Uhum, so basically CR ships are just cannon fodder in this. Fair is to be two way, sorry to point it out , oorp speaking. Inrp, at one point or another , one side always outnumber the other one, either by tech or by sheer numbers ( a lot of examples in history)
My suggestion will be, if possible make CR and GRN get bonus on eachother in Cortez, since that system is where we are mostly active as the rest are part of house space.
ok , interesting way of viewing things and acting. Also very interesting that only GRN gets a bonus kill on CR while CR should be the sheep taken to the butcher, just be there ...
If you want an argument for CR getting a bonus, make GRN ships and boost the GRN side numbers wise first. If it looks like GRN has a very healthy number of people on their side - perhaps an excess - then it'd be fair to start adding other factions into the event without worrying about GRN getting dog piled on.
it's just a bit funny how equality goes around factions. 2 Houses and 1 nation vs 1 Huge kingdom and from all the factions that compose each one of those groups who takes the small stick
Gallia is severely outnumbered. This is intended to balance things out.
but isn't that what is supposed to be? gallia is one nation against two nations, plus the internal conflit in galia , and if we add the CR and even outcast .. gallia already is outnumber. mainly is like the axis powers in ww2, they were outnumber and lost .. or ... or you devs want gallia to win?! like gallia manage to invade cali system or most of it? i was thinking this event like the battle of britan on ww2, when the luftwaffe tried to knock down the raf, for the german invasion on britain,and this case would be liberty and their allies prevented that invasion!!
Gallia is severely outnumbered. This is intended to balance things out.
but isn't that what is supposed to be? gallia is one nation against two nations, plus the internal conflit in galia , and if we add the CR and even outcast .. gallia already is outnumber. mainly is like the axis powers in ww2, they were outnumber and lost .. or ... or you devs want gallia to win?! like gallia manage to invade cali system or most of it? i was thinking this event like the battle of britan on ww2, when the luftwaffe tried to knock down the raf, for the german invasion on britain,and this case would be liberty and their allies prevented that invasion!!
but ok!!!
If all numbers would be represented according to their irp strength. Yes. But it's not. Liberty is always the strongest, number wise. Which it inrp isn't.