(10-21-2013, 04:08 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Why have all ore prices been nerfed?
Prices are lower by about 500-1000 when compared with last version. (unbuffed values; ores checked: Silver, Copper, Cobalt, Niob)
This seems unnecessary, taking into account that normal trading (NPC-NPC base) was buffed dramatically.
I think that's good. More normal traders. All I used to see was miners.
(10-21-2013, 04:08 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Why have all ore prices been nerfed?
Prices are lower by about 500-1000 when compared with last version. (unbuffed values; ores checked: Silver, Copper, Cobalt, Niob)
This seems unnecessary, taking into account that normal trading (NPC-NPC base) was buffed dramatically.
I think that's good. More normal traders. All I used to see was miners.
Yeah, let's have less player interaction and make it so that the most profitable way to play is just to haul from one base to another alone.
Meanwhile, if you take the time and effort, as well as the risk, of working together with transports and miners, while also at significant risk of being pirated, but at the same time are increasing player interaction and server activity, your reward is to be paid less?
(10-22-2013, 05:51 AM)Veygaar Wrote: I think that's good. More normal traders. All I used to see was miners.
Ye, really? No hot zones where interaction takes place regularly, but hundreds of places where these solo traders originate from... and hundreds of places they go to.
Trying to make meeting each other really hard? Ye, then it is a good development, for sure.
> Field location: D7 -2309 145 42285 Orient 48 75-1
> Mined commodity: Gold
=> Shoot 50 rocks: 354
- max hit: 23
- average hit (ore in cargo hold divided by 50) 7.08
> Field location: Tau 37, B3/4 = Position -26877 0 -8677 Orient 0 43 0
> Mined commodity: Niobium
=> Shoot 50 rocks:
- max hit: 37
- average hit (ore in cargo hold divided by 50): 17,9 / rock
Aet: Max hit should be: 8 (base field) * 1 (field multiplier) * IMG bonus (4) = 32. Double hits can raise this slightly, so the max seems accurate enough. I'll have to doublecheck what has changed to make people think mining is so slow, because all the values reported here check out to be working as designed thus far...
People mean it is slow compared to 4.86. When there was that one week long dowtime for the server due to DDOS, and it came back, I managed to mine the Humboldt field immediately after the server turned on. The field's maximum average was 35/rock then, and if it was allowed to regenerate, it always had a 20-25/rock average (I cannot give exact max hits, but sometimes 80-100 ore came from one hit). These were about the same in all top fields (Humboldt, O7, Tau23, Dublin,Alberta, Munich). Now the values reported here are considerably lower than this average of 20-25.
Let me ask you a question: the number listed in this page http://discoverygc.com/wiki/Niobium_Ore (open mining locations) under default rate is the same as the field multiplier you mentioned in the equation?
We don't know if this is intentional to make the mining slower, or a bug. Are these calculation values were used in 4.86, or these were changed (I mean this: 8 (base field) * 1 (field multiplier) * IMG bonus (4) = 32)?
Other thing is, fields get depleted way quicker now than in 4.86, but I already mentioned that. I don't know the details about the depletion, how is it calculated?
I don't know if the field depletion could be turned off for a specific period to test wherter it causes the problem.
OK, I am making a separate post, so it won't blend in the previous one.
How the depletion scrip/whaterver works? Does every single field have a separate depletion rate? I guess yes, as they get depleted separately. Are the fields reset with server restart (they were not in 4.86, but now)?
I suspect this to be the culprit on this, here is my experience:
I went to the Grande Negra to mine scrap, standars setup (Junker ID, IFF, Salvager, 1 heavy mining turret).
I shot 10 rocks: ~400 scrap metal, average: 40; immediately after another 10 rocks, ~200 scrap metal, average: 20, immediately after another 10 rocks for the 3rd time, ~180 scrap metal, average: 18. I mined my hold full (3200 units altogether).
I sold, went back, and did 3 measurements again:
1st: 150 units, 15 average
2nd: 150 units, 15 average
3rd: 140 units, 14 average
This is far too big difference to be coincidental (i mean the random drop values). It seems this depletion script is off somehow, fields get depleted exremely fast (regereate fast, too), and this might be the result of the complaints.
I suggest to turn off the depletion for 1 week, and do another set of measurements in a separate thread.
> Field location: Omega-3 Position 23749 -1 38679 Orient -8 42 1
> Raw Hydrocarbons
=> Shoot 50 rocks: Note down the...
- max hit = 35
- average hit = 10.5
Except obvious fact small minimal basic yield is too small that field seems to be somewhat bugged, it happened few times I got literally 0 units per shot, for the few following salvos.
> Hegemon
> 4 x symmetrical turrets
> Field location: Omega-7 Position 5737 396 34776 Orient -129 83 -174
> Cobalt Ore
=> Shoot 50 rocks: Note down the...
- max hit = 28
- average hit (ore in cargo hold divided by 50) = 10,44
> Hegemon
> 4 x symmetrical turrets
> Field location: Omega-7 Position 10627 369 37221 Orient 77 48 1
> Copper Ore
=> Shoot 50 rocks: Note down the...
- max hit = 27
- average hit (ore in cargo hold divided by 50) = 8,84
Field depletion and overall yield weren't touched - just a few fields adjusted here and there. I think I've figured out what went wrong though, and have submitted a fix for the next patch.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Ok, thanks for the reply. We shall how things are after the next patch.
Sidenote: can we get information about which fields and how were adjusted? So people would know where is the complaint justified (bugs), or where not (adjusted fields).
Thanks in advance, if it is possible.
Question: will there be mining fields in Gallia, too? I mean fields worth to mine.