I understand that but I am trying to figure out what you really need. It seems like faction turrets would fill a need and they would be easier to produce and more likely to be incorporated sooner than a whole new ship line. Whatever, wait for the ships
' Wrote:Question: Do the Junkers have ANY ships they currently like and would like future models to be based on, or is this a complete come up with new ideas?
The Salvager and Pilgrim are very popular, you could try basing the train off one of those.
The snubs are all over the place, the Recycler is probably the highest quality model.
Junkers need:
1 Normal bomber- not 100% nessesery since they could use Roc and the lovely brick that need retexture sold on their base- varan- so this is optional only if the Model is good/fitting the line because SHF could play bomber Role as well and the civilian bombers are there as well.
2 Retexture/remade of the Bulldog- I personally prefer remade using -parts of CSV added etx- the ship stats is good as it is - really good even if you know how to use it.
3 Rebalance of the Collector- junker turrets added- same stats like class 9 junker guns, 15k hull points , 15k Core and 3rd turret to shot forwards- no new model needed - just make this one proper tank VHF that could dish out a lot of pain like Titan.
4 Recyllcer is perfect SHF
5 Junker GB? It should be underpowered light GB considering that salvager is really nice beast vs snubs- with the TS/TZ and tons of hull/bots/bats it is the best protected transport vessel in game - what one could want more?
Swallow model is perfect- just add it as light GS with bad arcs like the Gaian GS and call it a day.
6 Junker LF- Gitano is a Joke- I remember how I forced Espi to pirate sucsesfully someone using it in order to add him in our little junker band- it was fun but the ship crys for new model: Pic Pic Pic
Swallow again- really epic ship I jush hope that he could meet the requirements to be added or if not he could just work together with other ship maker in order to make it in. It could work also for perfect HF base model on the same way with addons like AP ships- Hammerhead and Manta.
7 Junker Train- wtf?
Congress want to transport more lawful goods in lawful manner- if you does not like juunker RP you could just disolve the faction and make new faction using one of the free corporate IDs. Junkers are smugglers and shady middleman not power traders- I know that the tragic official faction are power traders that ignore the big part of unlawful Junker RP and metagame as hell:Link
but well.. the faction Lore does not support adding train for junkers since the pirate train and the salvager are there and even the piligrim. Flying 5k train if for corporations junkers are not a corporation and the 3- 4k range is already good covered.
In general- junkers as official faction are total fail and does not deserve new ships, however junker ships are bad at the moment and need the said above improvements because some play junkers as they are supposed to be played and they does not deseve to be punished for the missdoings of the official faction.
I really hope some Dev would pop up here and make clear statement what is possible and what not since using shady skype channels and closed forums is not good enough if the people really want to model something and invest time into it.
~ Expierence: 3 years intensive junker playing and organising unofficial junker group- the group that made the house piracy as junker no go on the ID- intensive hated for that.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Govedo, I don't have my Gitano anymore, it was made year ago and rejected by community because of its wings. Though I could repeat it.
Currently I am porting my junker GB, making lods, wires, and all necessary stuff. The model you can find in my thread link to which I mentioned on first page ( that one thread you, buggers, flooded with crap and made me very, very upset).
So gunboat is up for me. I scaled it considering Pilot mesh (that one in fighters), so the scale will remain as is. It is a bit smaller than Emperor, I suppose. It would have six full-arcs guns on its sides and 400k powercore to be able to support basics (or 500, if balance team will find it necessary).
Yet to do:
- Turret placing
- .sur
- Two LOD models (such had never been done in Disco models, from what I know)
- Wireframe (that one you can see while targeting on your left HUD window)
- basic .ini data.
No forward cannon will be supported for now, there are two resons for it:
1. It would make people go rage because of it.
2. I don't know how to make forward gun, though the model is done.
' Wrote:In general- junkers as official faction are total fail and does not deserve new ships, however junker ships are bad at the moment and need the said above improvements because some play junkers as they are supposed to be played and they does not deseve to be punished for the missdoings of the official faction.
I really hope some Dev would pop up here and make clear statement what is possible and what not since using shady skype channels and closed forums is not good enough if the people really want to model something and invest time into it.
~ Expierence: 3 years intensive junker playing and organising unofficial junker group- the group that made the house piracy as junker no go on the ID- intensive hated for that.
As soon as you posted I was thinking "Here we go..." it was going well, until I saw this. You could have left that first bit out, but as usual you feel the need to complain immaturely. Can we be adults? Or would you like to go back to being 15? Just because a faction is mentioned, doesn't mean you have to try and drag its name through the dirt.
I didn't say 5k train. I was thinking of something like the pirate train, but you know, without the pirate.
We currently have the option of the Pilgrim that has 3900 cargo or the pirate train with 4300 cargo.
What would be so overpowered about a 4k train that wasn't treated with the same stigma as the pirate train (a trait of the Pilgrim) at the expense of not being a dps monster (for a transport at least)?
' Wrote:I was thinking of something like the pirate train, but you know, without the pirate.
We currently have the option of the Pilgrim that has 3900 cargo or the pirate train with 4300 cargo.
What would be so overpowered about a 4k train that wasn't treated with the same stigma as the pirate train
:ylove: Here we go again with the offical faction that have no idea about its lore and purpose in game.
"I want to be neutral with all and trade like boss everywhere without single enemy old Zoner ID way without lawfuls or unlawfuls buggering me."
- it is really nice attitude showing how much right am I about the whole deal.
It is kinda stupid for junkers as producer of the pirate train not to use it right? What about the house law makers decide to add the junker train in the list as well just to troll you?:lol:
Not flying your own ship because someone said that you should not fly it in the space where you have bases? No rules stop you to fly it there it is your personal choise if you would care about someones laws or not.
Role play is the answer.Congress are already lapdogs to the lawful authorities in the most house space-role play request to ignore their Pirate trains in their laws could be done and would fit a way more their lawful serving corporate werid Role Play while the normal junkers (same ones that have written in faction description that are hostile with all house corporations) would smuggle like Bosses in House space with P-trains without giving a sh. Good is that the Devs look on the RP background first before adding new ships so there wont be any Junker "neutral with all" Train for you anyway.
In general pissing against the wind or talking to the wall is pointless so I would evacuate myself from here. Junkers =/= Congress anyway so I would try to keep the Congress away from the whole topic- however the RP background belongs to the topic because without it the Devs wont allow any new ship in the mod.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)