Full Name: Jack Morrows
Call-Sign: [UX]-TD-Heidabyr
Identification: Zoner (IFF)
Your reasons for applying: This is an excellent opportunity for mutual profit
Proof of the transaction: #1
The Group's name: Junker Marauders
The group's tag: JM|
Is the organisation's tag protected? Yes
Identification: Junker
Your reasons for applying: We often do business with Kruger directly, however sadly without docking access to said facility we cannot conduct our business to the extent we would like. With recent IMG attacks on our trade convoys, it would also be beneficial if we were able to dock for our own safety.
Proof of the transaction: Proof
To: Junker Marauders From: Essen Station - New Berlin Subject: Reutlingen Storage Facility | Docking permissions
Guten tag,
It's time to formalize our business deal and approve your ships for docking to Reutlingen Storage Facility. Now you'll be able to dock and buy ore without the need of waiting for one of our miners to help you out with that.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
Full Name: Gustl.Kirschner
Call-Sign: Gustl.Kirschner (that scrappy old Hegemon just fits to Gustl, why not naming it like him?)
Identification: ID and IFF
Your reasons for applying: Supplying Gustl's beloved home nation's industry with needed raw materials and the good payment in Kruger.
Your Vessels Papers and Identifications: Bretonian transports Planetform, Inc papers
Your reasons for applying: We, as a self funding corporation interested in the well being of Mankind creating new planets to be lived upon, seek new resources to the development of our projects. So far as we know you can provide one of those resources Silver Ore to be transported to one of our most sucessfull enterprise, Planet California.
To: Anne Anders - Planetform representative From: Elbich Mining Facility Subject: Reutlingen Storage Facility | Docking permissions
Guten tag fräulein Anders,
I took a personal interest to fix this problem, since customers waiting is not good for business. After painstaking log and system analysis, I have discovered that that some circuits on our station's core processors, which control docking and undocking and docking right on our station, were fried do to the severe electrical storms in Omega-7 and our on board engineers, due to an overwhelming maintenance and repair jobs, have missed to check that part because there was no apparent damage and threat to the station. I am very sorry for causing any problem that may have arose due to this storm incident. The problem is fixed and Planetform ships are once again able to dock on Reutlingen. I wish you happy stay on our station.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer