We stopped firing, i guess you wanted us just to die didn't you? So nice excuse to say an Rheinland militair id is suddenly a wilde and you open fire because you think this is funny with your freelancer friends who just join the fight with no roleplay what so ever. But as you are clearly metagaming with friends you have in skype i stop arguing with you and go do something usefull.
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I'd just like to say, I'd love to see Omicron RPing FAR more rather than shooting all nomads on sight. Many of your other members can, so why can't you? Set a better example please
(01-26-2014, 09:09 PM)Snoopyman Wrote: I'd just like to say, I'd love to see Omicron RPing FAR more rather than shooting all nomads on sight. Many of your other members can, so why can't you? Set a better example please
Give me a solid RP reason to not shoot you on sight in given encounter. Reffer to Yuri for conversation between Harbinger and Order|Valkyrie that happened in Manchester. Some "dark beings in metal shell will fall!" does not cut it for me. I leave it up to my members whether they want to be aggressive or take more "careful" approach.
In the end, it's my character's job to remove you permanently. No negative feelings to actual player behind the other side of the screen.
I won't give you and inrp reason as it is your job to kill, yes but I have an OORP reason which with what ever answer you'll give will show us who you really are. People aren't always after pvp, not many of us are pvp whores like you. If people came to rp with other people, then to have someone like you to come and ruin it with gun blazing people like you, it simply ruins the environment. Maybe give us a chance, oorp to finish of what we are doing? Is that not fair? That way it doesn't ruin the game for the people involved. How would you like it if you was rping with someone (that you had been rping with for a while and built a solid rp) and I brought a nomad to come and kill youd and use the excuse "Oh it's a nomads job to kill people"?
@snoopy: That's barking at a wrong lamppost, mate. Personal expectations are just that, other side has no obligations to meet them so long they're acting within their role, no point to demand either then. Plenty of space around to have privacy of conversation if need be.
I hate to kinda throw myself in this, but you -do- know Order and nomad wiggle things are like, the largest enemies in FL? Not even Gallia vs Bretonia can relate to the amount of GRRR.
I think I can say if I ever meet an order on my nomad/infected/wiggle, I will most likely shoot it. I will shoot all of it. There isn't a reason for me to ***Curious*** it, it's a bad thing. I never expect anything else from Order, nor should I. I'm not saying RP shouldn't happen, I'm just saying to think about who you are trying to talk to.
Oh I've been victim of numerous Wilde/Aoi/Keeper traps that did not let me to finish what I started. You may have chose the wrong faction or ID... because in the end of the day, all succesful Wilde operate from within human NPC factions (and I know some of them). Play singleplayer or fly below/above the plane if you do not want to be caught. Start this change you suggest from Das Wilde, perhaps.
Snoopy, that might sound harsh, but if you know that certain people play like they do, and you don't like or have fun with their way of playing, then just avoid them. It's not that hard.
As for feedback, I enjoyed the recent events in Omega-9.
I'm not trying to start a flame or anything (just before you think I am) I'm only simply asking for a little bit more RP next time, rather then shooting on sight. That's all. And of course I know who I'm dealing with and of course I know they're like the biggest enemys ever. And Narcotic, I try to but somehow they all ways end up finding me...
Snoopy, in simple terms it is indeed Order role to shoot you on sight. Same as your role is to shoot them (and whole bunch of other stuff) on sight too. Between these two there ain't going to be a fancy chit-chat - instead more likely to be a fight so long as at least one side feels like doing so.
If you want to ask for some more non-combat complex RP interaction with dead-on opposing faction then it's much more simple - ask another player in ooc in PM whether he'd be interested or not prior to engagement. If so - take it from there. But like this? Bad form to ask for anything, mate.
Also I had non-hostile encounters with golly's order char(s) on my nomad chars. Crazy, huh? Wasn't prearranged either, and last one was just on-the-spot improvisation and smart roleplay to "capture" another character. So ain't a problem with a player either.