(06-23-2014, 08:41 PM)SkyNet Wrote: How about you make MK1 cloaks for indies and MK2 cloaks for official factions?
I know you will nerf them anyway, sooner or later becouse some people will abuse them somehow.
Officals shouldn't be punished for the fault of indies. They should be rewarded for their efforts in RP.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but there are indies around here who put as much efforts in RP as official faction members, and even more.
I didn't even said that all indies don't care for RP. However, cloaks today are totaly useless and not realy suitable for RP interactions. And you know why, becouse they eat tons of fuel and if you use it you don't have much time for RP. K'hara members don't know this problem, they have a infinite cloak.
So i would suggest we allow all officials to have better cloaks.
(06-23-2014, 09:35 PM)sindroms Wrote: If you start pulling some retarded stuff such as splitting equipment strength by officialdom, then why not just put all indies in MKI ships? So they can't cause trouble for official factions? And then you can enjoy the mod with said 30 or so people.
Indies could still have the old cloaks. That is the price to be independent.
All i wanted to say is, that official members should have better cloaks. There is much more control. If somebody is abusing it, only the faction can be punished and not the whole community like always!
(06-24-2014, 05:11 PM)SkyNet Wrote: Indies could still have the old cloaks. That is the price to be independent.
All i wanted to say is, that official members should have better cloaks.
Why should there be a price for being independent in a dying game and community? Why should factions get even MORE special perks than they have right now? Seriously? I wouldn't have agreed with this 6 years ago, and I certainly won't agree with this now. Indies have a right to be indies. Shipwise, they should have access to all the equipment factions can get. I don't care if official factions get better bases or forum rights, or rights that affect roleplays. Ships must not be different if you're indie.
(06-24-2014, 05:35 PM)Snak3 Wrote: The moment we start to give ingame advantages to official factions players or disadvantages to non-official faction players we will see a considerable drop in server activity, because indies are the bread and butter on this server.
Developers/admins will not approve this, so don't even continue on this topic. It's retarded to do so.
People chosen for their characters being independent and not a member of a faction is simply the result of official factions not having any advantages. I wouldnt resort in your horror scenarios where people would leave, but actually people having a reason to join the official factions instead.
But to stay on the topic, cloaks are good as they are now...
(06-24-2014, 05:14 AM)Jayce Wrote: Like I said. We could just not do this and not have to worry about making new FLHook scripts to stop people from buying too much cloak ammo on a snub.
Don't fix what ain't broke.
(06-24-2014, 05:19 AM)Trogdor Wrote: Except it is kind of broke if we have some ships cloaking for an hour, cloak times on other ships are too short, and some ships can't mount cloaks at all. And I hate having to use MOX, which is hard to find, or go with a fuel that is 1/3 as efficient.
I always wanted them to make a new piece of tech that would let you get the same consumption rate on H-Fuel as it is with MOX. In my case, as I stated before, I also had a hard time finding MOX, so I built a base to make my own MOX point. I also got involved with players that have bases and added several other MOX points for myself as well. Just ask around, wave some cash, and you never know how close it might be.
As far as long cloaking, this is why I suggested a 'Large Cloak only' Countermeasure, a very expensive one, perhaps only available to officials. The only real circumstance you'd need to break a large cloak, is in guard systems being spied on by enemies. Otherwise, if a trader wants to sacrifice cargo space for fuel instead of cargo (which makes the money) then so be it. You make money slower cloak trading, so thats the hit you take for the added protection. I will say, that I always thought that 60 seconds to charge the large cloak was WAY too long. I could care less if someone cloaks to escape, and its true, most cloaks ever portrayed could activate instantly.
(06-24-2014, 08:24 AM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: Medium one- well, my cau8 Vidar have 2 minutes of cloaking time. And since you can't use heavier cloaks for escape, you won't sacrifice armor for additional time. Ambush means overpowering opponent(if we are not speaking about instaing snubs), you can't overpower same class without proper armor.
I disagree. If you want more than those 2 mins, you can go with a slightly less armor. You really need that X4? Go with a CauV instead and you'll get like 2 more mins, making close to 4 mins, with X3. Thats not a huge disadvantage to take in order to get to point blank range. There's no rule saying you can't RP cloaked in local, make your demands or RP aggression, then drop cloak and fire. There's also no rules saying if you receive a demand in local chat, but can't see the ship on your scanner, it doesn't count. If you saw the demand, were given a few seconds to move off, and didn't take it seriously, you just might be surprise attacked. It doesn't take long to learn for next time how to avoid being insta'd if you're given even 5 seconds to react. If its simple RP that's needed before an attack, not being visible doesn't prevent you from communicating. Whether its a demand that needs a reply, or just RP before an attack, it depends on your ID at that point. Sometimes you just have to take your chances. Complaining that you can't have your CAU8 and cloak for long periods seems a tad spoiled. I like longer cloak time, so I use a transport with medium cloak, and I take my chances. Or, I could get a vidar and put on a UAU8 with medium cloak, for 8+ mins cloak time. That isn't bad at all. Armor doesn't effect how fast your turrets damage an enemy, or how well your aim is.
Here's what I'd like to see to solve cloaks:
-Increase light cloak cargo limit to 299, increase charge time to 10 seconds.
-No freighters, GBs or gunships with cargo lower than 300 (honestly does anyone use freighters with cargo under 300 ever?)
-Buff Gunboat and gunship cargo holds by 150-200 depending on the ship
-Add an EMP torpedo that can disrupt a Large Cloak for 10 seconds. You'd just launch it, it would explode after certain distance, with range of about 10k on the blast, so if a cloaked ship its area, the cloak effect just pauses for 10 seconds (like 3 seconds for an engine, with countdown) revealing the ship on scanner. if it can be conventionally CD'd in that time, the cloak fails. If not, it resumes, ship may yet escape. This will allow for 'depth charging' for cloaked vessels. Make its charge time about 11 seconds, just to make things interesting. (suggested for battleship missile slot or something, very expensive of course, similar to a BS scanner value)
-Reduce large cloak charge time to 30 seconds.
How much work is this? I don't know, its true its up to the people that can make it happen to know if its plausible. Its not how cloaks are fueled thats the problem, or how long people can cloak if they go without armor, but that cloaks just need minor adjustments to fit better into the current available shiplines.