Use a wax pencil or a piece or post it sticker on the center of your monitor, that'll be your new reticle. Practice with that and you'll have a decent aim.
You might be able to find some Rheinland Capital NPCs in systems like Bremen and New Hampshire, but I also think that Rheinland Capital NPCs will spawn in Hudson near the Hamburg JG. If they don't spawn there, they will definitely spawn on the Hamburg side of the gate, but if you just want practice, then that might not be a good place as it is quite active.
Other options in here also also nice. Hope that helps.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:You might be able to find some Rheinland Capital NPCs in systems like Bremen and New Hampshire, but I also think that Rheinland Capital NPCs will spawn in Hudson near the Hamburg JG. If they don't spawn there, they will definitely spawn on the Hamburg side of the gate, but if you just want practice, then that might not be a good place as it is quite active.
Other options in here also also nice. Hope that helps.
Alternatively, bump someone with a dreadnought and as for trget practice. First strt with aiming while not movong and woek up to fully under attack.
' Wrote:You might be able to find some Rheinland Capital NPCs in systems like Bremen and New Hampshire, but I also think that Rheinland Capital NPCs will spawn in Hudson near the Hamburg JG. If they don't spawn there, they will definitely spawn on the Hamburg side of the gate, but if you just want practice, then that might not be a good place as it is quite active.
Other options in here also also nice. Hope that helps.
Found some fighters in both those systems, but I will keep looking there or in Hudson. Don't wanna go into Rheinland on a solo lolraid. It kinda breaks RP and besides it will surely end up in a gank-fiest.
I just thought there would be tonnes of stuff to do besides from RP interaction (which snubcraft often are better for, let alone none-guard ID) and the occasional Texas group defence/Rheinland group offence (which is a lot of fun though). Especially since you see so many drive capships in Liberty.
I think the way the OC have it laid out is optimal, and I think every capship-building faction should have systems like Eta with a lot of capship missions and random Ossie NPC-spawn. Bremen ought to be like that.