Meh from one side the things have too many regens but this is not its problem.
It should keep the regens and it should loose some cargo instead. If both are around 2000 units like P-Transp no sane powertrader would use them.
If you reduce its cargo you fix 2 problems at the time. First the pure traders would take other ships that have more cargo but are more easy to kill and second due to the first problem there would be more true unlawful players using both ships on purpose.
All transports are OP after the unreasonable thrust speed buffs. I proved it mathematically before it was implemented but one cannot argue and use logic and reason with the current dev balance team.
It is kinda pointless, their incompetence and ignorance of basic gameplay balance is beyond borders.
The results? Simple from 200/200 server to 20/200 server.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Just think about it... What Salvager really is? Smuggler frigate. This ship (and ye, ship not a vessel) flying in extremely dangerous conditions. She must have a good defence capabilities! It's universal all-around good stuff in a staight hands.. By the way, two xenos bombers, for example, can blow it to dust with 5 minutes... So i don't think that's ship imbalanced.
Gunboat turrets, very high number of regens, an equally high cargo space for a ship that can mine something which has a very high sell point. A single salvager with solaris turrets can easily take on 2 bombers. A cap8 salvager can do even more. Right now, the most preferred choice of ship. Even battletransports cannot stand against a properly used salvager. And the regens count is what makes it even more OP. If only the people responsible for changing these kind of things could see this and verify.
(10-16-2014, 08:35 AM)Moriarty. Wrote: A single salvager with solaris turrets can easily take on 2 bombers.
I think, it's depends of skill. So much folks flying with charons, heh.. Not even cerbs.. Salvager fat and easy taget for bombers novas and snac's. High number of regens, blah-blah-blah.. Dude.. you flying across whole Sirius full with cardamine... And you have a huge numbers of enemies. And yes, you are Junker. So, You can count only to your own hands and head. This ship is ideal for that RP.
(10-16-2014, 08:35 AM)Moriarty. Wrote: A single salvager with solaris turrets can easily take on 2 bombers.
I think, it's depends of skill. So much folks flying with charons, heh.. Not even cerbs.. Salvager fat and easy taget for bombers novas and snac's. High number of regens, blah-blah-blah.. Dude.. you flying across whole Sirius full with cardamine... And you have a huge numbers of enemies. And yes, you are Junker. So, You can count only to your own hands and head. This ship is ideal for that RP.
Goodness me. Yes it depends on skill, as much as everything in the game depends on. Still, 2 bombers cannot take on a salvager pretty easy, which can TS to some extent. I lol'ed on that part where it says, huge number of enemies. There are threads coming out with people protesting against the real lack of enemies for Junkers, and then there is this. Cardamine is smuggled mostly by Outcasts and their allies. Junkers are merely distributors in RP, and they, for most part, don't ship it themselves due to their quasi lawful nature. When the outcasts and the Rogues/hackers have and use ships that have just the same number of regens as any other ship in that class, why would the Salvager have to be a unique ship, with extraordinary stats?
Outcasts has dreds and bs. They produce cardi, not to smuggle it. Hackers -small group with limited influence. junkers -main distributors of cardi and artifacts... any questions, why they need Salvager? if you want to take out convoy.. so don't cry here about imbalance, just use a correct ship for this. or group of ships. IMHO. if someone thinking, that junkers has a little numbers of enemies.. so, i can advice to them to get out their nose out of LOLberty space, heheh... For example: only one run alpha-texas we destroed two nomad GB's, one Liberty police bomber, force to retreat two pirates.