How about you keep the BS scanner for BS and high caps only (1% for transports), and have a boosted scanner for all classes. Something like 20km range, but with a 50% nerf for all ships that mount it.
This way transports could have some better sight (less than dedicated capital long range scanners) with a penalty, and fighters (pirates/law enforcement/anyone) could have a far seeing but less efficient fighter to scout for the sneaky transports.
(05-06-2014, 10:30 PM)Tal Wrote: New cycle:
Trader buys BS scanner and takes lane.
Trader sees pirate 25k away.
Trader flies away.
Pirate sits on lane and logs off due to boredom.
Scouts don't log because people can use BS scanners instead.
Lawfuls don't log because there are no more pirates.
BS scanners being available make scouts not log? Are you serious? You're really reaching there. If you're waiting at a lane mid and its more than 25k in length, it is very likely the trader won't pull out in time evade pirate (as long as that pirate is paying attention). If it is 25k or less, its more likely they see you first and won't even use the gate right? But they still have to use a jumpgate or wormhole to leave the system. So move around, go to the next system if you're seen. Block routes. Besides if you sit a jump point, there's still the chance of catching a ship coming through the gate/wormhole, and since they can't flee back immediately, its like fish in a barrel at that point, regardless of scanners used.
And well if sometimes the traders do fly away unhurt, so be it. They paid for that. There are plenty that still use the standard scanners. If those pirates had a 25k LONG RANGE SCANNER they could position guys close to junctions and bases, or slightly above or below plane to track ships they think are trying to use the off plane space (which is there for a reason) to go around them.
I mean just because you can't catch 100% of ships using the lanes doesn't mean its reducing interaction. It just changes form. I never lane pirate. Yes, its boring, but not because of scanners, but low numbers in general. You can't blame that on longer range scanners. I know several trade routes, and know all of the bottleneck points for them. I know when I see a ship travelling from one system to another, where I might best cut them off. I track and constantly keep moving, and rarely just 'sit' in a lane except when I wanna bust NPC's for loot. More get away than get caught, thats just the name of the game.
Lane piracy may be dead, but its not Battleship Scanners on transports that have done that, and they are not responsible for making escorts harder to find. Escorts for real convoys are still widely used. The individual trader can rarely afford escorts over simply paying pirates, which also avoids fights altogether. Sometimes you can pay for a scout or escort and still wind up blown up. Population has lowered in general over the last 2 years, and more limitations on ships is not going to fix that.
Y'know, I really thought about staying out of this one. However, I feel like I might have something to add, so let's go for it.
The issue with the scanners is to me, like stated previously, that they detract from player interaction, however mediocre it might happen to be. I fly around with a standard scanner, the 8k one. Almost all of my ships do, depending on their role. 95% of my ships are, have been, and will be traders, and I've never felt the need for a longer scanner range, tbh, because if I don't feel like meeting someone while trading, I have other methods availible to me, which still work, six years down the line.
I therefore personally find that I can do without any long-range scanners on transports, since they don't add anything to my experience, really. I can't speak for anyone else, though.
Considered making them LF- and/or BS-exclusive? Giving the fast, nimble LF's an exclusive, superior scanner would make scouting valid again. Give them a 90% nerf on everything else. Call it a long-range scanner or whatever, if the name's such a problem.
Now. The main thing we need, as a community, is to be given the tools to make player interaction, the main point of the entire mod, as easy as possible. It's clear, at least to me, that these scanners do, in fact, not contribute anything to the mod in terms of roleplaying or enjoyment in their current implementation and usage, except for those who, intentionally or not, misuse them to be left alone, rather than seeking out roleplaying or giving everyone a fair chance. Heh, that last one used to be the traders' argument against the pirates, being given a fair chance and all. Isn't it funny how times change?
Oh, and as for the credit loss? Space is dangerous, things change, features get patched out. Call it what you want, but if something doesn't work, it's gotta go, and fast. There's too few of us out there anyway, and I'd prefer for this community to stick around for a while longer, myself.
I would like to get a little more understanding of what is "wrong" with the way scanners currently work for those who really dislike the new ones with Update 7, particularly as voiced by Unforgiven here.
Please clearly ID the problem as specifically as you can, and explain how/why it is bad.
Then, please clearly state your solution and explain how/why it is good compared to what we currently have.
(I apologize if any feel you've already done so, but I feel a lot may have already gotten lost in the debate process over 8 pages of text).
In my opinion, actually there are more pirates than others! with better ships, more strong, more fast... omg, i dont know how, but I was disrupted 4k away!! dont ask me how... really strange.
BS scanner already nerfed (i disagree but...ok). The use of BS in traders, is NOT FOR AVOID INTERACTIONS, its just FOR AVOID TO BE DESTROYED and/or for save your money. (some pirates demanding awesome amounts!, we need a taxe limit rule ASAP)
I know about some pirates, acting together and doing it GREAT!, just doing a good cooperative pirating and if your trader have or have not BS... will not help you when they comes from 2 sides.
Anyway... if we are in a RP server, where is the reallity here? Do you really think in real there are the same number of pirates than citizens? Do you really think in real pirates have better stuff than law enforces?
I want to say, The Countermeasures also are nerfect (in favor to pirates), Transports have no wapons/shields against pirate ships (in favor to pirates), they have faster ships and can engage cruises much more faster (in favor to pirates)...etc.
This is turning into a "Restricted PVP 24/7 server"... hehehehehe. For RP purposes, we should look more into reallity, not everything oriented into fights.
For 250.000.000$, Battleship Scanner, should change name for "Sirius Deep Scanner" and return it into 25K range, and allow all ships to mount it. That will return back (like old times) the long range pursuits!!. I remember to feel my heart in my mouth watching 2 pirates behind me at 20K and trying to run away... but they was faster hahahaha.
(10-25-2014, 03:43 PM)Vredes Wrote: +1 for the idea. Today's traders are too OP and independent, leaving both escorts and pirates without a reason to log.
Exacly! Escorts suffer too from the OP'ness of of transport!... escorts should be essential for a trader! ... and nowadays traders prefer to have no escort because that way they won't have to pay anyone anything.