' Wrote:Aet: New Berlin has it's main tradelanes organized in a ring going clockwise. The exits will always be out of sync with one lane or another - you can't make all lanes do a triangular junction without one of them crossing over. It's as good as it's going to get. Honshu, same deal. New Tokyo, same deal. The fix is done to minimise crossing for through-traffic, especially on systems that just have one (main) lane.
That makes sense about the trade lanes, I wasn't thinking very properly. Despite it being a triangle though, the Mainz -> Munich lane should be flipped, that would make it much easier and won't mess up any other lanes down the road.
At bases, you can repair every piece of equipment for 1 credit, due to no price points being set on equipment.
The Rheinland Train is also getting stuck a lot more then it was. Not sure if that's just my tired driving though.
Aet: Tested the Rheinland train, no obvious issue found. Playerbase equipment repair is tied to the cost of the item, which for unknown items is one. So the maximum repair cost for any mountable stuff on playerbases is one. It's a minor issue I suppose.
Tau 117 alien jump gate. Irra cruiser managed to successfully dock once. Other than the single success, there's 30 plus minutes of failure. Witnessed by Gheis with snarky comments about how I can't fly... Small ships have no problem - only big ones.
Aet: Right, I'll expand the capture range of that gate model. PS. learn to fly?:P
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
after stumbling on to a post about gun cargo it says that fighter gun and turrent don't consume cargo. but for me the fighter mining turret is consuming a cargo and the purple goddess gun turret is consuming a cargo as well use on anki freighter
Aet: Fixed.
so I recently started exploring Coronado. I must say you're all doing a wonderful job.
so I recently started exploring Koeln. I must say you're all doing an amazing job.
some time ago I explored Rousillon. Impressive. Particularly the music on the planet that was a nice surprise.
so I recently started exploring Omega-55. LOL... NOMADS. LOTS AND LOTS OF NOMADS. SHOOTING THINGS. I GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE. (and I was thinking, jeez I can't remember what that one was from the news. I hope I don't run into a nomad system)
recently started exploring Omega-41. what did you guys do to the star? that new effect there, that's impressive.
' Wrote:Aet: No, that was the anticheat not recognizing an item. My bad. BD turrets had the same problem, fixed now by Cannon.
' Wrote:Changing my 5 Bretonian Small Transport Turrets to 5 Gallic Small Transport Turrets on my transport reduced my cargo hold size from 4915 to 4790. Nothing else was changed on my side.
<strike>Trade Lanes are inverted.</strike>
Trade Lanes from Curacao to Manchester Jump Gate belongs to Liberty Navy. ( Should be BAFs I think )
Jump Gate to Manchester belongs to Liberty Navy. ( Should be BAFs I think )
The Omega 3 sun damage zone is bit messed. It hurts a lot when you're diving deeper and deeper in the corona, but when you're -right next- to the sun, you don't take any damage at all.
Working - Ships sometimes can't orient themselves to the tradelane. Not sure why this happens, will look into it for 4.87. Simplifying hitboxes might help.
Do you mean ships don't go to the proper docking location but for example dock next to the trade lane, or at least want to try and dock there?
I noticed it happened after I was in formation with another ship and my ship missed the docking. Any following docking I tried by myself were on the 'formation' location. And since the formation distance is increased now it was just outside the lane. Thus making it impossible to dock.
This only happened after my ship failed to dock in formation. If my ship did manage to dock at the same time properly with the other ship in formation the bug didn't show up.
Minding that Mox could be found only on:
LD-14, BS Concord(not in game) Dortmund, Kreuzberg, FP11 and Dabaduru Station
The rest of Sirius got its cloaking devices 3 times less efficient. I do find it as bug and serious drawback- everyone non-bretoninan and non-rhienland/Omicron space cannot use Mox.
I know that Mox is perishable and slowly depletes but it could not be compared with the efficiency that it has.
Cloaking devices do need serious balancing and i offer to the dev team to make specific topic about it with their ideas inside and wait for feedback of the community then re-balance all 3 cloaking devices.
If you want Mox to be the best fuel- remove it from sale completely(hard according to the lore) and make many lawful&unlawful NPCs to haul it.
Aet: At most, this is a balance issue, not a game bug. Wrong section for this kind of stuff. Cloak works fine technically. Doesn't it also take Deut? Deut and Mox sellpoints are scattered about evenly, combined.
Line stucking- I noticed that when I stucked several times with the GMG Kujira in one line it was not able to dock in the next 2-3 gates of the line somehow. I F1ed it and relogged and it started to work. I never ever stucked with this kind of ship before because it is really easy to fly one. Right now BWT and Rheinland Train are nightmare to fly on lines as well. I find the like docking a way more harder then before even in cockpit view- it is nightmare for some bigger transports and caps- I does not know- may be the lines capture range should be changed again.
Aet: Lane capture ranges are not adjustable, only the gates are. This is a formation issue which I will be working on.
Cloaking Bug- if you write /cloak right after you cloaked- the ship drops out of cloak- but the cloak invisibility animation stays together with the fuel consumption for around 30- 40 secs, then it starts to charge shield and fuel stops to be eaten but the cloak animation stays. Second thing that is is hard to take lines while clocked if not in cockpit view because you cannot see the nose of your ship. Every time when you undock ship with cloaking device it starts the cloaking animation and the console says cloak off. Every time when you approach someone in ship that have cloaking device your ship is "glowing" with the cloaking effect even if you does not use cloak.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)