' Wrote:Dunno about that cause I never tried to supply one. But arent there more nomads and wilde together than there are... I dunno... DSE? It would be challenging, sure. But isnt the challenge the thing that makes games fun? In my opinion having a goal like that would be more fun than to fly around spamming ***RP*** at people without any other goal. Many players who think being a nomad is boring may feel the same.
The issue is you have to find a transport specifically hauling or hire ones to do so. Its just not practical. And metagaming is quite prevalent. Yes its fun to have a goal, but in a system like this it would be beyond frustrating. I don't think even pirate groups, ones much larger than us, try something like this simply because its such an impractical method of getting the supplies for the base.
You have to find the Transport, get the goods, get a Wilde Transport, haul the goods to the base, and do this for hundreds upon thousands of supplies for the base. By the time the Wilde could make a cloaking device it would probably be .89 even if they went for the 'bare bones' base.
' Wrote:Theoritically wilde and nomads should collaborate on exactly that: getting stuff from humans for the goals of the nomads.
We do collaborate, but on a project of such scale is just a bit much. Not to mention getting K'hara from the deep Omnis to the Omegas takes a bit of sneaking. And Wilde typically don't leave far from the Omegas or Taus because dying on your Wilde is frowned upon, not to mention similar metagaming issues that K'hara has.
' Wrote:As far as I know the ID ninja-reps you back to full green every time you land (or die). So theoretically, you could get those parts more easily than anyone else. Ok it would be weird to shoot your own kind, but hey... nomads wouldnt be the first. Black Widows do it. Ant and termite colonies do it. Territorial chimps do it. Humans do it. Shark babies eat each others up in their mother's womb, and the strongest one is the one to survive and get born.
Still ooRP. Nomads aren't termite colonies, they're a highly advanced alien race that is/was a single 'organism' linked mentally. The concept of individuals was something completely alien to Nomads as they were to humans. So attacking yourself to make something out of yourself seems a bit off.
Gentlefood Wrote:Still ooRP. Nomads aren't termite colonies, they're a highly advanced alien race that is/was a single 'organism' linked mentally. The concept of individuals was something completely alien to Nomads as they were to humans. So attacking yourself to make something out of yourself seems a bit off.
I'm not trying to change your vision of nomads, but I dont think its not that far fetched really.
The fact that they are highly advanced doesnt mean they wouldnt canibalize themselves, specifically because the concept of individuals is alien to them.
It could be as natural for themselves to "farm" certain types of themsleves just like its natural for us to cut our hair or chew on your fingernails. They are, after all, bio-engineered machines, and are likely to place the collective above the individual. They may most likely not even have notions of fear, guilt, or other human/animal instincts.
' Wrote:The fact that they are highly advanced doesnt mean they wouldnt canibalize themselves, specifically because the concept of individuals is alien to them.
No, it's not.
But you haven't run across many of us, have you? Not since ... the event ... where the collective was shattered, and we as individuals now exist.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
In general there is no reason why people should get free stuff- nomads or wilde or whatever- it is unfair towards the others that must grind to have the stuff-all grind or all get free stuff- take it or leave it....
The easiest solution is to calculate the effort to make the said cloaks and the credits spent on stations- and it is much cheaper and easier and safer to powertrade for credits compared with actually building/protecting and producing modules from the station.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
While I generally dislike giveaways for select individuals based on real life acquaintances, let's please remember we are talking about giving people who have been recognized as good roleplayers stuff they already have in-rp.
Besides, I believe that for a nomad, something like a cloaking device is pretty much like an organ, no different than, lets say, your legs or your lungs.
If cloaking had not been born within nomad rp, I'd agree they should not have it easilly, but since it did...
Quote:QUOTE(Reverend Del @ Apr 11 2012, 05:49 PM)
Nommies shouldn't need it, but then Nommies should be bloody scary. Alas years of whining have left them rather toothless.
I agree, Nomads should be scary, not scarce.
I disagree...
After being beaten in a massive war envolving all 4 houses... and our titular hero Trent...
They should be toothless.
It's been 20 years, however and they should be a little stronger.
After being beaten in a massive war envolving all 4 houses... and our titular hero Trent...
They should be toothless.
It's been 20 years, however and they should be a little stronger.
But nowhere close to their original strength.
They had cloaking devices to begin with, even before the war. There is no reason why they wouldn't have them now still. And yes, they would still be stronger than they were immediately after the war, so they should have some advantages by now, and not merely giving them a cloak. A better cloak, certainly, perhaps without any chargeup time and/or reduced fuel consumption.
Quote:They had cloaking devices to begin with, even before the war. There is no reason why they wouldn't have them now still. And yes, they would still be stronger than they were immediately after the war, so they should have some advantages by now, and not merely giving them a cloak. A better cloak, certainly, perhaps without any chargeup time and/or reduced fuel consumption.
Not comfortable with giving an OP cliche alien faction even more OP weapons/equipment.