(04-29-2013, 02:46 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Yes, yes, and Bretonia gains a docking ring on Planet Sprague. A battleship only serves as an area denial base. Frankly, I'm of mind to upsize all base weaponry to that kind: Heavy and long-range, so that any enemy capital ship or transport that gets it in their head to approach a hostile base leaves in only small pieces. They're called bases for a reason: Heavily fortified positions, generally. Just haven't gotten around to redoing the various base loadouts yet. That's on the list for after the first player beta.
Will these stronger defensives be on Millitary bases or all bases because personaly it would suit them being on Millitary bases.
(04-29-2013, 02:46 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Frankly, I'm of mind to upsize all base weaponry to that kind: Heavy and long-range, so that any enemy capital ship or transport that gets it in their head to approach a hostile base leaves in only small pieces. They're called bases for a reason: Heavily fortified positions, generally. Just haven't gotten around to redoing the various base loadouts yet. That's on the list for after the first player beta.
Will these stronger defensives be on Millitary bases or all bases because personaly it would suit them being on Millitary bases.
Honestly I think upping base defenses is a bad idea. If you do though I'll happily run to my protecting base any time an enemy approaches. Why chance equal grounds PvP when you can let a super powered autoaiming non energy sucking heavy gun toting base do all the work for you?
If you up the base defenses then you'll see ALOT of hugging and groups never interacting until one side has such a huge advantage they can just blitzkreig the base huggers. EG: Powerful Bases = non-interacting enemies/uber ganks.
(04-29-2013, 09:06 AM)Veygaar Wrote: Why chance equal grounds PvP when you can let a super powered autoaiming non energy sucking heavy gun toting base do all the work for you?
If you up the base defenses then you'll see ALOT of hugging and groups never interacting until one side has such a huge advantage they can just blitzkreig the base huggers. EG: Powerful Bases = non-interacting enemies/uber ganks.
Honestly, I think not having defenses at some locations is silly. Like, say, Manhattan, New Berlin, or any other major core location. You'd be getting bombarded by planetside weaponry.
I would LOVE to see missile based planetside weaponry. A few cruiser-dmg GB-tracking missile platforms embedded inside capital planets to total anyone within range of 15k
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Exactly. You can fit heavy mortars on LDread sized objects. What could you put on planet-sized objects?
There should be some safe zones in the world, at least for non-pirates.
Currently it's sort of like going to a police station in real life, being shot in front of 30 officers, and then the guy who shot you getting away because he runs 50 cm/s faster than the cops and can dodge bullets.
Perhaps, but I definately need a way to discourage caps from hanging around inside an enemy base perimiter all the time. If that prevents attackers from forcing an engagement quite close to the base, then I'm okay with that. Saronsen's arguement is valid - people have NO respect for base perimiters at the moment except when there's a battleship involved. Now, I'm not saying bases should be as heavily armed as a battleship, but a 2.5K range pulse cannon / cruiser primary style weapon wouldn't be out of place on those bases. Something that will mainly make gunboats, transports and cruisers think twice on camping an enemy base.
But those ideas still need to be worked out. Basic thought: No weapons on the lanes. Lots of weapons on bases. Ergo: Pirates go to the lanes / mining fields to rob lawfuls blind. And of course Pirate bases would be getting the same weapons upgrades.
[Edit] Oh, and planets aren't base objects. They are textured spheres with a high damage "zone" around them. To make planets simulate a missile weapon, we'd need to put an indestructable launcher on a static, indestructable weapons platform dead center of the planet. That would create problems in terms of friendly fire abuse, but it is possible to create a 360dgr allround coverage gun. I'd rather cover planets by upping the weapons on the docking ring though.
More pirate bases in bigger system?!
Real pirate bases in Kusari main systems?
Or what kind of safe places? Sounds like a decent idea to me. Shouldn't be too close to lanes and lawful stuff though.
Besides that, bases at lanes should be decently defended, main connections even more so. Pulse guns should do the trick mainly to give lawfuls an advantage, but some damaging weapons might not be to bad either. But keep in mind, we don't want another Isis at every lane, just enough to give lawfuls a safe haven. Capital planets should be very well defended. But not every place should be a fortress. Too many defenses are not good.
The problem is, when places are too well defended people can always "easily" run there, since taking out enemies or stopping them from running, especially if they are snubs, is almost impossible to do in the little time you have it takes them to run there. Docking and refilling would be done out of sight then ... making it impossible for unlawfuls to win a fight. And even if it is a capital system, there should be chances to win fights as unlawfuls, since most players stay there most of the time.
So, while I am for a safe[r] zone around main junctions in main systems of houses ... I have to say it'd make fights in those systems anywhere in running distance (which can be very long, depending on how well the guy running can dodge) almost unwinnable for the unlawful side.