' Wrote:Apparently some people love crying about pirates because they keep trading
No doubt.
I think they all hope we will simply one day be sunshine and roses and actually give them money.
' Wrote:I have been in a 14 ship convoy too. That one was a year ago with all junkers back before Scrap nerfs. Not hard to do when you got alot of ships all mining same area. Just need to convince them strength in numbers. Plus most know the pirate names when they look at chat. Names like "I.TAKE.ALL" "I.WILL.KILL.YOU" "I.WANT.ALL.YOUR.STUFF" makes their RP kind of obvious. You see 4-5 of these in chat?(and shove the power gaming replies, pirates do it to) well you avoid area, or you group up, and hire excorts.
Ever see CONVOY? they are always in a large group.
I don't think i've ever seen names quite that stupid. Ever. Unless of course you're talking about faction tags.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
' Wrote:Apparently some people love crying about pirates because they keep trading
I got 5 traders,35 non traders. I do 1 trade run a day. So keep spewing what you know nothing about. If you come back with how i get all those ship's? look at start date. almost 5 years is how.
Keep the flames coming. I got lots of fire retardant in reserve.:cool:
' Wrote:I got 5 traders,35 non traders. I do 1 trade run a day. So keep spewing what you know nothing about. If you come back with how i get all those ship's? look at start date. almost 5 years is how.
Keep the flames coming. I got lots of fire retardant in reserve.:cool:
Gee, you must be really proud of those characters. Trying to make me mad? I joined this community in 2007 before you did. You mad?
' Wrote:I've been thinking how to solve the ever-annoying problem of ooRP powertrading lolwuts non-paying but saying kill me and not playing the role properly.
The idea is a permaban on death for transports, there would be no more traders just waiting for respawn instead of playing along.
So let me know guys what do you think about it. I think it could work and benefit greatly to roleplay.
Gotta say, Look at the pirates to, sometimes i say just kill me when im trading. Ill tell you a short story of The other day.
Come into Tau23
Two Pirates attack and destroy me, No Demands, and im not moving
5 Hours later, relog, come back to Tau23, Pirate pops up, "GIVE ME 3MILLION NOW" Starts shooting i die
Next Day
Come into tau23, Pirates just finished destroying the transport i was about to get paid to full, Says "Give me money" I say Got none, He shots, I get away.
Decide to go mine some were else, Leave tau23 to see a pirate yelling at me to stop, I Hand a long Cruise speed conversation about how there was no way i was stopping to chat to yet another pirate.
As a comparison
I Do a trade run with passengers. Im stopped by Rhineland Security Forces at a trade lane. They take 10 minutes of my time inspecting my papers, Checking my load, Doing a risk analysis in case one of my passengers is a terrorist, after all that they suggest i now pay them 2million dollars, And i did, I also went back past the same two guys 3 times that day, and they waved me by.
5 Days ago
Pirate stops me, Demands 3 million dollars, explaining its protection money for my valuable cargo (Cant put a price on a human life) I explain that all sirus systems have infact put a price on a human life, and my whole load is worth less than the 3 million dollars he requests, We barter a bit, He decides 500,000 for me and my companion, We end up having a dog fight, The pirate gets my hull to 10% then clearly states "Are you ready to pay now"? The man got paid Plus some.
Last Week
Pirate stops my wife, I pay the requested fine via "GiveCash" (She is new had no cash i wasn't in the system) The pirate Started attacking her "Im an outcast"
Hmm to me only two of these scenarios is playing the game, And the first Scenario taints you all, I avoid you like the plague, Because there's far more Bad pirates in my experience, than good pirates.
' Wrote:I've been thinking how to solve the ever-annoying problem of ooRP powertrading lolwuts non-paying but saying kill me and not playing the role properly.
The idea is a permaban on death for transports, there would be no more traders just waiting for respawn instead of playing along.
So let me know guys what do you think about it. I think it could work and benefit greatly to roleplay.
Don't ask 5 millions for what costs 4 at their destination, or if they're close to starting point - for what costed 0.5 for them to buy.
Another solution, is to increase commodity buying prices.
' Wrote:Don't ask 5 millions for what costs 4 at their destination, or if they're close to starting point - for what costed 0.5 for them to buy.
Another solution, is to increase commodity buying prices.
P.S. Eh, didn't notice it was gravedigged
Opps sorry, the grave digging was my fault, I was simply searching for trade route suggestions, so i don't need to return to tau23. Didn't think to look at the date.
When pirates start doing some good roleplay when pirating, traders will be willing to RP well themselves and actually pay.
When I am pirating, 80% of the time traders take their time to talk with me and RP properly, because I actually try and TALK with them. If a pirate does his "2 mill or die!" demand and starts shooting at the target after a 20 sec "because its taking too long/you are calling for help", what do you guys expect??
And I just hate people who bring other people in positions that make them do something stupid ("F1") and than gleefully report them to the admin team.
Saying that: In future I will report traders who F1 from me after i demand 20 000 credits for my wifes new dress. Seriously.
' Wrote:And I just hate people who bring other people in positions that make them do something stupid ("F1") and than gleefully report them to the admin team.
Nothing new- only from 2 hours pirating yesterday I got 4-5 traders F1ing , I even dont bother to report more because I need to report every second encounter.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)