(11-10-2014, 03:33 PM)Justdiewhenever Wrote: This guys wanna remove rockets and SNACs.
There's better to remove all the mod, hope they will be satisfied.
Nobody wants to remove anything. They should be changed, maybe nerfed, but not removed. Nobody is arguing for that as far as I can tell.
I never spoke about removing anything. I just pointed out the missiles should be a way different kind of the weapon, not short-range gun replacement.
Even when you fight several missile spammers, why would you do it alone, or why would you not be a distraction to let your friends deal with them? And why would you not use gunboat against lots of fighters? And why would you not use BS to cover you, or something else, or else or else... There are billions of options, but all you see and discuss - OP? Nerf!
Same with Kusari destroyer. "Small for BS to kill it!" Then don't fight it with BS. Any and every cruiser can kill Ku dessie. And even if it needed the nerf. The biggest strenght of this ship was it's shield, not it size. So instead of just nerfing the shield you decided to ruin the model. Good job.
This might be a bit wrong place for this kind of thought, but your understanding of ballance is just silly. With this kind of ballance you leave the only thing to make a differense between factions - story. Who cares about that right now?
Back to missiles. They have huge chanse to miss and not that big range of action. And the only one that is actually hitting is the one that deal... I think 3k damage? Tie to that movement and game bugs/lags, this number will decrease to 50%. 70 missiles maximum, 3v3 fight even. 210 missiles in total, 145 CMs you have, even if only half of them works, that's 70 missiles out. Consider that you can shieldrun from missile spammers, and even taking some into your hull/shield, and in my experience, at least 30% of my shots have not been hitting the target, even when they have not used CMs. I don't see how that's OP.
I dont really know what to say. Your suggestion that imbalances in mechanic should be balanced out by having a long Skype list of friends to log/gank seems pretty bad IMO. I think you are the one misunderstanding the concept of balance, to be frank.
Your math is taken out of thin air as well, it doesn't give your post any more credibility. Tell me, how did you come to the conclusion that 50 percent of missiles hit and that 50 percent of all launched CM's actually stopped a missile from doing damage? And you are assuming that people will actually shoot missiles at your shields. They won't.
Don't forget I made this post as a person that straps missiles to all his ships, so people with assumptions can keep them to themselves. I'm not worried about ammo-spamming nubs using missiles, as that will usually end up to the more experienced players' advantage. I am concerned about semi-skilled and better players using them.
Well unless you have a top rate internet connection, missiles are the only way to kill another fighter in a pvp fight. Hence why I no longer pvp in fighters, since unless you sucker someone, you can't kill anything with missiles anymore either. People like their space wars pew pew but its kind of unrealistic in the wake of having missile technology. After they canned the duel slots, I never looked back. I find that the pro pewers have the best computers and internet connections and its really easy to kill other fighters with just guns. One day someone came along with duel missile slots and ruined their day. That was it for that. You want to nerf missiles but since they've already been severely nerfed they aren't doing much,
I cannot imagine anyone that's arguing that missiles are fine have actually been in a group fight involving multiple missile ships.
Unless you think it's gud balance that the side that has more snubs with missiles wins by pressing the fire missile button?
It's like O.M.I. said:
(11-10-2014, 03:40 PM)Omicega Wrote: The only reason bads are still in favour of missiles is because good players simply don't bother with them out of a vague 'fairness' rule.
Most good players don't bother with missiles because of that very reason, that they're imbalanced.
If they all had missiles the entire server would cry and the bads would finally realize how broken they are.
Nerf snub missiles more. Like can ones were nerfed.
Use CM. Use CD. Use mines. Shieldrun. Evade. If you are ganked, you will likely die. Unless you combine that three thing properly (if not being ganked by 4+ players).
So we have here few top PvP players (Haste-best one, Jack who is also very good and Mimir one of better ones here) complaining about weapon that can 3 or more new players use to kill one of them alone.
Really guys, you are so good at PvP that you do not need to QQ when you lose once in while.
Let other players have some success too.
On topic: let the missiles as they are, they are finaly working well.
Acctually I would go so far to allow some ships to have missiles instead of code weapons.(so more then one slot per fighter QQ...QQ)
Oh one more thing missiles always do much more demage than other guns.
Lords will rule their land as they see fit, and the serfs shall merely beg.
Note that 1) missiles are easily out-of-ammo, 2) they can even deal +1 000 000 damage, but shields, even 10 points of that, will block it - because game engine will just disable the shield, not giving any other damage to the hull.