Posts: 6,380
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
' Wrote:There is a pre-release of .86, or what do you mean with Alpha mod? *interested*
An alpha release is a mod release that's still under construction. It's the version that dev team testers get to use. The bit before the beta. The beta is where they've finished submitting and building things, and are just testing it for bugs.
There is always a "work version", followed by an Alpha 1 release, usually followed by an Alpha 2 release, then followed by closed Beta which is followed by any number of public betas. Discovery usually does its public betas on the main server, as we don't go onto betas until the Alpha is stable enough to run without crashes. Alphas are always closed, only used by the development team and testers. Friday is one of those. These changes are already in the Alpha, and thus, he sees them when he goes bug checking. (Things not in the Alpha yet, or things planned for it but not started, are not released in public logs such as this.)
If the Rheinland Federal Police get the Mjolnir...
Is there a specific reason that the other Houses are not getting their own respective bomber patrols?
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
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