Was removed because all the Freelancer 'like' ID's were moved into one.
The people saying it was grieving are referring to a time before the ID was nerfed down with a ton of restriction.
There were only a few selected people using it at the time.
There were a few selected people of course using it in the Kruger and IMG 'wars',
to dodge having to use their own ID's for ZoI limitations.
However it's funny I read, "Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere" since neither of those were just that.
So that's sort of amusing to read now.
You won't have any cap8 Gunboats or Cruisers yanking on anyone to harass them.
' Wrote:Can demand any non-house police or non-house military ships to drop any contraband
Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere in Sirius except for the Omicron systems
Outweighs this:
' Wrote:Cannot use ANY unlawful equipment or weapons (including Nomad weapons)
Cannot ally with anyone except other Vigilantes
Cannot attack any lawful police or lawful military except in self defense
Cannot demand credits
Cannot trade or escort traders
Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
Can only land on Bounty Hunter, Zoner, IMG, Neutral, and Freelancer bases
By far.
"Cannot use unlawful weapons" - Nothing weird, not that big of a restriction.
"Cannot ally with anyone except other Vigilantes" - Nothing weird, you can still shoot every unlawful you want.
"Cannot attack any lawful police or lawful military except in self defence" - Nothing weird, you kill pirates not lawfuls. Not really a restriction.
"Cannot demand credits" - Not a restriction, you aren't a lawful pirate.
"Cannot trade or escort traders" - Not a big restriction either, mercenaries do that, you aren't a mercenary.
"Cannot fulfill bounty contracts" - That isn't even a restriction. It lets you shoot all unlawfuls without doing any type of paperwork.
"Can only land on Bounty Hunter, Zoner, IMG, Neutral and Freelancer bases" - Not a real restriction, there are plenty of those bases around.
So yeah, it's a kill all unlawfuls on sight without any consequences or forum paperwork ID. I like shooting, but, it's basically a lawful Terrorist ID with very few restrictions (if they can even be considered restrictions).
Edit: Not that the Pirate ID is any different, but I'm just sayin'.
' Wrote:Pilot carrying this ID is a Vigilante, who : Can demand any non-house police or non-house military ships to drop any contraband
Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere in Sirius except for the Omicron systems
Cannot use ANY unlawful equipment or weapons (including Nomad weapons)
Cannot ally with anyone except other Vigilantes
Cannot attack any lawful police or lawful military except in self defense
Cannot demand credits
Cannot trade or escort traders
Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
Can only land on Bounty Hunter, Zoner, IMG, Neutral, and Freelancer bases
Allowed ships: Fighters, and Freighters
I think there are a few...
As far as I remember, those two points I marked were the reasons for its removal. People were able to say "contraband" to a lot of things they weren't okay with. So some kind of opinion based demand that is made. The second point that is marked speaks for itself, I think. There is no other ID, which allows something like that, except for the Nomad, Wild and Terrorist ID.
While I miss the Vigilante ID as well, I might be confident it returns in case those two lines are being changed into something 'less offensive'. The ideas I had, concerning this, aren't really mature yet...but maybe worth a look:
Can demand any non-house police or non-house military ships with less than 650 units of cargo space to drop any contraband, which is defined by the House laws.
Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere in Sirius except for the Omicron systems if they are caught in offensive actions. (For instance: Pirates/Terrorists attack a lawful. Engagement rules apply)
Another idea:
Can demand any non-house police or non-house military ships, to drop any contraband but only outside the Houses
Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere in Sirius except for the Omicron and Omega systems
Dunno, just some ideas. However, I quite liked the Vigilante ID. If such balance changes could be made, that would be awesome.
' Wrote:Dub,
Want me to do the same for the Pirate ID?
Using a cap8 Gunboat telling anyone,
"200k or die." And then wait a bit and shoot.
No matter what IFF or ID.
It's just another hunter like ID with some restrictions on what you can use, and how to.
It's the same as the Pirate ID without the need to pirate and with less bases to use, yes. I never said otherwise. I just said that I don't think the Vigilante ID had any real restrictions on it. That's just my opinion though, since I used it only for a while and I only got 1 pirate ID'd character. 8|
' Wrote:Wasn't the last version of the Vigilante ID changed so that you would have to pick an IFF and only shoot at hostiles to that particular faction/IFF?
Pick a lawful IFF yes.
And listen to how it is strange USI or BHG uses Sabres :cool:
' Wrote:Wasn't the last version of the Vigilante ID changed so that you would have to pick an IFF and only shoot at hostiles to that particular faction/IFF?
Pretty much, yes. But be honest...that's no Vigilante ID anymore. At least not for me. They work for their own goals...
More or less a PvP restriction has to be placed, which nerfs the abilities to shoot everyone with that ID. But don't bind it to factions...