proportional to the cargo carried and the system will be weighted to make to economically infeasible to use a jumpdrive to move a barge or any cargo.
Would that make it hard to move fleets with cloaks and fuel for them? Also, how would that affect a 5'ker full of MOX, if you'll want to have a "two way ticket", instead of just suiciding at the planet?
(not like I've ever seen people using JDs for fleet jumping, but still)