The Point is that if someone brings 5 battleships with synching HMs even the good supplied bases go troloolo really fast. Not to mention the instant kill options with more ships.
Lets look at the consequences after:
A group loose 2-3 bill invested in base
B group loose nothing- in worst case if A kill them all some bots and bats..
Around the place are a way too many trolls- such could bring the said ships in the night when the base owners are sleeping and remove it in 20 min. Even if the base is supported by many people. You do need to put someone to guard the base all the time- this makes the base owners game a job.
Well when yesterday I got the news I was thinking ok- I can bring 4-5 people with legates easy to king cross or to some other station and make it trololo- but it is kinda unrewarding for the build efforts and the time invested of the people..
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:The Point is that if someone brings 5 battleships with synching HMs even the good supplied bases go troloolo really fast. Not to mention the instant kill options with more ships.
Lets look at the consequences after:
A group loose 2-3 bill invested in base
B group loose nothing- in worst case if A kill them all some bots and bats..
Around the place are a way too many trolls- such could bring the said ships in the night when the base owners are sleeping and remove it in 20 min. Even if the base is supported by many people. You do need to put someone to guard the base all the time- this makes the base owners game a job.
Well when yesterday I got the news I was thinking ok- I can bring 4-5 people with legates easy to king cross or to some other station and make it trololo- but it is kinda unrewarding for the build efforts and the time invested of the people..
And that's exactly why I build bases that are well hidden, and let only few trusted people know about it. The only way to avoid idiots that just want to shoot something.
Also, 1 hour to take 7% of hull seems reasonable to me, depending on how many ships were shooting it. I don't think it was GRN as we hadn't yet decided to take action on it, we're waiting until we and the rest of the Gallic HC finish making a station construction regulation to post before we enforce it.
If the Brimstone did indeed go boom, I highly suggest the owners abstain from rebuilding it for a few days. That way you can then get proper permission from the government to construct it. If you do want it to go up sooner, contact me on Skype or PMs (If Skype, it'll be 5 hours before a response) and we can work out a temporary waiver for construction allowing you to have the base while we continue deliberating on regulatory conditions.
Rebuild it? That's funny. We just can't be on often enough to keep a base alive now. After spending nearly a billion credits and over 150 hours among the three of us just to see it destroyed so quickly, we won't be rebuilding to simply hear of it being destroyed again. We have to sleep some time.
Quote:And that's exactly why I build bases that are well hidden, and let only few trusted people know about it. The only way to avoid idiots that just want to shoot something.
That can be fun in RP sometimes, but not all bases should be hidden. Some forward military forts should be obvious, and trading hubs have to be obvious. Brimstone couldn't be hidden, it just wasn't possible with our business plan.
Its not even a matter of that. In the six hours that I was asleep the base was reset by Cannon and destroyed again. We have people coming into supply the refinery all the time, the problem is that all the people we work with are in the same timezone. When you can take a base down in two hours the base owner is forced to hide. All we get then is hidden bases with cloak factories, not people RPing with each other.
I agree stations should be a group project, but shouldn't taking them down be as well?
Quote: [14:52:18] Syrus: It's shields are up, CR and GRN are in the system,
[14:52:33] Syrus: So are two unkowns
[14:54:27] Syrus: It dropped from 20 to 15% in like no time
[14:54:30] Syrus: And the shield is on
[14:54:35] Syrus: of course someone is shooting at it
GRN says they were leaving it alone, and the =CR= has driven off people attacking Brimstone many times. Two people dropping a base that fast is pretty rough.
Maybe a little too quick now. You should need battleships and bombers to knock one down and it should take a long time. KNF had one battleship with 3 missile launchers take a pirate base from 55% to 0% in less than 2 hours. That's a bit quick. You should need multiple battleships and/or bombers working together.
Its pretty tight timeline for a defensive force to get together. And the base is mpossible to fortify since you're not able to dock with the shield up. Dunno yet.
Anyways... if you want something to be secure, park it next to a stationary battleship in a cul-de-sac.
Also, 1 hour to take 7% of hull seems reasonable to me, depending on how many ships were shooting it. I don't think it was GRN as we hadn't yet decided to take action on it, we're waiting until we and the rest of the Gallic HC finish making a station construction regulation to post before we enforce it.
If you take a look at my messages I quoted from skype, you will see that there were 4 minutes between a 5% drop. The base went boom after my last quoted message. (I was afk till 15:30, base went before that. It was at below 10%, I think 5-7%, at my last message.)
For only one person doing this, this went extremly fast. - Keep in mind, as the shields went up every time again, it can only have been one person shooting it.
Btw, I was NOT online at the time, so I could only guess that someone was shooting at the base by seeing that the shield was up. All data was taken from the Player Base Status and the Players Online pages.
People need to keep in mind that we are still in the beta release. This is NOT the final version of 4.86, and you build player bases at your own peril and must be willing to accept the consequences of losing a base that still has bugs and imbalances. If people want to improve bases, you guys need to put together some well-worded posts on how the improve the system, and post it in the development section of the forum. Keep those posts objective, and try to keep bias out of it. A base possible to keep invulnerable isn't a way to improve the system, that'd only make it worse (OC base above Crete for example).
There is already a base balance thread created by Cannon for these issues in fact. The idea that one should need the firepower of a battleship or a large force of smaller ships sounds like a very good one to me. I personally would like to see a system where the shield recharge is the main defense, and the attackers will need a large force able to put out enough damage to counter the shield recharge and still drain it. Shield recharge would equal something like 50% of the DPS a BS can put out. That means BSs would be valuable in base killing, but that smaller ships in groups can also still do it. Even with a BS, it should take 2-3 hours to drop it, and then when dropped, it should go into another mode that makes it invulnerable, but also undockable, for something like 12-36 hours. EVE has a very good POS system set up and we could take many tricks from their setup to improve ours. Bases going into "reinforced" mode after teh shield being dropped or taken into a very low percentage would be good, as it allows the defenders to have time to organize a defense of the station, and when it comes out of reinforced mode, they simply have to defend it long enough for the shield to recharge.
That means you'd need a total of about 5-6 hours of attacking a base, half at the start, and the other half a day or two later. Less if you have a LOT of firepower.
A lone bomber should have no chance of dropping a station.