When it comes to the question about cats, dogs and... polar bears, I find it very unlikely that a ship setting out to recolonize somewhere else wouldn't bring as thorough a collection of animal DNA as possible.
I'd imagine pretty much any planet terraformed to be earth like would also have earth species inplanted.
As for gaian animals, I can't really see anything that should hold your imagination back.
(02-07-2013, 12:04 AM)SMGSterlin Wrote: And yes, catgirls prove that cats still exist in Sirius..
Cats? sure, why not? but show me a catgirl in Sirius & all I see is a dude with deep seeded humanity shame issues & an odd fashion sense. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Whatever makes them feel pretty is of no real concern.
(02-07-2013, 10:36 PM)Himura Suzume Wrote: When it comes to the question about cats, dogs and... polar bears, I find it very unlikely that a ship setting out to recolonize somewhere else wouldn't bring as thorough a collection of animal DNA as possible.
I'd imagine pretty much any planet terraformed to be earth like would also have earth species inplanted.
As for gaian animals, I can't really see anything that should hold your imagination back.
Polar bears. A mans best friend. Why wouldn't you take one or its DNA with you?