Weapon Class: Fighter Torpedo
Hull Damage: 6000
Shield Damage: 4000
Range: 800 m
Projectile Speed: 5000 m/s
Refire Rate: 0.2
Energy Usage: 9000
So, basically this would be an alternative to the oh so popular Mini Razor.
The WLRDBSWT (name suggestions are welcome) is a super fast beam weapon (with an awesome projectile effect: 800 meter long bright blue beam!) which causes medium amounts of damage at the cost of a heavy fighter's entire power core. Cool, right? It's pretty much a sniper cannon. Just without the insta-kill effect that most snipers have these days.
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A 5000ms weapon on a fighter is an instant hit weapon. There's no skill involved in that - it's not a thing you have to aim, it's a thing you have to point.
' Wrote:A 5000ms weapon on a fighter is an instant hit weapon. There's no skill involved in that - it's not a thing you have to aim, it's a thing you have to point.
Can't see that being a viable option.
The insta-hit thing was exactly what I was thinking of. That's why I suggested such a high power usage in exchange. And if the target jerks back and forth (the way it should when it's dodging), aiming would still be difficult. Miss, and your power is pretty much gone.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
The Speed would need a nerf of like 80 percent and the power usage should be upped to a full VHF power core. Then the Hull/Shield to 4000/3000 and it should be okay in my opinion.
put it for a few factions and its awsome....why gallia dont use it? Or just navy , military , armed forces and naval forces? I mean fighters need some thing to kill those big well armed Ptranports! Or any other unlawfull armed ships!
But IMO make a ship that just hits some things like GB or Traders or even cruisers!
System is easy! Just disable aiming cross when you choose x target! make it 500m range! Just 1 ship made for this kind of weps and just 1 gun per ship and gun just works against special ships or others. These are just in my opinion! So dont forget about main topic!
' Wrote:put it for a few factions and its awsome....why gallia dont use it? Or just navy , military , armed forces and naval forces? I mean fighters need some thing to kill those big well armed Ptranports! Or any other unlawfull armed ships!
' Wrote:We already have that. It's called "bomber".
With same speed? Or snac is a laser gun? Remember if it happen you cant dodge it... 5000ms...can you? And i meant for VHF! A mini razor is kind of joke...hard to aim on starf..low speed+ funny damage..
' Wrote:With same speed? Or snac is a laser gun? Remember if it happen you cant dodge it... 5000ms...can you? And i meant for VHF! A mini razor is kind of joke...hard to aim on starf..low speed+ funny damage..
No, for some reason ships are given a chance of not being hit. I curse it when in bomber and praise it when in transport.