' Wrote:So, he's now to be hunted because he didn't want to be neutral with his Zoner? What is that crap? xD
INRP concecuences are just fine, that his Zoner should be hunted down by other zoners, is fine.
Telling him that he's playing his character wrong because he doesn't want to be neutral to all... what the hell?
Maybe I got it wrong, and there are not OORP hostility here. Or maybe, Zelot is right, and there is, but it's hidden, maybe on skype, or in PMs... who knows.
Few people are saying he's playing his character wrong. Is he not playing his character smartly? Yes, I'd say so. Most of what is going on is in-RP consequences. Zelot is right in that there is some OORP stuff going on, but from only a very few people. Most people are reacting to what's going on in-RP, as they should.
' Wrote:Few people are saying he's playing his character wrong. Is he not playing his character smartly? Yes, I'd say so. Most of what is going on is in-RP consequences. Zelot is right in that there is some OORP stuff going on, but from only a very few people. Most people are reacting to what's going on in-RP, as they should.
Yes, I understand that, I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone. There's people who react as they should because it's their character's right. And there's people who looks for any cheap loophole to get a character into that conflict because of OORP reasons.
And yes, for a zoner, he's not acting smart, but as we don't know what does he want to do with his character, we cannot say he's playing it wrong.
' Wrote:[...]
But then again, at least this didn't happen again.
Gentlemen, I just watched this video. And I seriously have to ask my self: What the hell is your problem!
That must've been totally awesome! Hell, now I'm really disapointed that I didn't show up when 3 chats lit up like Christmas Trees asking for more men!
Award this guy! Give him a Medal! He's a bloody genius! I specialize in organizing events and I can only DREAM of such things!
' Wrote:Gentlemen, I just watched this video. And I seriously have to ask my self: What the hell is your problem!
That must've been totally awesome! Hell, now I'm really disapointed that I didn't show up when 3 chats lit up like Christmas Trees asking for more men!
Award this guy! Give him a Medal! He's a bloody genius! I specialize in organizing events and I can only DREAM of such things!
Damn! A+
That was from Harcourt Mudd (and many many other people), not Dakun. It was before Dakun's time. Dakun hasn't created a fun pewpewfest yet.
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' Wrote:There shouldnt have been these battle groups at the Freeport in the first place.
As a precusor to my post, two points I'd like to raise: 1) I'm writing this on an iPod so the post is going to be moderately, well, crap... and 2) I'd never heard of him before today.
I was actually one of the very first people on the scene with my Bowex character and another Bowex escort. As we passed the Freeport, we caught an extremely brief glimpse of a BDM ship docking. We decided we'd wait for it to come out in order to see what it was up to. While we were waiting, a Sails Corsair and numerous indys turned up as well as a Hogsha fighter and a Bretonian privateer.
The Sail came over presumably because it noticed the two Bowex) tags sat outside. The Corsair indys appeared a little later because they were close by anyway, and are veritable magnets to drama. Insults were swapped between us inRP, with everyone present eventually murdering a Corsair Ptrans that kept mutely shooting at people.
The BAF appeared because of the BDM and Corsairs in Omega 3, as well as all the blue messages being spawned by the reengaging Ptrans. The BAF, BDM and Corsairs attracted the SCRA and RHA. The combination of all of the above attracted the Reavers. You can see how this is going.
At any rate, before the BAF turned up, it was just random indys milling around, being silly (afterwards it was factions milling around being silly:P). While I was about, there was eye-meltingly horrifying levels of raw stupid being tossed around like it was going out of fashion. Of course, none of this is strictly relevant to Zelot's original point, but what I'm trying to get across is... ironically enough, people and factions didn't head to the station for Dakun's sake (except maybe the BDM) but rather for a number of far sillier personal reasons. :D
I believe I wrote a less serious report of the above in the News area. Feel free to post comments in it. Part two will be up tomorrow. :lol:
I slept all the time, so, unfortunately, I hardly have a descent insight into the ongoing events, though,from what I can see, it looks a tad boring especially because of some kind of anti-Dakun attitude of a significant part of community. Which causes much more troubles than Dakun learning how to play the station administration.
Well, at least he brought activity there, following the pretty reasonable prejudice of Freeport 1 towards Corsairs started during the last war. Players in House military and police miss the point that making Omega-3 the center of everything for a while brings something good to them in person, providing quite a lot of opportunities for the visible future. Well, in two words, is Dakun better than Privus Zoners? From the point of someone administrating Freeport 1 for a while in the past, I'd say, yes, of course.
If the Omega-3 should survive another crysis - sure, let it be. If Dakun needs a hand to manage to survive with his role in the hazardious community - there are people interested in giving him a hand for sure.
