Name: Wildhorse & Falcon.Crest Permit: WHS Ltd. Shipping and Armour Dealer (Consortium) Zone: [0/1/2/3] N/A Proof of identity: N/A as the gods as you well know permitted us to have our Freighters only to use Interspace Commerce as our flag of operation and these are the only two requesting access to complete your requested deliveries. Ship: Wildhorse (Shire Freighter) and Falcon.Crest (Bison Freighter) Proof of Payment: Sir you are to pay me for my stock not I you. If not then I have plenty more buyers needing these Docking Modules elsewhere. If docking is not permitted then contact me on how you propose delivery?
To: WHS Ltd. From: Ryan Manning, Chief 'Cross Logistics Manager, Bowex. RE: Permits.
As a matter of a fact, we can afford to turn you down. I'm unsure as to who you think you're dealing with, but Borderworld Exports has been a corporate superpower for going on 700 years. Needless to say, we're unimpressed by the temper tantrums of young upstarts. In the name of fairness, we'll hold you to the same standards as everyone else. You'll purchase a visa or do without the privilege of docking. After all, if you need us so little, I'm sure you won't miss the opportunity?
I would like to request a docking permit for all Platinum Incorporated vessels, our ships fly under the callsign: Platinum|
I hope you can grant us our request and I look forward to conducting business on your station in the near future
Name: Platinum Incorporated Permit: Organisation Zone: Band 1 Proof of identity:Attached Proof of Payment:Transaction Receipt
To: Oystein Baadsvik, Platinum Incorporated From: Ryan Manning, Chief 'Cross Logistics Manager, Bowex. RE: Request for docking Permits.
Good day to you sir, sorry for the delay, but I am waiting for our Chief of Security, Felicia Miller, to finish doing the background checks on your company.
I hope to meet you soon and thank you for your patience.
Should Bowex be needing more information from us on who we are exactly, we'd be happy to provide you with all the details you require. As you may or may not know, we are a Liberty Corporation that operates out of Alberta. Our primary source of revenue is in the mining, refining, and sale of rare Platinum ore. We conduct a lot of business in Bretonia and so hence our application for docking rights at Kings Cross Station. More information on us can be found here or your Chief of Security or anyone else may contact us in regards to finding out more about us.
We've even had the pleasure to have supplied ore to some of your men before, searching through our records I found these #1, #2. I'm also sure we have supplied ore to your people on other occassion to, perhaps this might be a first step us conducting more business together in the future? Well that is up to you.
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To: Oystein Baadsvik, Platinum Incorporated From: Ryan Manning, Chief 'Cross Logistics Manager, Bowex. RE: Request for docking Permits.
We're sorry for the delay - your ships have now been registered for docking access. Regrettably, the prices for various bandings (including your own) were lowered shortly after you transferred payment. In light of this, we will be issuing a refund to the size of the difference. Please provide a payment address and the funds will be wired forthwith.
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To: John Molokai, Molokai Investments. From: Ryan Manning, Chief 'Cross Logistics Manager, Bowex. RE: Request for docking Permits.
Good day to you, Mr Molokai. I believe I may have met your father in the past - the surname seems familiar. Has he ever guest hosted a lecture on Sirian socio-economic politics at New London's Royal Institute of Fiscal Studies? I recall sitting in on the seminar during my first year studies.
As to the business at hand - I doubt there is any man in Bretonia who could better inform you as to the current commercial state of King's Cross. The installation has now been operating for just short of a year. In that time, several hundred thousand tonnes of ore have passed through our berths, with a revenue of multiple billions of credits generated. After offsetting steep initial construction costs, we've returned our investment and are now focused on turning a profit. Due to the central location, Bowex has also converted 'Cross into a regional HQ, with various other entities renting contract offices.
BMM's ores go for top credit in both Rheinland and Liberty, but I'm afraid you're going to be hard pressed getting to either if northern Bretonia alone presently gives you trouble. Cloaking devices were briefly considered as a theoretical solution to pan-Omega crossings, but Bowex has historically relied on the weight of numbers, the skill of our security contractors and the conviction of our staff to directly smash through pirate blockades. We've been unable to endorse cloaking technology due to the prohibitive cost and veritable legal minefield that accompanies them.
While Bretonia has been relatively liberal with the de-regulation of cloaking technology for law-abiding citizens, other Houses have taken a stronger stance. In Liberty and Rheinland especially, it is considered a criminal offence to possess the technology. This is another factor that would have to be considered, especially seeing as you would likely have to provide an overwhelmingly good reason for approval to both. Your ties to Interspace Commerce would probably prejudice any results in Rheinland to boot. In any case, the Crown Services umbrella will not be venturing into the cloak manufacturing arena at the present time.
A docking permit will also require a 2.5 million credit down payment for a BMM secondary contractor. As well as a pricing catalogue overhaul, the wording on our bands has recently been clarified. We'll contact you shortly with rental options for office space aboard the station.