config the controls to your liking. make sure you have guns enough to take down shields and hull dediciatedly. and proceed to make money until you buy your first real ship. usually a cobra. beyond that. well. its a consideral investment.
its on steam now... been playing her and star citizen since theyve been playable. but the game still isnt finished.. though im glad they are still adding things one at a time.
I'm playing since standard beta, already met with some discofolk. The pic up there is from a trip I made some 3 days ago. AND HERE is a fairly recent and accurate review, that I happen to mostly concur with.
The game needs more stuff to do, but they way they planned its development - it'll be a lot easier to slap new shinies and mechanics on top an already-finished gamespace than the other way around. It's just a matter of time, as I no longer have doubts about the game's survival. Too many are already playing it and the reviews remain steadily favorable.
Besides, in time I can dibs a personal domain several times the size disco-bloated Sirius. Without anyone taking an interest.
I had fun outfitting my ships and flying around in them for a little while.
Ultimately, space just bores me. The only difference between systems is the number of orbs floating around and the textures on them, more or less. NPC's fly the same ships all the time, and behave the same.
When I played, I realized I might as well just stick to one system with plenty of pirate NPCs and an asteroid field, because no matter how much time I spend flying around and exploring, I won't get to a "better" system. At best, I'll get one that is more or less the same.
Exploring is also a drag. Warp to some system, scoop fuel at a sun while scanning the system, then on to the next system. Rinse/repeat. Zzzzzzz.
Granted, I take it that more gameplay features have been added, but when I played it was like having the largest sandbox in the world but no toys to manipulate it with.
Mouse and keyboard isn't an issue at all, the game is just slow and heavy and that feels a little strange using a light and fast mouse for. It doesn't take long to get used to though.
(04-08-2015, 09:40 AM)Mímir Wrote: I really really want to like this game.
I had fun outfitting my ships and flying around in them for a little while.
Ultimately, space just bores me. The only difference between systems is the number of orbs floating around and the textures on them, more or less. NPC's fly the same ships all the time, and behave the same.
When I played, I realized I might as well just stick to one system with plenty of pirate NPCs and an asteroid field, because no matter how much time I spend flying around and exploring, I won't get to a "better" system. At best, I'll get one that is more or less the same.
Exploring is also a drag. Warp to some system, scoop fuel at a sun while scanning the system, then on to the next system. Rinse/repeat. Zzzzzzz.
Granted, I take it that more gameplay features have been added, but when I played it was like having the largest sandbox in the world but no toys to manipulate it with.
Mouse and keyboard isn't an issue at all, the game is just slow and heavy and that feels a little strange using a light and fast mouse for. It doesn't take long to get used to though.
It's because it got released prematurely. At this stage, it's already after 2 decent expansions, but it's still far from what it should have been on release day.
It will take time for it to gain the much needed depth. In the meantime, it looks and sounds fantastic, but just about all the jobs available are repetitive and lack sophistication.
(04-08-2015, 06:26 PM)Panzer Wrote: It's because it got released prematurely. At this stage, it's already after 2 decent expansions, but it's still far from what it should have been on release day.
It will take time for it to gain the much needed depth. In the meantime, it looks and sounds fantastic, but just about all the jobs available are repetitive and lack sophistication.
How are the missions and jobs in Freelancer or Discovery better? or less repetitive? Also it was just released 8 days ago. Before that it was still Beta, so like any Beta it needed work. I have played 40 hours so far, and have not even dented the surface, or explored 1/1000th of the systems. Freelancer I finished start to finish in 12 hours. Discovery I pretty much explored entire map in about 20 hours.
Sure it still needs some work, but IMO Discovery also needs work, and it has been around for how many years?
Biggest diff I find in the 2 is PvP combat. In Disco any VHF with full load out is the same as any other VHF with full load out. So you spend an hour 1 on 1 and sometimes still no one wins a fight. BUT in Elite I can take a light fighter with basic load out, and crush a VHF 1 on 1 in a few minutes if I get on his blind side, and stay there. Or vice versa. If I use bigger ships fire power and armour/shields and keep light in my gun arcs I can crush him. All ships have goods and bads, and diff play styles where pilot skill means more then anything else. In disco 1 lucky torp hit can win fight and most fights are just jousts where first lucky hit wins. Gets very old real fast.
As for RP? I find the AI in Elite has better RP then 90% of disco player base these days. You get the same ole "2 mil or dai" as a trader. "I police you pirate you dai" from police. " you enemy, and I navy"from just about any dam navy player meeting his opposite. It has gotten very stale as of late.
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(04-08-2015, 09:10 AM)Panzer Wrote: Besides, in time I can dibs a personal domain several times the size disco-bloated Sirius. Without anyone taking an interest.
And that's one of the game's biggest problems. Its universe is so massive that it feels extremely empty and lonely very very fast.
Another problem of course is the fact that the game is all about grinding until you can buy a ship in which you can grind more efficiently. If I recall correctly, however, Ryoken is a truck driver. Makes sense that Euro Truck Simulator: Space Edition appeals to him (:
(04-08-2015, 09:10 AM)Panzer Wrote: Besides, in time I can dibs a personal domain several times the size disco-bloated Sirius. Without anyone taking an interest.
And that's one of the game's biggest problems. Its universe is so massive that it feels extremely empty and lonely very very fast.
Another problem of course is the fact that the game is all about grinding until you can buy a ship in which you can grind more efficiently. If I recall correctly, however, Ryoken is a truck driver. Makes sense that Euro Truck Simulator: Space Edition appeals to him (:
Sounds like 99% of people's first couple of hours on Disco (::
(04-08-2015, 09:10 AM)Panzer Wrote: Besides, in time I can dibs a personal domain several times the size disco-bloated Sirius. Without anyone taking an interest.
And that's one of the game's biggest problems. Its universe is so massive that it feels extremely empty and lonely very very fast.
Another problem of course is the fact that the game is all about grinding until you can buy a ship in which you can grind more efficiently. If I recall correctly, however, Ryoken is a truck driver. Makes sense that Euro Truck Simulator: Space Edition appeals to him (:
Your right mate, I am a truck driver. Also I actually have Euro Truck sim. lol.
However Disco is same as Elite, only smaller. You do same grinding here to get bigger ship, to do more grinding to get next bigger ship and so on. Only diff is graffix are far better in Elite, so not as boring to look around, and second your not just going back and forth doing same route over and over like in Disco. Hell I used to hit cruise, go to bathroom, cook dinner, or whatever, come back to comp, jump hit cruise and repeat for hours in disco to make cash. There are systems in Disco you can trade in for hours and never see anyone also.
All the reasons people have used so far to knock Elite, are also in Disco, with just an older platform, and much uglier to look at.
Just like in Disco if you stay in the core systems in Elite you meet lots of other players. Up to 36 can be in system at one time, and I have seen up to 20 at one time. Plus you have the option to play in solo mode, and just explore, or blow up NPCs without any worries of a lolwut ruining your day.