' Wrote:You are taking these players out of context mate. They are Hessiens, they are just not "OFFICIAL PLAYER FACTION" Hessiens. And as such they have to follow Vanila Hessien RP NOT the "OFFICIAL FACTION RP" .
I dare you to join Mollys- I bet we would blast your wrong OFFICIAL faction views. Not all factions are the same.
You are right and wrong at the same time- the problem is that if Hessian A (does not matter official or not)
shoot in RP faction B, and hessian C (does not matter official or not) likes in RP faction B in RP.
So it the whole lore and RP of the faction is screwed.
In general I does not like closed factions, hell some would call me closed faction hater, but I must admit that I like the idea of Indies following official faction RP- mostly because there are some ridiculous situations:
Yesterday Leeds orbit:
BAF| and Benitez/Sails have nice pew fest, Mollys arrive on the scene, a bunch of inide BAF capital ships brutal gank corsairs even if they were nicely covered by BAF| snubs( one BAF|snub per sair snub and one indie cap per sair snub) , BAF|beggs their Indies to move out the caps and not to Gank , even the BAF second in Command beggs them.
Mollys decide to open up on the BAF indie capspam in order to keep the situation somewhat fair, indie capspam reengages multiple times docking on Leeds for bots and feed indie exile pilot that shoot Mollys with bots 3 times.
RP? Last time when I checked it was RP server. There was none- it is so messed up that
I like the new 6.9 but I still does not understand it, I hope that it work like this- BAF| admiral orders to the indie capspam to disengage- they refuse he reports them and they loose their guns and credits- so next time they would listen.
If your role is to be capitan/pliot of any navy then you must listen to the Admirals Orders. If you does not like this role- well take generic ID and be your own boss.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
God damn it we have a special rule against breaking appropriate faction rp. Or you could just stop whining and try to deal with it inrp, by, like, reporting the hypotetical hessian in comm channels to get him questioned and maybe fr5ed. But no, let's write walls of text in general discussions for no particular reason.
' Wrote:God damn it we have a special rule against breaking appropriate faction rp. Or you could just stop whining and try to deal with it inrp, by, like, reporting the hypotetical hessian in comm channels to get him questioned and maybe fr5ed. But no, let's write walls of text in general discussions for no particular reason.
Read the news in rules section Vlad- factions cannot FR5 it own IDs anymore.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaat. Well i guess then 6.9 could be applied in severe cases, and, uh, well. Not sure, this needs to be clarified in rules section by admin. I mean, how about, say, some group of hessian lolwuts/trolls start to, say, pirate the hell out of img? It's allowed by id but not allowed inrp. What the factions are going to do? Nothing?
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' Wrote:Wait whaaaaaaaaaaat. Well i guess then 6.9 could be applied in severe cases, and, uh, well. Not sure, this needs to be clarified in rules section by admin. I mean, how about, say, some group of hessian lolwuts/trolls start to, say, pirate the hell out of img? It's allowed by id but not allowed inrp. What the factions are going to do? Nothing?
But i'm too tired to make a thread there now.
FR2 then... nothing. Yeah. Factions really can't do much / anything about their indies, which is why it's ludicrous when people attempt to hold player factions accountable for them.
EDIT: Nothing happened. Factions have never been allowed to FR5 their own indies.
' Wrote:There are no sanctions to address this problem and -FOR EXAMPLE- Hessian faction wont take actions against a Hessian/freelancing/pirate who is disrupting Rheinland/IMG/whoever, shipping and mining when these Pirates ARE NOT Hessians!
Actually this is not true. We took and will take RP actions against people who work against us.
We took down Hessian IDed players harrassing IMG and we took down pirate IDed players using Hessian/Unioner/whatever IFF, harrassing IMG.
However it's their decision to go that way and it would be wrong to restrict them rule-wise.
' Wrote:Read the news in rules section Vlad- factions cannot FR5 it own IDs anymore.
To stay at the Hessian example: Hessians mostly were mere pirates in vanilla, who would the official faction be to denie that to indies? I could understand if one could rp-wise keep them from docking the Guard stations, but declaring them hostile to anyone having worked/fought with them before is quite hard to accomplish.
' Wrote:I mean, how about, say, some group of hessian lolwuts/trolls start to, say, pirate the hell out of img?
We had this before. We didn't FR5, we hunted them down.
' Wrote:Example: An Outcast pirates fellow Outcasts in front of Alpha. He has been warned numerous times by Independents, Official Factions & players representing the Outcast Government. He either never responds to PM's or states " No speak English" . Screen shots are taken for evidence. With said evidence, he could be listed as Hostile to the Outcast even if he is one.
' Wrote:This is something the admin team stopped doing.
It seems that with the new 6.9 admins changed their policy, however it is still very vague and unclear.
Form my point of view they should FR5 even faction indies if they go trolling/yalaala vs faction goals/RP- it is written in the damn faction rules- in the same rules is written somewhere that the Admins would make sure that they would enforce them.
If not then they should change the rule and announce it.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:And the world gets closer to it's end as I agree with ryoken. But he is right, without indies this server would be really quite dead.
At what point did I say all indys need to go away? I even mentioned that Indys are a transition from either choosing to be Independent or join a faction. How is this, me saying all indys need to go away?
Again, I believe Independents either need to eventually choose a faction, play alone in that faction, stay constrained to the rules of the faction ID or just remain independent, take the Nerf or use civi equiptment.
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.