' Wrote:Isn't it "CNS-" for corsairs? Also feel free to add Red Hessians there which varies depending on ship type: RHGB-, RHC-, RHB-.
The Red Hessians do not have a specific ship naming prefix, and much like the SCRA, uses RHX [where X represents the abbreviation for the ship type; ie. GB for Gunboat or BS for Battleship). Consequently, there is no designation or prefix to indicate that the vessel has been registered to that faction's military (or Small Paramilitary as the Red Hessians currently represent).
' Wrote:It's CNS for corsairs
No. Please, read the small letters below the Corsair prefix entry. The Corsairs DO NOT MAINTAIN A NAVY, mainly because of the general food shortage and scarce resource conditions, due to which they just communicate with each other and coordinate actions.
' Wrote:Note that you've not mentioned anything to distinguish the official factions from the irregulars (aka indies).
[LN], for example, is the offical faction prefix.
What I meant by the topic title is that these prefixes are in use by both official faction capital ships and independent capital ships. Obviously, the official [LN] Fleet uses the full prefix [LN]-LNS-Shipname instead of just LNS-Shipname, but the common ground is L.N.S. for Liberty Naval Ship.
' Wrote:I didn't see a single ship with that prefix. Just sayin'
Of course. I clearly specified that Corsairs use no prefix, or use the most fitting prefix, C.W., which stands for Corsair Warship and represents the Spanish equivalent that reads "Buque de Guerra Espanol", where "Buque de Guerra" means "War Ship".
' Wrote:I wouldn't call them (( The Order )) small, considering they can employ capital vessels on the battlefield. Sure, they're no house navy, but they're far from small.
Oh yes, but the military classification comes from actual fleet size and the people registered to the faction's militia. The Order has the most advanced human technology in the Edge Worlds, which makes them a big threat to most Sirius Organizations, but in fleet size they are still relatively small, though larger than small pirate organizations like the Unioners.
The general classifications for warmaking capability of an entity in Sirius are:
House Militaries/Navies/Armies > Large Paramilitaries > Small Paramilitaries > Large Militias > Small Militias > Private Corporations, Security Companies, and Defense Forces
Note: Original post edited. "O" added to the official prefix for ships belonging to The Order. Now reads O.C.V.
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
Quote:A naval ship is a ship (or sometimes boat, depending on classification) used for combat purposes, commonly by a navy or coast guard. Naval ships are differentiated from civilian ships by construction and purpose. Generally, naval ships are damage resilient and armed with various weapon systems, though armament on troop transports is light or non-existent.
The term "warship" is usually used to identify the subclass of naval ships designed primarily as combatants, as opposed to support or shipyard operations.
So ye, CNS makes sense if you ask me
' Wrote:Of course. I clearly specified that Corsairs use no prefix, or use the most fitting prefix, C.W., which stands for Corsair Warship and represents the Spanish equivalent that reads "Buque de Guerra Espanol", where "Buque de Guerra" means "War Ship".
So that is what you would like the corsairs to use, not what they are really using.
' Wrote:CNS = corsair navy ship = corsair naval ship
"A naval ship is a ship (or sometimes boat, depending on classification) used for combat purposes, commonly by a navy or coast guard. Naval ships are differentiated from civilian ships by construction and purpose. Generally, naval ships are damage resilient and armed with various weapon systems, though armament on troop transports is light or non-existent.
The term "warship" is usually used to identify the subclass of naval ships designed primarily as combatants, as opposed to support or shipyard operations."
So ye, CNS makes sense if you ask me.
I'm sorry Vito, but you completely missed the point of my original clarification. Your own quote says that "..naval ship is a ship used for combat, commonly used by a navy or coast guard..."
Thus, Corsair Combat Vessels (WARSHIPS, DUH), cannot be classified as Naval ships, because according to lore analysis, the Corsairs do not maintain a regular Navy, mainly due to operation costs.
Therefore, C.N.S. makes ZERO sense.
(We) Corsairs do not have a Navy. Nu-uh. We coordinate in a well-organized fashion, but that does not mean every Corsair is part of the military. They opt to be trained in combat and go fight for their land and people (good ones, anyway).
