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(03-27-2013, 03:31 PM)Stoat Wrote: Post 63.
There's a considerable amount to be said about this topic. I get the feeling we (Das Wilde and the devs) need a serious discussion about what's going on
I'd suggest filing for a SRP ID for the specific caps you do currently have.
It is not so much a singular round shape that is the issue (I just wrap a 32 to 64 vert shrinkwrap around those) but the various components in this model which are not concave, but still too big a part of the model to shrinkwrap around. Hitbox is quite sizeable because of that, but due to some smart grouping, it shouldn't be a huge load on the server.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Update:Taking care of a few minor things now mainly.
- Implemented a new model for the Lost Battlestar - part of our ongoing effort to make sure we've got no imports in the mod that may be copyrighted. Covering our rears legally, I suppose...
- Implemented Raw Hydrocarbon mining. This is a new ore type that'll mainly be mineable in Tau 29 and Omega 3, by Kishiro, Samura, BMM and Daumann. Profits will be comparable to the other ore types, but I still need to reevaluate the prices to take into account the changed routes and galaxy layout.
- Moved Battleship Sado into Tohoku and added a jumphole from Hiroshima into Tohoku. That creates a 3-way battle between the Kusari Wild holding Heavens Gate, the Blood Dragons, and the KNF (which allows for cap missions for and against these factions).
- Few minor bugs squashed.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Thanks for moving Sado into Tohoku. Atleast some changes on that front.
But got question.. what about Battleship Matsumoto moved from Hokkaido into Rishiri to defend traffic from Gallia (and also INRP it's better position.. in cloud hard to attack and rumors stating that naval forces already asked gov about it.. but got negative answers before) perhaps with new gate that will change? Hokkaido already have 2 police station, no need for KNF bs there too.
We asked that Friday back when he was dev.. he told, that's not a big deal to move BS.
Edit: Why was created JH from Hiroshima to Tohoku? it's like another Chugoku-sigma 13. Unless you changed it stelar position.. and removed other JHs. We have JH into Tohoku from Hokkaido and Nagano.. enough for us to INRP move BS there(if it was reasoning)
another edit: Thanks for another mining stuff for Kishiro ... sometimes it's becoming boring to mine only he-3.
A battleship in a cloud is a soon-to-be dead one, that's what the 80 year war taught Sirius. I'm assuming that the KNF have taken those lessons to heart... That said, with the "Chugoku" gate completed, the Matsumoto could be relocated. But given that there's a whole bunch of patrol paths terminating at it, that's not something that'll be done before the player beta's out.
And yea, Hiroshima has been physically relocated on the starmap, it only connects to New Tokyo and now Tohoku. Tohoku incidentally only has holes to Hokkaido, Chugoku, Okinawa and that Omicron system the Wilde came out of. And Hiroshima now. It's mainly a convenience for players who want to use Kusari or Blood Dragon caps and go slaughter bunches of NPCs. You can swap from patrol duty to NPC slaughtering via a short cruise through your guard system.
Gotta give the KuDread capwhores (myself included ) something to do, yes?
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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(03-30-2013, 09:53 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: A battleship in a cloud is a soon-to-be dead one, that's what the 80 year war taught Sirius. I'm assuming that the KNF have taken those lessons to heart... That said, with the "Chugoku" gate completed, the Matsumoto could be relocated. But given that there's a whole bunch of patrol paths terminating at it, that's not something that'll be done before the player beta's out.
INRP Rishiri cloud is not the same to Sigmas, it has bad thingie that "kills" small craft kinda fast due to not really good shields(from what I understood from rumors and etc), that's why Samura moved there and constructed station without fear of BD attack. So moving BS there and hide(like Ainu "cloaked" in hokkaido cloud) it from rather exposed place near Rishiri gate makes sence.
About patrol pathes.. dunno how hard to change them.. but there are KSP base near by.. so perhaps link them to it?
About hiroshima... so it's now inrp system or still "guard"?
I just don't see a reson to link hiro to tohoku.. unless it's still ooc"guard" system.
You need to fly ~90k to JH in NT. I bet you will spend this much time to reach Tohoku JH in Hokkaido.
It is easy to change patrol paths, just very timeconsuming which is why I'm not going to bother with it until we're past player beta. You have to recalculate the path from the origin, along each waypoint, to the destination separately. If you screw up, it will give you a crashy server. That battleship is fine where it is for now.
Hiroshima is still considered a guard system, and has heavy capital patrols to ensure it's not abused for quicktraders. Capital patrols that spam CDs by the way. Capital patrols all have at least 2 gunboats, which behave much like fighters - charging their targets independently.
You exaggerate about the cruise to the NT/Hiro hole, as usual.
Busy assigning the miningmod values. Most notable changes:
- All mining commodities are kept at around the 10K sale border for the high sell points, with most of the time at least 2 of these available to the traders.
- Miner ID bonus bumped to 2x for all commodities, except Iridium which gets 3x. Iridium mining gets moved to that field near the Lost Battlestar - no mining right on top of your own base, Core!
- Hessian Diamond bonus and Molly gold bonus bumped to 2.5x. Corsair artifact mining bonus bumped to 4x (Artifact prices are a lot lower).
- Hokkaido H-fuel fields given the same yield as the Sigma 19 ones - now that there's no easy path into Bretonia anymore it doesn't create a fast-trade for this commodity.
- Various unlawful bases will now buy the mining commodities at 0.5x the high house sellpoint price (was 0.3x). Makes cargo piracy interesting at the cost of having to tug a transport along as a pirate group. Taking 10% of the cargo will often be more profitable then the standard 2milordai (freighter piracy anyone?).
- Cleared away some obsolete mining bonuses. Beryllium and Niobium on Samura, Diamonds and Platinum on IMG.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
- Created beam effects for all Solaris weapons (except the BS MK2s which due to their scattering effect are unsuitable for beams). This includes the transport solaris. The effects look alright, but the weapons will take some time getting used to - the force_ori setting on the turrets restricts the swing of the turret (even when I've modified the turret models themselves to have a proper swing up/down).
- Did some synching between the server's FLHook config and the dev version.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.