Ship ID - Sexy.Pancakes
Ship type - Eagle
.:Message Begins:.
Dear employers.
I am requesting landing permissions in the Golden Coin for me and my associate Mr. Diaz, whom proved his usefulness yesterday in the eradication of the hostiles in New London.
Ship names are as follows: Sexy.Pancakes (and variations) Alexander.Diaz (and variations).
Said permission will make our operations in the Omega and Dublin area much easier and our job by far more efficient.
I am glad to hear you're willing to discuss things. As a result, I shall upload information regarding our ship so that you can see we pose no threat to your people.
Seems that some responses are in order. Standing by to send individual messages.
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Natasha Petrov,
Before we can place your ship on the green list we will need the following:
Image proof of ID
Image proof of reputation to the Mollys
The exact name of your ship.
Provide these and we can process your request.
Brigid O'Connel
Councillor for Operations
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Hans Weissman,
The access requested has been granted.
Good hunting to you,
Brigid OConnel
Councillor for Operations
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Dan McKay,
It is unusual these days to have a Gaian trading with the Mollys. It's been a long long time and something I personally am happy to see. It is unfortunate that the previous Gaian leadership chose to be hostile towards us. Let us hope that your parlay with us can lead to a brighter future for us all.
Your access has been granted, though do please follow our guidelines regarding not abusing your access to trade with Corsairs.
Brigid OConnel
Councillor for Operations
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now, on to some other correspondence while Carrie is on tour with her band.
My name is Tom Kovalsky and I would like to silence the guns of Goldern Coin that have REALLY REALLY bad influence on my bussines. Since I do not prefer force solutions nor I would like your wonderful instalation to be damaged in ANYway I rather ask for a permission or at least a neutral stence to your defences. I understand that you require me to present some details about me and my reputation so here it is:
Name: Tom Kovalsky
Ship: Firefly
ID: Freelancer smuggler
Reputation: Neutral (I am a friend of the money)
I would like to add that I can provide my services also for the Mollys as a friendly hauler if you need such service. I will gladly send the fee of 10,000,000 credits; For 1 month of safe passage.
I don't know what exacly keeps Mollys so occupied nor do I care but just in case you Ladies and Gents of Dublin forgot about me I am retransmitting my request. I will send the money as soon as you state that I can acquire the pass via Omega 49 - Dublin Hole. I understand that there might be things more important than me but on the other hand ... the price for the permission isn't exacly... how to put it... isn't exacly a penny or two right? If you won't respond in 3 days I'll have to find a better way and possibly a better bussines partners...and that would be a great pity.
Just give a "Go" for it and money will flow into your bank account...and please state where you want the cash ... I couldn't find it... silly me.
My name is Tom Kovalsky and I would like to silence the guns of Goldern Coin that have REALLY REALLY bad influence on my bussines. Since I do not prefer force solutions nor I would like your wonderful instalation to be damaged in ANYway I rather ask for a permission or at least a neutral stence to your defences. I understand that you require me to present some details about me and my reputation so here it is:
Name: Tom Kovalsky
Ship: Firefly
ID: Freelancer smuggler
Reputation: Neutral (I am a friend of the money)
I would like to add that I can provide my services also for the Mollys as a friendly hauler if you need such service. I will gladly send the fee of 10,000,000 credits; For 1 month of safe passage.
I believe there must be an error in your defences setup because my scanners aswell as...let's say ship hull parts are detecting your instalation as hostile towards my vessel. I asume it's an error not a trick right?
Just in case I didn't say it before... Ship codename is Tom.Kovalsky
Thank you.