' Wrote:Allowing cruiser piracy makes the risk to the pirate essentially zero. Aren't there supposed to be no "zero-risk" activities for solo players in this game? Certainly, trading isn't zero-risk...why is piracy now allowed to be zero risk?
That very much depends on where you are pirating... I know I love shooting at big ships, because I can actually hit them, and I think a lot of players feel like that. The moment a dessie logs in Liberty and starts pirating, it is only a matter of minutes before it is destroyed. When a single MNS-tagged ship ventures into Tau-23 to tax those fat miners, *| and/or |IMG logs and destroys the ship.
I tried cruiser pirating, and it is really not effective going at it alone. At all. You are a large sitting duck, whereas you can run and stay alive when you do normal bomber piracy.
So in my experience there is a lot more risk involved in venturing out to pirate in a cruiser, rather than just sticking to the good ol' bomber.
They are, trust me. Vidars pirating on lanes in Rheinland aren't rare these days. Well, at least they are pirating those who have that luck. If you have Kruger or Daumann ID, their RP is limited to something like "As a damned capitalist, you'll be destroyed" , "DHC! Terminate him!" or "Die Krugar!" (real examples). Even against bomber, as transport or miner pilot you have at least minimal chances to kill agresor. You have no any chance to destroy cruiser. Even theoretically, cruiser shield has just better regenerating rate per second than you can deal damage from transport turrets.
Two bombers can whack a cruiser captain. If the captain sucks, the bombers can even kill the cruisers from safe distance using novas. I don't go to Rheinland, but I am surprised that there are no lawful (or unlawful for that matter) capkillers there, seeing that they are present on most of the rest of the map.
How about making an RP-request to RM to buff up their defences? Or sign an RP-contract with a mercenary company to keep the lanes clear? Or bow to the might of the |IMG and get them to help you out:lol:
Seriously though, you might be right about Rheinland, but cruisers are so easy to counter in general that I fail to see why the Omegas can't be kept "clean" like the Tau's and Liberty and other such places?
I disagree. Strongly. Bomber swarms still cause a lot of pain. The effectiveness of Nova's still rise exponentially when in groups.
Ask those lone LNS-ships getting picked off by single bombers in Bering/Hudson if bombers are still effective. I killed a LABC there alone in my bomber the other day, and the noob LABC captain actually sent a // message saying Nova's = cheating and that I "have no heart" for going up against a cap in a bomber... I guess "cheating" is all a matter of perspective.
It is a rather common occurence to see LNS-tagged ships getting pirated by 2-3 bombers, even in core systems such as California.
In fact, shooting capital ships in Liberty is sort of a local sport for pirates in bombers. Everybody rejoice when they spot an un-escorted LNS-ship.
Only problem I really see are the gunboats. Reduce agility on those, so they are easier to SNAC, and I will be all happy.
I think this debate has been totally de-railed by scenarios of doom and other "what if" situations, rather than actual in-game experiences.
Flak is great vs. novas on a one-to-one basis, but if you are in a group of bombers, sooner or later some of the Novas will land. And there is still the SNAC.
' Wrote:Two bombers can whack a cruiser captain. If the captain sucks, the bombers can even kill the cruisers from safe distance using novas. I don't go to Rheinland, but I am surprised that there are no lawful (or unlawful for that matter) capkillers there, seeing that they are present on most of the rest of the map.
How about making an RP-request to RM to buff up their defences? Or sign an RP-contract with a mercenary company to keep the lanes clear? Or bow to the might of the |IMG and get them to help you out:lol:
Seriously though, you might be right about Rheinland, but cruisers are so easy to counter in general that I fail to see why the Omegas can't be kept "clean" like the Tau's and Liberty and other such places?
Sure they are, but before good guys arrive, cruiser can kill transport ten times. Pirate will be pewed, or he'll cloak, but it's still no chance for trader/miner to survive in case of "Die Krugar" scenario.* Hiring scout is almost 100% sureness you won't be pirated, but they aren't always online.
* And yes, I know Hessian ID allow for treating Daumann and Kruger IDed ships as combat targets. Problem is in lack of any RP for many of them, I will not mention faction's tag because it's trial by forum (it's not RHA), but they are doing it from pure malicious. Blue message orgasm. "I killed Stork in my Cruiser, and got blue message! I'm awesome!"
I understand where you are coming from, but mining has always been more sensitive to pirating because you will be sitting still in a large ship, waiting for ore. That is also why mining is so profitable - because the risk is large. I was never really into mining, except for a little while during the famed "Dublin Gold Rush", but I soon realized that I am not cut out for the stress and grief that follows. The mining mod drives people crazy. Really...
If you are deadset on mining, I don't see why you can't coordinate? Pool your resources and hire mercenaries to keep the system clean of caps for an hour or so, while you can all mine like bosses?
And if there is low/no RP before engagement, submit a sanction report. The admins might not side with you or look through your report properly, but if enough people file sanction reports on the same quiet or setmsg engaging pirate capital ship, sooner or later a sanction will happen.
In short I don't see what these problems really has to do with cap/snub/transport balance, when - as I see it - most issues can be circumvented by RP measures.