' Wrote:And theres your problem. Some people don't seem aware that some form of speach is required before PvP can be enacted for example. Why?
Because PvP is not RP. It is only part of it. A Xeno character for example has a lot already defined for him, simply by being a Xeno. This however still does not allow him to attack you silently on your LN vessel.
The business of communicating in words is far more important here than simply shooting or else, why do we have that rule?
The thing is that a lot of the players here now can't be bothered to explore that aspect of their characters.
Encounters shouldn't always have to end in a blue message.
Nowadays, people seem to be trying hard to use the minimum RP so that the administration can be satisifed before they can get to the PvP they desire. Shame really.
I have to completely agree here. Players just give the minimum, and don't build up on there characters potential. For example, keeping with the Xeno, he can talk about the reasons why he is doing what he is doing, like, "Your company is employing robots sir." "Trader replies" "Get that changed Or I will make your day worse for you" etc etc etc.. Doesn't have to go in great detail, but its better then, "You are enemy, die."
I also run in to players across the server, and there roleplay excuse for attacking you is, "You got pirate ID" even when your just going somewhere to dock for the night, and doing barely anything illegal, or not causing trouble to trade at that time.
Do like what I do, put bounty for those with lack of RP, force them to RP, not just 2millrdai, engajing pirate, but more creative RP which will satisfied both side, make this nubs found that their RPless playtime is miserable
I have also noticed the decreasing roleplay, I think the reason is probably due to the decline of other servers where pvp was the main activity. Players wanting to continue with Freelancer have migrated to Disco without caring much about roleplay, hence the current situation.
Propably I repeat a lot of others who had a say in this thread before me but:
PvP takes a huge chunk of all roleplay which is done here. Some factions shoots others that's what they do and that's how player should roleplay them. Just because a character spit out 3 lines and started to shoot you doesn't mean that player behind the character doesn't plays his role well enough.
Expect more chats with friendlies or neutrals if you want to have conversation style thing.
Also, group chat is concidered out of roleplay most of the time. Exceptions happens, but those are rare. So use local/system chat.
' Wrote:PvP is roleplay yes, but it also should result from roleplay.
The fact that two factions are at war with each other is sufficient role play in my eyes. Why should a soldier express his feelings about the enemy if he can just pull the trigger and show him his feelings. To be honest in my opinion it`s kinda dumb that two persons meet on a battlefield just to exchange some sentences with each other.
If you seek for RP you`ll have to face neutrals or friendlies who are not interested in seeing your ship explode. Or you interact with your enemy in noncombat vessels, showing them you are no thread to discuss politics, the weather, your curriculum vitae or whatever.
So you think it is perfectly fine for, lets say a LN character to go after a Pirate that is well away from the lanes to attack the pirate, for the sole excuse that the pirate has a pirate ID.
And for some reason, in =LSF= we manage to make roleplay before PvP with the Order| faction players, and vise versa. With out getting chummy like you imply. O well, chalk is cheese isn't it.
' Wrote:So you think it is perfectly fine for, lets say a LN character to go after a Pirate that is well away from the lanes to attack the pirate, for the sole excuse that the pirate has a pirate ID.
And for some reason, in =LSF= we manage to make roleplay before PvP with the Order| faction players, and vise versa. With out getting chummy like you imply. O well, chalk is cheese isn't it.
So, you go to meet the Order to have some planned pvp, but before you exchange some words? How's that different from what the OP meant?
And no, going after a Pirate ID'd guy and attacking him is not right to me.
But claiming that you haven't done anything while you have a Pirate ID, is also kind of foul game, except that it's the first time you are using that character in that house.
I agree with Satan, wanna be sure you will have some deep RP? Try with those who are not your enemies.
I remember some [LN] patrols that were completely in RP and were asome, most of things in group chat. Even when I didn't put a lot of deepness in my LN character, the simpliest things were fun because we were acting completely in RP with eachother.
I'll put a scene down here. Going along the same line that pirate is just randomly floating around no where near a lane.
The pirate has had a history in Liberty, and the LN character approaches him.
"Pirate hold, you are wanted for attacking the following..."
"Am I really?"
"O yes you are. You going to come cleanly or am I going to have to shoot you down like the scum you are."
I can think of doing some other situations on that sot of basis where pvp is likely to happen, but still bring good roleplay to it before the pvp even begins.
Another example, same pirate and location, smae Ln character, but doesn't know the pirate, or any record the pirate has.
"Hold there please."
"Yea, sure"
"I see you have an illegal ship. I'm afraid that's going to cost you 2 million credits in fines."
"Is that so."
"You going to pay it, or do I have to put you out of business."
And so on. It cements the reason that the pvp started, if it does start. Instead of getting.
"You pirate."
"Yea I know"
"Die scumbag"