' Wrote:I would like to say that accusing him in supporting Hessians for purchasing Blood Diamonds was overreacting. Exagerrating. Way to fight boredom, I hope, not way to get rid of Dakun, otherwise that's just plain stupid for all the participants. At least it feels like that.
I don't see how it was overreacting, he asked to purchase 2000 Blood Diamonds on a public transmission. It was a logical reaction from those involved. He then threatened a member of Rheinland's military and threatened to cut trade through Omega-3 off. Both very good reasons for Bretonia and Rheinland to get involved.
Did some people come out of the wood works in opposition of Dakun as a player? I am sure I don't need to answer that.
' Wrote:So a single player took control over a faction's station while he is not even a member of an official goup of said faction. :wacko:
There are a handful of players role playing the leaders of various Freeports with the support of all three Zoner factions. Dakun never really got the nod from all three factions before this mess happened, but that is the past now.
While I appreciate Zelot's and also Dab's opinions, I have to say after reading all the other related, so called roleplay, posts this seems to be a personal matter than decent roleplay to me.
' Wrote:So a single player took control over a faction's station while he is not even a member of an official goup of said faction. :wacko:
Well, the members playing station administrators are usually doing it with the agreement of the official Zoner factions. I think someone of current administrators or active Zoner players can tell you about that.
' Wrote:I don't see how it was overreacting, he asked to purchase 2000 Blood Diamonds on a public transmission. It was a logical reaction from those involved. He then threatened a member of Rheinland's military and threatened to cut trade through Omega-3 off. Both very good reasons for Bretonia and Rheinland to get involved.
Freeport One is located in system under protectorate of Kingdom of Bretonia. 2000 untis of Blood Diamonds is not such a great amount. It's like saying that any jewelery company supports the war effort in Uganda or somewhere else.
I also can't find a reason why should Bretonia with her permittive stance towards Blood Diamonds and decision not to look for Zoner skeletons in its cupboard be that nervous. Zoners can make noise - everything until they really cause troubles - and then you can show them a battleship to calm those odd people down.
' Wrote:Freeport One is located in system under protectorate of Kingdom of Bretonia. 2000 untis of Blood Diamonds is not such a great amount. It's like saying that any jewelery company supports the war effort in Uganda or somewhere else.
I also can't find a reason why should Bretonia with her permittive stance towards Blood Diamonds and decision not to look for Zoner skeletons in its cupboard be that nervous. Zoners can make noise - everything until they really cause troubles - and then you can show them a battleship to calm those odd people down.
People do in fact say such things in real life and boycott companies they feel purchase goods from countries that are abusing its people. It isn't far fetched, it happens in real life.
AS for blood diamonds? I'm pretty sure everyone of the players who is in a leadership position in the BAF have said that blood diamonds are contra band many times before. I myself don't see it in their laws though, might have overlooked it though.
Bretonia took a active role because trade flow was threatened in Omega-3. That is the in role play reasoning I understand. As for your remark about showing a Zoner a battleship and calming us down, while that is typical, that is exactly what Dakun was wanting. His view on Zoners is they are a super powerful military group, because he's killed people in a Jinkusu before.
All and all it is done and over with, Dakun wound up doing exactly what he was advised to do, that is using words to diffuse the situation. Though I would have preferred he did the talking himself, I doubt anyone would have given him the chance.
i guess the main question one has to ask oneself ( if one is involved in it - even borderline involved )
"would i have reacted in the same way if the person doing all that had been a well respected and/or influencial member of the community?"
unrelated to "well connected" or "well respected" .... imagine :
doc holiday had asked for a shipment of blood diamonds for unknown purposes. - the shipment would have been ordered on the free market - and unsurprisingly, some hessian would have taken it. - now for the sake of juristiction... it matters little if the diamonds go to FP1 or lets say... pueblo bonito.
soon, - cause it had been public, - rheinland had come up with a rather threatingly response .... and so doc holiday had decided to publicly cancel the deal -... but here it comes...
... he would have opened another communication.. where he contacted the deliverer personally - and encrypted. - and informed him that the deal was still on - and that he only pretended to cancel the deal!
lets then imagine that a whole lot of ... lets call them "jerks" for the sake of simplicity .. had showed up in baffin at pueblo bonito .... and started to talk a lot of tosh.
and doc had said "well - if you must, gentlemen.... go your best - last man standing gets a beer.... mostly, cause dead men cannot get a beer"
would you guys go on and on and attack doc about it all? - if the answer is a definite "yes" - we can but hope that you re truthful to yourself....
if the answer is "but its doc!" - you apply double standards... and if the answer is "no" - you apply double standards - but you re at least honest to yourself about it.
