' Wrote:If we had bigger transports the same thread would appear just the title would be "The 10k transport limit, why?".
I personally don't mind current profits and prices. I would not like to play on a server where transports are a rarity.
If we limited it to 10k ships yes, but I'm not suggesting that, seeing as we have the barge at 40k I dont see any reason we couldnt have ships ranging all the way up to that, with varying degrees of mobility.
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*Raises hand* "Mrs. Allan?" "yes dearling?" "I have to go and powertrade a capship Mrs. Allan" "Well you know what they say: "The bigger your capship the bigger is your.... nevermind sport"
Anyway, off the sarcasm, if those 10k-thing transports -would- be implented in the mod (I expect them to be something like: 7k 10k 15k 20k 30k) They will need nerfs, big nerfs, each "level" up. Lets say at first drop the thruster (for the 7k) which is a greate tool that they use inorder to survive, that and slower cruise charg, then make the charge longer (at the 10k) at 15k start dropping the ship's cruise speed, until at 30k you get to very slowly recharging cruise and very slow cruise speed too, which will cause the ships to become more barge-like.
That said, I will get back to Mrs. Allan, if you get what I mean.:cool:
Read the first page and some of the second page and the posts on the third page.
Why do we need ships with larger cargo holds?
Sure, I would love to have more cargo space, but I think a 5k ship is enough.
The hold is big enough that you can put a CAU-whatever on it and still make a bucket of credits every time you take it out.
No I DON'T have the ships I would like to have yet, but I'll get them eventually.
Aside from that, it would be much easier to change the cargo hold size on ships that currently exist and then make the necessary 'balancing' changes to them.
Seriously though, we really don't need the extra ships and the Devs don't need the extra work, they have enough on their hands as it is now.
THEY GET THEM ANYWAYS. Nerf mining, nerf trading, doesnt matter. THEY STILL GET THEM.
Please, add ships with bigger holds.. Allow us who don't have the time (or patience) to powertrade for a few days to get more when we actually DO get on.
I agree. I would also like Battleship's hull nerfed 15x because I don't have the time or patience to shoot them for 3 hours when I actually DO get on.
Are you serious?
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:I agree. I would also like Battleship's hull nerfed 15x because I don't have the time or patience to shoot them for 3 hours when I actually DO get on.
THEY GET THEM ANYWAYS. Nerf mining, nerf trading, doesnt matter. THEY STILL GET THEM.
Please, add ships with bigger holds.. Allow us who don't have the time (or patience) to powertrade for a few days to get more when we actually DO get on.
You don't have the time/will to trade/mine and help out the Discovery economy? You don't get your shiny CAU8 battleship.
Add 20k transports , make them with GB shield, and 10 GB guns and 1 000 000 GB core with cruiser Grade hull and bots and bats, give them 450 cruise , 250 Thrust and 6 CM droppers, I see reasonable price for such ship- 70 -100 mill.
Wait a 2 months and all will fly CAU8 battlebricks, wait 2 months later and the server will be with top population 30-40 people flying their battlebricks and talking only between themselves.... it this is what you really want?
I may be twisted somehow but I enjoy be hunted in my smugglers. Last time I managed to "help" one Miner to transfer his ore from his Hegemon to his Stork, he fulled my BWT and I burned the engines away. He of course logged on his Battleboat and tried to stop me 3-4 times till I got to sell his ore to Hudson. I needed to stop 3 times for more CMs and bots on the way,it was fun.
I would like to see more advanced transport ships too but they should be very limited and official faction based, so the boring trading factions should get some members.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)