And, on a side note, I feel the disturbance in the force, caused by people telling that he's acting against Zoner interests and harming Zoner roleplay. Do you really think that the way you play Zoners is the right one? Look at yourself first and help Dakun to do good things, don't be boors.
' Wrote:But then again, at least this didn't happen again.
Actually, I must agree with Dab that the whole thing and fixing consequences of it was rather enjoyable. I would like to see more of it around here - which will require more people to promote the rather relaxed approach to game, not being deadly serious.
first of all: i never joined [LN] (??? someone wrote this on the first page i think)
freeport 1:
there might have been some inRP reasons as well...but seriously? Just look at all the "transmissions" from ppl who know things they shouldn't even know and somewhat most of them were kinda aggressive (without me ever had to do anything before with these characters).
Of course the 20+ ppl today in front of FP1 was coincidence....i mean it looks most of the time like that there, right?
as for the 50 mio last man standing shoot out:
someone told me on skype that omega 3 is a bit crowded, so i got online to see whats up...well many many ships and as i were standing there for about a minute some start shooting snacs on FP1 while others were shouting i should do something against it.
I somehow had the feeling that was not an entirely inRP situation.
so i offered the last man standing thing in the hope they will all blast themselves away.
but they were busy with announcing that they are shooting inside the NFZ etc.
About 90% of the ppl there needed to tell me their own lifestory along with their great achievements and advices via PM.
well i docked and got offline again. whole appearance took bout 10 mins the most.
i also think the ingame scene at FP1 wasnt really a problem more the forums stuff.
i am absolutely sure all stuff today got nothing to do with any inRP actions but with ORI, NORP etc.
What is not surprising. However dont ya think you are already got rid of me as your beloved administrator...:crazy:
to Zelot: couldnt believe it at first, but its true: you did not lock a topic of mine but actually created a new one and defended me! I am speechless really...thank you!
and btw. the stuff you wrote is also true ;)
' Wrote:Finally, I think it's very within Zoner rp to try and play one house against another.
I thought your version of Zoner RP was isolated pacifist Gummi bear who smokes somewhat illicit substances?
Either way, I have been away, so I cannot comment much.
Could not really care about FP1, on my Omicroner. Mike Rotch would care a bit, and we'll see how that goes on RP at his end.
I think it was a bit dodgy how Crackpunch sold Dakun the FP, but whatever. Worse deals happen every day.
All in all, I hope Dakun does it well, and sticks with the consequences of whatever he holds, and does not just disappear and leave the headache to the factions when the going gets tough.
Best of luck and all that cheese.
Oh, and if anyone screws up, any FP Administrator or faction, they get ripped on in the general skype chat. (So, it is not just Dakun.)
Edit: Is accusing people of dealing with Dakun every day of conducting a witch hunt, considered trolling?
It isn't really a witch hunt, its more role play consequences for role play actions. Dakun chose to role play his character in a way that doesn't jive with Zoner lore or role play. He refuses to understand that Zoners resort to violence only as a last resort, he refuses to understand that Zoners muscle is their ability to talk their way out of a jam, not shoot.
His basis for this is the fact that he and his friend were able to use Jinkusus and Fearless' and Conferences to kill other players. He also feels that Zoners were super powerful in vanilla Freelancer and that they didn't take **** from anyone. Ignoring the fact that in vanilla Freelancer there were less than 2000 Zoners, who didn't have cap ships and only flew Eagles. Zoners have evolved since then, but not to the point where they are a military power that Dakun sees them as.
Dakun being appointed as administrator of Freeport 1 was done in a very shady way. A person who had only been the administrator of the station for about two months basically took a bribe to give it to him. That very day another play who role play sthe administrator of another station was PM'd and offered something in return for surrendering the freeport he ran. No one owns any Freeport, the people role playing administrators merely represent the councils that run the freeport.
A Zoner offering cash to the person who kills everyone else around a Freeport? That is so far outside of Zoner role play and that is just one reason so many Zoners players, both faction and independant, are asking he be removed. He has endangered Freeport 1, which has consequences for every other Freeport out there.
So yes, there is ooRP reasoning and inRP reasoning for the bandwagon that has been formed. I can't say I blame the people, Dakun was warned multiple times that his role play wasn't Zoner role play and he ignored those warnings.
The whole issue over the blood diamonds could have been solve in true Zoner style but Dakun refused and instead was determined to instigate Rheinland, a freaking house.
He was given his chance and instead of taking the advice of those offering it, he spit in our faces and did what he wanted. Same as he did last time.