During a border patrol today in preparation for the launch of our cruisers towards the Rheinland invasion, we detected several ships in Crete. which after being hailed, made their purpose to destroy and capture our pilots & property clear, and wished to delay our strike on our enemies. The Military and the Outcasts each sent one battleship to accomplish this task, but all was thwarted by the Cazadora and myself, both outgunned, but in the end, we managed to destroy the military Battlestar and severely damage the Outcast Dreadnought, which after taking extreme damage, retreated to the Malvada cloud where we lost sensor lock on it.
The battle data we gathered during this skirmish will be most useful, I can assure you that we will be even more prepared to face these threats in the future.
Greetings, brothers. Today the Order completed delivery of several of their experimental Talon class interceptors to my private hangar, after gathering the battle data they requested and completing my job as their test pilot. To honor us for the support we Corsairs have given them and the loyalty to our allies we have shown always, the Order has also specified that they sent in two of these prototypes to Barcelona shipyard, and procedures to reverse-engineer them as we see fit have begun under their own supervision (just as they designed their famous Reaper-type neutron weapons using own our Salamancas). This will definitely strengthen the alliance between us, and it is clear that they trust us all with their lives, just as we trust them.
Viva the Order, Viva los Corsairs!!
--End of Transmission--
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: [LDDLG]-8B@ll-
We'll be moving a large part our ships to the Yanagi Depot. Our young faction isn't really ready for a war, a half of our fighters (new recruits) are in the course of construction, but the TBH can count on our total support.
Long live the Corsairs!
*End Transmission*
[LDDLG]-Cixi- Raven Talon
[LDDLG]-8B@ll- Gunboat
[LDDLG]-Voodoo- Bomber
Incomming Transmission: To the LDDLG.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya.
We thank you for your support. If your troops aren't ready for a full fleet engagement, they may be used as a rearguard against a very possible attack by the NovaPG, who take up residence a mere two jumps away. Every army needs a reserve, which is just as crucial to winning a battle as the front line. If you wish, you can take up this position.
End Transmission.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: Skyelius
You can test the Order fighter when we invade Rhienland. An excellent chance to test it in fact. However, I hope you still have your Titan, and continue to fly it regularly. Order tech is not Corsair, and therefore for all intents and purposes, inferior. The Osiris' in our fleet may be decommissioned when the first Corsair dreadnought prototype is rolled out of Tripoli. The Prox has already been converted into a base, for final tow into Omicron 91.
Even after the prototypes of the Talon become the production models, we will still use our Titans exclusively. Maybe a separate wing of these Talon fighters could be commissioned in the future, but that would require us to liaison with the Order further. There is no time for that now.
Comm ID: Raul D. Yanez
Message to: The Brotherhood and all supporting the invasion
First of all I also want to thank all people who are willing to fight at the side of TBH and SCRA in the invasion, your help is extremely appreciated. Let us do our best in this operation and may we be victorious!
I will be not available at 14:00-15:00 GMT Earth time, because I will prepare all my ships' systems for this operation.
Comm ID: Yukarwa Matsumari, Hogosha Agent
Target ID: All Corsairs and allies involved in the Rheinland Invasion
As you are attacking Rheinland from the Sigmas, I should likely inform you of a few things.
One. There will be a Hogosha strike against one of Rheinland groups that will likely try to stop you, the Bundschuh. This should make your invasion slightly less difficult, as they will likely be in chaos after the strike.
Two. I have heard you are striking from Sigma-13. Do not trust the Junkers. If they get wind of your plans, they will likely sell those plans to Rheinland. Also, the Gas Mining Guild is not pleased that we are purchasing artifacts directly from you. They may attempt to hinder you.
Three. If all goes according to plan, Kusari will also soon be ours. If both Rheinland and Kusari are under the control of the Corsairs and the Hogosha respectively, we will be able to crush all opposition. If we quickly took control of Bretonia as well, we could strike at Liberty from three directions.
Also, there is a threat nearing Omicron Gamma from the direction of Omicron Delta, however, it will soon be taken care of.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: Yukarwa Matsumari, Hogosha Agent
Adressing each of your points in order:
1. We thank you for your assistance against the Bundschuh. If you could lock down that base in Frankfurt while our invasion is in progress, it would be appreciated.
