Story seems like the sort of thing that should be done by committee.
Especially the conflict resolutions bit (god knows people will claim bias regardless).
But don't take my word for it: i'm more than a bit opinionated on the subject of how roleplay and non-canon conflicts and tend here in Discovery, and on how they should tend.
(08-02-2013, 12:35 AM)El Commandante Wrote: Story seems like the sort of thing that should be done by committee.
Especially the conflict resolutions bit.
Trust me, bad idea.
Anyways, Blodo, I am back around now, if you guys are looking for story help on the Kusari front, I know a guy who has some time and knows a thing or two about Kusari rp and the like if youre interested.
Edit: Kaz too, he seems like he is into it.
Edit Edit: Felix, how did you freakin read my mind from half way around the world? Seriously.
(08-02-2013, 12:35 AM)El Commandante Wrote: Story seems like the sort of thing that should be done by committee.
Especially the conflict resolutions bit.
Trust me, bad idea.
Elucidate, please, Mon seignior.
I know some of the troubles surrounding typical commitee processes here on Disco (the ...sluggish pace of the Corsair Council and the old Molly Council certainly comes to mind), and i've heard complaints about how admining works-ish, but wouldn't it be far more appropriate to distibute the important, game-changing bits? Or else shall we simply end up with another 4.86 smuggling whatchamabob?
*cough* not to mention that a commitee would certainly require more members, of which I and my vast knowledge of Corsair, Molly, and Interspace lore and roleplay would be more than honoured to help out with, but defintely no personal motives here.
gawd the words are not with me tonight.
EDIT: and stop editing your edits, man, there are children present!
Edit of an Edit: I misspelled edit.
The Edit of the Previous Edit that Was Also Edited: I give up now. Carry on.
Edit The Forth, The Editing: Also Known as the Edit that Should Never Have Been, Especially Considering How the Previous Edit Performed at Box Office, And Honestly, If They Make A Sequel To This Edit I'm Going to Kill Somebody:
This is an alt account, btw, DarthBindo here k thxbai
(08-02-2013, 12:35 AM)El Commandante Wrote: Story seems like the sort of thing that should be done by committee.
Especially the conflict resolutions bit.
Trust me, bad idea.
Elucidate, please, Mon seignior.
I know some of the troubles surrounding typical commitee processes here on Disco (the ...sluggish pace of the Corsair Council and the old Molly Council certainly comes to mind), and i've heard complaints about how admining works-ish, but wouldn't it be far more appropriate to distibute the important, game-changing bits? Or else shall we simply end up with another 4.86 smuggling whatchamabob?
gawd the words are not with me tonight.
EDIT: and stop editing your edits, man, there are children present!
Edit of an Edit: I misspelled edit.
The Edit of the Previous Edit that Was Also Edited: I give up now. Carry on.
The person doing it should be taking from community rp, but there needs to be an organizational aspect to the connections that is better mapped by a single vision and not by a hodgepodge of different visions.
This is a situation for the old adage, "Too many cooks ruins the stew." You get a disconnected story, which ends up creating glaring contradictions. Not that the person doing it shouldn't look to others for feedback, but the overall vision should come from one person.
(08-02-2013, 01:24 AM)Zelot Wrote: The person doing it should be taking from community rp, but there needs to be an organizational aspect to the connections that is better mapped by a single vision and not by a hodgepodge of different visions.
This is a situation for the old adage, "Too many cooks ruins the stew." You get a disconnected story, which ends up creating glaring contradictions. Not that the person doing it shouldn't look to others for feedback, but the overall vision should come from one person.
A more than fair and valid point: and for the vast majority of Discovery's story I would concur with it; but it's never the norm that tosses a spanner in the works, but the extremes.
Current events, and Del's ...failed? Abandoned? Murdered? experiment hold concern for me in regards to using community roleplay to determine the story.
Wars happen here, but they're never won except by decree from on high; if the wars are result not of such decrees, or what the end result would be is not immediately apparent and is in fact the subject of much debate, as is certain basic and integral facts about the parties involved, what then, can be used by a single individual as a goalpost of sorts for unbiased decision making?
I know that having a MAN IN CHARGe of story is an oft discussed issue here, especially since the release of 4.86 ( i know i've posted in threads about it and put my name in no less than four times), but it never actually seems to go anywhere.
Of course, i'm not a priviliged member, with neither knowledge nor even rumours about the inner workings of Discoverys command structure at my grasp.
Woe is me.
Given that v4.87 is just around the corner, putting together a storyline task force or even appointing a storyline lead dev at this stage is not really going to work. For 4.88, however, there is plenty of time, and paraphrasing Cannon's own words, "Next version, we'll write the story first."