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To be fair, I've never really seen the need for a Gallic intelligence faction. Echo has a point as well by stating that Gallia fails to have more than one active faction as is. Adding more won't magically make the place more active.
People can always roleplay some sort of intelligence subdivision for GRN| if need be.
(Although an LSF-styled "may shoot up everyone in the entirety of Sirius" ID would be amusing.)
(09-05-2014, 12:02 PM)Haste Wrote: To be fair, I've never really seen the need for a Gallic intelligence faction. Echo has a point as well by stating that Gallia fails to have more than one active faction as is. Adding more won't magically make the place more active.
People can always roleplay some sort of intelligence subdivision for GRN| if need be.
(Although an LSF-styled "may shoot up everyone in the entirety of Sirius" ID would be amusing.)
Active enough to make a difference in the grand scheme of things? no.
Maybe getting more people to play gallic factions in general? quite possible.
as for the Subdivision of GRN|, read my earlier post where i describe a rival group that competes with ONI and answers to the Government, rather than the military. (of course, that's more an RP option but you get the idea. ONI could have its own oepn ID and still answer to the GRN command.)
thirdly: no, not something like the LSF ID. more like the KPT ID, which is pretty well balanced.
I believe a ONI id could work, if it was modeled after the KPT id for example.
Doesn't need to have bases or npcs like LSF, just some liberty to explore other topics of Gallic military and intelligence that the GRN can't really do, since they're "busy" with a lot of front lines.
Could be the ones exploring the link/relations with Rheinland, gathering intelligence in the Omicrons regarding the Outcasts (and finding other troubles too, nomad infected gallic intelligence agents?).
If the other houses have them, and are used with reasonable frequency, as faction groups, individuals, or individuals representing whole groups, why not giving the chance for Gallic players to develop the house intelligence branch.
Here's a basic idea/guess of what it could be (adapted from the KPT ID wording.):
"Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of Gallic Intelligence who:
- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.
- Can attack ships which are in violation of Gallic laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.
- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Gallia outside of their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.
- Can ally with Bretonian unlawfuls
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4000 cargo.
- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their ZOI
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Gallic Occupied systems (Tau-23, Tau-31, Leeds, Edinburgh).
Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers"
Of course, this is just a basic possible wording, and open to suggestion and feedback.
(09-06-2014, 06:39 PM)Sabre Wrote: Here's a basic idea/guess of what it could be (adapted from the KPT ID wording.):
"Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of Gallic Intelligence who:
- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.
- Can attack ships which are in violation of Gallic laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.
- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Gallia outside of their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.
- Can ally with Bretonian unlawfuls
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4000 cargo.
- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their ZOI
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Gallic Occupied systems (Tau-23, Tau-31, Leeds, Edinburgh).
Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers"
Of course, this is just a basic possible wording, and open to suggestion and feedback.
What specifically makes this ID description so much different than the normal GRN one?
I agree with Haste. Could just as easily RP an intelligence officer as a sub-unit of the GRN.
Pilot carrying this lawful ID is enlisted in the Gallic Royal Navy,who:
- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their ZOI and attack if ships refuse to comply.
- Can attack ships which are in violation of Gallia laws or belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Gallic within their ZOI
- Can defend Allied or neutral lawful bases within their ZOI
- Can escort traders within their ZOI
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4300 cargo.
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus, Bretonia, Magellan
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Ok, so lets break it down.
The first 3 points are pretty standard for house authorities IDs. Same with the cargo restriction.
The rest of the ID terms are what would set the GRN ID and the suggested Intel ID apart enough.
First off:
"- Can escort traders within their ZOI" - Well this point would be removed because it's not needed.
The intel ID would gain these passages:
"- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Gallia outside of their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.
- Can ally with Bretonian unlawfuls"
The first one is a standard passage found in some form or another on the other intel IDs. This would allow for long range strategic raiding in areas previously considered safe. It would also allow for joint work with Rheinland lawful forces because they share a mutual enemy (Liberty). The GRN ID lacks this RP potential, due to it being "designed" for direct pew in the actual frontlines.
The second passage is to allow for the intel agents to operate unconventionally with those groups that could be of use, mainly the Mollys and Gaians. A sensible move to use local 'resistance' forces to strengthen and augment asymetric warfare efforts. A similar passage is found in one form or another listed on the other intel IDs.
Thridly: ZOI.
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus, Bretonia, Magellan
Proposed ZOI for the intel ID:
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Gallic Occupied systems (Tau-23, Tau-31, Leeds, Edinburgh).
Notice the differences? Its not as broadly worded as the GRN ZOI, representing that they arent there to do policing in contested areas. They are there to work outside the direct combat style of the GRN.
Really, all that is being asked for equality with the other houses. The ID writeup i suggested, and you seem to think is un-needed (correct me if i'm wrong here), is just the KPT ID with a few minor changes.
The lack of a petinent ID just constrains both the RP potential and the potential to draw players into trying a gallic char. (That's actually how this thread originated, Because i wanted to try a gallic char but none of the existing ones interested me.)
Let me put it this way, if the MND ID did not exist, would you say to players who wanted to RP as rheinland intel operatives to use the RM ID?
(09-07-2014, 12:23 AM)Tunicle Wrote: Your suggested ZOI is more limited than GRN.
If it was an intelligence gathering agency would this restriction make sense,
The KPT ID's ZOI is smaller than the KNF ZOI as well. The smaller ZOI is compensated by the out of ZOI section.
As i said, The intelligence wouldnt be actively enforcing Gallic laws. that would be a job for the Police and Navy. So a ZOI that is as large as the GRN ZOI is not needed. they trade that for the out of ZOI ability to interdict hostile houses and groups, providing both an intelligence capablity but also a paramilitary "wetwork" capability. you know, assassinations, raiding of supply convoys, that sort of thing.
Its also restricted to GBs at largest for the out of ZOI work, which is (again) something that is common to all the intel IDs. its a tradeoff.