2. The Junkers, while being untrustworthy, wouldn't risk telling anyone. They know what will happen to their precious Yanagi depot if they do. The Junkers would fall in short order to the Altaneria and its escorts. The GMG can try to hinder us, but it is their best interest for the time being that we exterminate those Rhienlanders. They are still at tension with Rheinland after that devastating 80-year war, no?
3. Bretonia will probably be our next target, unless the dragons, GC and the like prove to be a hindrance. They will be dealt with swiftly, the full force of the Corsair arm smashing down upon their skull. Added to this, The order could strike from the fourth direction. Of course, we would leave the Kusari nation in the more than capable hands of the Hogosha. After the three southern houses fall, all we will have left to deal with is the Outcasts.
The threat comming from Delta, what is it? I would like to know, even if it will be dealt with.
Thankyou for your support and intelligence data Yukarwa Matsumari.
An addition: What of the Dragons and their allies? Do you have any intel on them that you could share?
Comm ID: Yukarwa Matsumari, Hogosha Agent
Target ID: Juan Montoya; CC to Corsair Elders
Excellent. I see that I have underestimated your abilities and intelligence, as usual. I am used to dealing with fools who cannot tell the difference between a Antimatter Bomb and a box of dehydrated rice. I apologize.
This threat. We are not certain. We do know, however, that it involves at least one battleship. We also suspect that it comes from the Outcasts or one of their allies, but we cannot be certain. One of our men is positioned on Yaren to intercept and sabotage this threat.
The Blood Dragons. They are the only obstacles between us and the conquest of Kusari. However, they are surrounded on all sides. Those "Battlestar" people on one side, Kusari on the other. We will be cutting off their supply chain soon as well. Once that is complete, we will hold them under siege in their own system. One of their escape routes would be through Sigma-13. We must ensure that they do not seek support that way. The strike against the Bundschuh will make our job easier.
As for Kusari, all we need is a few assassinations and our plan will be complete. That will make our Blood Dragon plan simpler. With entire fleets at our disposal, we can completely blockade the Blood Dragons. Also, with Kusari under our control, we can take Bretonia and Omicron Alpha without much notice. No one will know that anything has changed in Kusari.
In Liberty, you should be aware of an obstacle. The Hellfire Legion has grown much in power recently. I spent the last half a year as a spy aboard their most high-security base. They will have to be eliminated before we can take Liberty. I may be able to convince one of the top-ranking and most influential of their members to betray, as his brother is with us, and if we are fortunate, we can destroy Drake Thastus and also control the Legion from the backseat.
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This is Custo' from the Benitez family, I hope I am welcome among
my brothers here. I will attempt to assist in the coming conflcts against
Rineland but the sudden rise in Merc activity in Delta worries me ,
so I may have to pull back to defend Delta and surrounding systems.
Unless that happens my gunboat is fully at the service of TBH.
To: Brotherhood, Normal Corsairs, Benitez and OPG.
I would like to invite everyone that is a true Corsair to the brotherhoods meeting place, Elders there are stuff you need to read asap.
In a move to mend some bridges and to make the Corsairs a more coordinated unit a ask you all to register with your call sign (ingame name) i will be setting up a general Corsair section for all Corsairs to see where we can talk make plans and hopefully make us a better fighting force.
So if you are tagged and ided Corsair register, aswell as members from the Benitez Family and the OPG are welcome aswell as all SCRA.
Message to: The Brotherhood (only)
Comm ID: Pedro Maniaco
My heart is bleeding, but I think proposing the temporary cease-fire to the NovaPG/Bushido for the time we deal with Rheinland is the only way out of this mess. We can't focus on our enemy if we have to break through a bloody blockade created by Blood Dragons and allies every day. I couldn't talk to all Elders, so I hope you all agree.
We are to stay out of Tay63/65 and Chugoku and there can be no hostilities between our factions.
Anyone who breaks those terms will be dealt with swiflty and it won't be only cleaning the toilets in The Boozer's Lounge this time, I can guarantee you.
It was also decided, that only TBH forces are going to participate on the Rheinland operation and the rest of Corsairs should stay within our Zones of Interest and take care of the weakened defence. Continue moving your ships to Sigma 13 and get yourself ready, the attack shall start soon.
We will however attack the Frankfurt system first, because the jumphole to New Berlin became highly unstable these days.