---> i just picked doc, cause he usually matches a zoner with a good reputation. ( as a player )
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' Wrote:soon, - cause it had been public, - rheinland had come up with a rather threatingly response .... and so doc holiday had decided to publicly cancel the deal -... but here it comes...
... he would have opened another communication.. where he contacted the deliverer personally - and encrypted. - and informed him that the deal was still on - and that he only pretended to cancel the deal!
lets then imagine that a whole lot of ... lets call them "jerks" for the sake of simplicity .. had showed up in baffin at pueblo bonito .... and started to talk a lot of tosh.
Rhienland would have dropped it at that, just as they would have in this case had things not been complicated. Unfortunately, Dakun chose to ban the director of the BDM from docking, stated that he would make Rhienland's life very difficult, and give Liberty a base from which to attack them from a third front. This was obviously posturing, but it was extremely poorly thought out posturing. You don't threaten a House if you want to resolve the situation.
Doc wouldn't be daft enough to attempt any of the stuff mentioned at the end of the above paragraph. So, no. This situation wouldn't have happened to Doc. I really doubt people metagaming that thread secretly arranging for the deal to go ahead really had anything to do with Rhienland's reaction.
As for the fleet actions that took place outside the station... Drama begets drama. As soon as people started fighting (for increasingly silly reasons) the drama hit a critical mass and started sucking more people in. Dakun really had little to do with the lead-up or conclusion of that fight.
' Wrote:i guess the main question one has to ask oneself ( if one is involved in it - even borderline involved )
"would i have reacted in the same way if the person doing all that had been a well respected and/or influencial member of the community?"
unrelated to "well connected" or "well respected" .... imagine :
doc holiday had asked for a shipment of blood diamonds for unknown purposes. - the shipment would have been ordered on the free market - and unsurprisingly, some hessian would have taken it. - now for the sake of juristiction... it matters little if the diamonds go to FP1 or lets say... pueblo bonito.
soon, - cause it had been public, - rheinland had come up with a rather threatingly response .... and so doc holiday had decided to publicly cancel the deal -... but here it comes...
... he would have opened another communication.. where he contacted the deliverer personally - and encrypted. - and informed him that the deal was still on - and that he only pretended to cancel the deal!
lets then imagine that a whole lot of ... lets call them "jerks" for the sake of simplicity .. had showed up in baffin at pueblo bonito .... and started to talk a lot of tosh.
and doc had said "well - if you must, gentlemen.... go your best - last man standing gets a beer.... mostly, cause dead men cannot get a beer"
would you guys go on and on and attack doc about it all? - if the answer is a definite "yes" - we can but hope that you re truthful to yourself....
if the answer is "but its doc!" - you apply double standards... and if the answer is "no" - you apply double standards - but you re at least honest to yourself about it.
---> i just picked doc, cause he usually matches a zoner with a good reputation. ( as a player )
Exactly what I was trying to point out. Though I don't know Dakun very much, it looked to me like there was alot of aggression toward him and not his character.
Say Dakun RP's that his character gives himself up. And then RP's a "new" character into the position of Administrator. I wonder then, just how many people will STILL try to antagonize THAT 'new' character? I am fairly sure that we will quickly see MANY people still continue antagonizing and critiquing him in EVERY detail. Even if 'inRP' the 'bad' administrator steps down...
I could be wrong, and granted some of you did RP your dealing properly. Dab is a good example, he was not accusing Dakun at the beginning. It was only till after the events had occurred did he say his piece, enacting on the actions of what Dakun and others had done, regardless of how well RP'd the previous events happened.
He took what he had laid before him and did what should be done inRP. He did not escalate the situations while they were occurring to get to a position of pushing Dakun around, which is what I fear some of the people did, and may continue to do. Lets hope both Dakun can find his 'groove' in Disco, and others will learn to respect him, and perhaps help him when small mistakes are made.
Since I was the BDM direktor when all this occurred let me say a few things.
First of all yes, it was blown out of proportion. And jammi is correct those blood diamonds were not really the problem since he canceled the order. The threats were. Still we did not attack anyone and we did not demand him to leave until it was already blown out of proportion and it was the only solution left. It was however not our original intention to make him leave.
As for the BDM presence in O-3: The first agent to go there I was unaware of and since he did not respond in the group chat we were both in or on skype I had to go there myself to look what the hell was going.