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
Quote: na·vy (nv)
n. pl. na·vies
1. All of a nation's warships.
navy [ˈneɪvɪ]
n pl -vies
1. (Military) the warships and auxiliary vessels of a nation or ruler
Just to make sure everyone understand what the word "navy" means.
First of all commonly =/= always so your first argument doesn't stick.
The Corsair Empire is a nation and has warships, so all of the Empire's warships = the Empire's navy. The second definition includes the word "ruler" so you don't need a highly organized state-like structure to call the total of your ships a navy.
Therefore, C.N.S. makes A LOT OF sense.
(We) Corsairs do have a navy. So does every other group/faction/organization/ruler/warlord/nation that uses (space) boats.
Corsairs do not maintain an organised military force.
I can imagine CNS being used for the purposes of propaganda by a faction, in order to position itself closer to the people than its rivals and gain public support. There's a lot in a name after all. But in terms of a true Navy, a unified military force such that they are, there is no Navy in the name of the Corsairs as a whole. This is because the Corsairs at best maintain a very loose central government structure.
If those definitions of "navy" really are true, then every faction in the game has one. You seem to acknowledge this, but do the LWB or the GC really have a navy? I find that to be a more superfluous description of their forces, that doesn't adequately describe what they are.
' Wrote:"na·vy (nv)
n. pl. na·vies
1. All of a nation's warships.
navy [ˈneɪvɪ]
n pl -vies
1. (Military) the warships and auxiliary vessels of a nation or ruler"
Just to make sure everyone understand what the word "navy" means.
First of all commonly =/= always so your first argument doesn't stick.
The Corsair Empire is a nation and has warships, so all of the Empire's warships = the Empire's navy. The second definition includes the word "ruler" so you don't need a highly organized state-like structure to call the total of your ships a navy.
A Navy is not a mere plural form meaning "lots of warships" as your brilliant understanding tells you.
A Navy is a military force, part of a regular military, that serves a nation, empire, commonwealth, dynasty, or [insert Vito's own nightmarish armed force here]. Since the Corsairs do not maintain a regular military force as I'm tired to point out, they do not have a real Navy. Navy is not a group of warships. We have a group of warships that fight for a common goal.
That does not mean we have a regular Navy to refer to our vessels as "Naval Ships".
Oh, and by the way, the Corsairs are not an "Empire". That is a gamer's Starwars-gasmic dream of calling someone "Emperor" that regrettably spread like wildfire. (tell me where in the lore we find the words Emperor, Empress, King, Queen, or Lord Vito).
The Corsairs are a Nation.
*thumbs up and walks away*
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
But regardless of how much sense it makes, or how stupid it may be, or whatever, CNS- is what a lot of Corsair players use. Most players don't even tag their Corsair capital ships.
Also, a quick note about the Corsair empire. Imperialism is not, in and of itself, a political philosophy or a method for state government. Rather, it is a type of forgein policy, istigated by nations (who's own governmental structure ranges vastly, from democratic republics to the more common totalitarian monarchy) who seek to establish influence (but not total control) over a territory for the purposes of exploiting that territory's resources for the imperial nation's benifit. As such, any nation can be an empire, regardless of how they run internal affairs. In that way, the Corsairs, who are governed by a council, can be considered an 'empire' due to the large area of space which they consider to be under their influence, and exploit in the forms of piracy, artifact smuggling and slavery.
This has been a lesson from your friendly neighborhood imperialist.
..considered an 'empire' large area of space which they consider to be under their influence, and exploit in the forms of piracy, artifact smuggling and slavery...
It makes sense by definition to call a group influencing a large area to exploit, and empire. However, by definition, that would mean Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, Rheinland, Gallia, and virtuall all pirate and criminal factions in-between could be considered "empires".
If the case deals with "all", then it is as relevant as a particle of spacedust in a galaxy. That said, why add a completely unnecessary concept about a group that's fighting for survival rather than world domination?
I think the official standing of the Corsair Nation being the Nation it is doesn't need anything taken or added to its name. But I appreciate the contribution and clarification. I didn't know that imperialism could be applied to just about anything.
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
Corsairs do have navy, like all other factions that have access of combined types of warships/capships.(Fleet)
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)